
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · 書籍·文学
29 Chs

Kings Landing

Jon stood at the bow of his ship, the Princess Lyanna, gazing out at the vast expanse of the sea before him. With a bottle of wine in his hand, he intermittently took swigs, savouring the taste as it warmed his throat. The amber liquid reflected the fiery hues of the setting sun, casting a warm glow over his features.

As the ship gracefully sliced through the water, Jon watched as the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold. The gentle breeze tousled his hair, and the rhythmic rocking of the ship beneath his feet brought a sense of tranquillity.

In this serene moment, Jon allowed himself to temporarily escape the trials and tribulations of his journey. The familiar comforts of the sea and the beauty of the sunset provided a much-needed respite. The thoughts of the impending arrival in King's Landing, with its political intrigue and challenges, momentarily faded into the background.

Though Jon is brought out of his tranquillity but the sound of gagging. Looking down Arianne can be seen pleasuring his cock, something she'd done regularly while on their boat journey. Jon felt he may have overdone it with her and fucked her too hard, she seemed rather obsessive over him now, she can't look at him without looking as if she wants to ride his cock.

Arianne removes her mouth from his cock but continues to stroke it "Are you close?" She asks as she tenderly squeezes his balls. Something Jon would've found pleasurable, however turning back slightly he's met with the glare of Obara Sand who was currently at the wheel of the ship steering it.

Jon found it difficult to achieve release when it felt like he might get stabbed in the back as he did so. It had been a long week on the boat, they had decided to travel on my boat as it is a lot faster than any ships that Dorne had. But this also meant being in close quarters with three people that want to kill him, how he wasn't dead yet he didn't know.

While it annoyed him to no end as he wasn't able to visit Tyene, it worried him more about the possibility of them finding her, so he restrained himself. Though he knew Nymeria was sniffing around the door, it was quite strange having what was an equivalent to a vault on your ship. He just hoped they wouldn't find anything.

Arianne got up from kneeling before his cock and turned around in his arms. Jon got the hint and pulled up her dress before sinking his cock into her sex making her moan in pleasure as she leaned back into his chest. One thing he loved about Arianne was her arse, the way it enveloped his cock as he sunk into her from behind, the way it rippled under every stroke, and the way it felt when it pressed up against his hips.

It always made him thrust harder, her sex was always wet and ready for him, he was worried that he might've broken her, he couldn't have imagined her being like this before he'd taken her. He thrust faster into Arianne making her moan loudly, he grabbed her thick cheeks and sunk his thumb into her other hole turning a moan into a scream of pleasure. Her sex contracted around him squeezing his cock, this threw him over the edge as he unloaded his seed inside her.

Jon removed his cock from her seeing some of his seed spill out, he pulls his breeches back up. He grips Arianne by the throat and kisses her deeply getting a whimper out of her. He looks into her eyes and sees she wants to go again "Later" he says sternly, earning a pout from her as she heads inside the ship.

"Again? It would not do good for my reputation if you keep fucking more than I do" Oberyn says as he walks passed Arianne, Nymeria joining him.

'Obara, Oberyn and now Nymeria... great, a trilogy of bloodthirsty maniacs who want to kill me' Jon thinks to himself drinking even more wine.

"Makes me glad you chose not to bring your paramour, would've given my ship the feeling it was a pleasure barge" Jon replies drawing a chuckle out of Oberyn.

"As much as I'd like her here, Kings Landing is a festering wound that'll eventually kill anyone who stays there too long" Oberyn replies as he stands next to Jon at the bow of the ship.

Turning the wine bottle over in his hand so he was holding the neck Jon swipes forward into the air deflecting an incoming dagger, something he'd grown used to while living with Nymeria.

"Nymeria can you stop being a cunt" Jon shouts at her as she stands next to Obara, she makes an obscene gesture back at him but other than that ignores him.

"You cannot blame her, she's lost her sister and the only person she can blame is you" Oberyn states with a shrug.

Jon looks off into the sunset "She's not the only one..." he says quietly.

"Believe it or not Jon, I find it hard to hate you" Oberyn says to him drawing a raised eyebrow from Jon.

"It's true... while I hated your father I'm able to tell you two apart. I know you loved my daughter, If you hadn't I would've cut you down where you stood" Oberyn says severely.

"Then why do you have so much anger towards me," Jon asks as he looks at the older man.

"Because I have not been allowed to bury my daughter... how can I rest easy when I have no grave to visit, to mourn over" Oberyn replies.

"I've told you before I buried-"

"Horseshit... you would not bury your love in an unmarked grave beyond the wall, it is insulting you believe me foolish enough to fall for it" Oberyn snaps back.

Jon feels his will start to drain, he loves Tyene more than his own life. But he knows that not allowing her father to see her is wrong, he loved her just as much or perhaps more than he does.

Jon throws his bottle of wine over the edge of the boat "Follow me... keep your daughters above deck" he says already walking away before he can reply.

Oberyn follows Jon down below deck after commanding his eldest to stay where they were. They go deep into the ship finally reaching the large metal door. Jon takes the keys from around his neck and unlocks each lock one by one, the metal groaning as it shifts inside. The door opens and a cold breeze washes over the two of them.

Jon walks in first, he feels relief as he's met with the smiling face of Tyene. He hadn't seen her for too long, even if it had only been a week.

"Looks like someone's gotten caught," she says cheekily as she walks up to Jon.

Oberyn walks in and tears fill his eyes as he looks past Jon "Tyene..." he whispers as he walks passed Jon and 'Tyene' to a large coffin completely made of ice. Encased within is the body of Tyene still as beautiful as she was before she died.

Oberyn puts his hand on the ice feeling the immense chill coming off it he looks back towards Jon his eyes blazing in anger "Uh oh, looks like someone's in trouble" Tyene says with a laugh from beside Jon.

"What is this...what have you done," Oberyn said softly, he had tears streaming down his face but his fists were clenched in anger.

Jon looks at him emotionlessly "What I have to do, I won't be able to bring her back if her body isn't intact"

Oberyn looks at him incredulously "What madness do you speak! She is dead! She is never coming back!"

Jon winces at his words but remains resolute "I can bring her back... there is an artefact that can accomplish it but I need to find it first"

Oberyn grabs Jon by his tunic "Magic is dead! Even when it existed nothing could achieve what you speak of!" He shouts at him.

"He's probably right you know, have you ever read of anyone being resurrected before without being a walking corpse or losing parts of who they are," Tyene says as she sits on the ice coffin.

Jon pushes Oberyn back "What do you expect me to do! I won't let her go! I will travel every inch of this world to look for a way to bring her back, even if I must travel to the afterlife itself!"

The look of pure despair and desperation in Jon's eyes surprises Oberyn, he knew Jon loved Tyene but to go this far for her truly made him hesitate "Tell me your plan..." Oberyn sighs.

"Yes pleaseeeee tell him your master plan which has you travelling aimlessly in the most hostile place in Essos," Tyene says exaggeratedly her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jon composes himself ignoring her before looking at Oberyn "The reason I'm helping Aegon find the sword is that they have information regarding the Phoenix Sigil"

"Phoenix sigil?" Oberyn says with confusion.

Jon nods his head "I know little about it as there is barely anything written. Only one story"

"A Phoenix is said to be similar to dragons only smaller and much more powerful, it is said they existed during the Dawn era. They could talk and converse with men and some even chose men as their companions. But during the Long Night they were the first to be killed, no matter how bright their flames it was all smothered in the never-ending winter" he continued

"Azor Ahai had a Phoenix companion, it was at this point that darkness was filling the lands and the realms of men were losing. His Phoenix voluntarily sacrificed itself to be used in the creation of an artefact"

"The Phoenix Sigil" Oberyn commented.

Jon nodded his head "Wyverns were a common species of lizard that had not been blessed with magic, Azor Ahai used the sigil on them burning their bodies and turning them into ash. And from that ash, the first Dragons in the world were born, with his family they tamed these creatures and brought the dawn before making their home on the Valyrian peninsula"

"Or so they say, it's just one of many stories" Jon finishes.

Oberyn frowns at one aspect of the story "If you use the Sigil on Tyene what would happen to her"

Jon frowns "I'm not sure... all I know is it would trigger a rebirth"

"You're saying it may turn my daughter into a dragon" Oberyn growls.

"No... it wouldn't be a dragon" Jon replies.

"She's descended from a Targaryen even if the blood has diluted over generations. I theorise it should be enough to bring her back" He continues.

Oberyn looks at Jon unsure of whether he's spiralled into madness or not "Where is it located?" He asks tentatively

"The only information I have so far is that it is in the Grey Wastes, I get the rest of the information when I help Aegon get his fucking sword" Jon spits out the last words in anger, especially as he doesn't believe Aegon to be his brother.

For a long time, no one says anything, they stand there in the bone-chilling room "When the time comes and you have the information, I will join you..." Oberyn states resolutely.

Oberyn holds up his hand before Jon can argue "A father should not have to bury their children, Tyene believed in you enough to go to the end of the world for you, so I will do the same"

Jon nods his head sighing, Oberyn looks at the coffin one last time before leaving the room leaving Jon alone.

"How many people would you let die for the small chance I can be brought back," Tyene says with a solemn expression on her face.

Jon looks back up at her emotionless "Everyone" he states before leaving the room and locking the door.


Jon stood at the docks of King's Landing, having just bid farewell to Oberyn, Obara, Nymeria, and Arianne, who had set off for the Red Keep to announce their arrival. Understanding Jon's desire to avoid unnecessary attention, Oberyn and Jon had reached a more civil understanding after their previous conversations, creating a newfound sense of mutual respect.

Taking a deep breath, Jon began his solitary walk through the bustling streets of King's Landing. The city was alive with activity, as merchants, commoners, and nobles alike went about their daily affairs. The cobblestone streets echoed with the clamour of horse hooves, the haggling of merchants, and the chatter of passersby.

He couldn't help but notice the familiar scent that hung in the air—a blend of filth, sweat, and the pungent aroma of the city. Despite the passage of time, the city's distinct odour remained, an unwelcome reminder of its less-than-pleasant nature.

Jon took a moment to pause, taking in the surroundings and acknowledging the contrast between the grandeur of the Red Keep and the less glamorous reality of the city. With a wry smile, he couldn't resist commenting on the pervasive stench that seemed to cling to King's Landing. "Yeah, still stinks of shit," he muttered to himself, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Jon found himself walking down the street of flowers and finds himself drawn to a particular stall that seems to be selling something special. He approaches the stall and is seen by the owner who smiles at the potential new customer.

"Ah my friend, you look like someone who's never travelled far in their lives" he states causing Jon to raise an eyebrow.

"But FEAR NOT! For I have brought a taste of the Golden Empire of Yi Ti straight to you... but hurry as this is the last one" he says as he holds up a small square cake.

Jon felt a bit hungry and shrugged, he flicked a gold dragon to the merchant taking the cake and walked off, the cake wasn't large he was able to eat it in four bites. It was good, it seemed to be soaked in honey and banana. Though he wasn't sure of the last one he had only had a banana once.

He's snapped out of his thoughts when a pebble is thrown at his head. In front of him was a young girl maybe 4-5, she had dark hair that curled down her shoulders and violet eyes. She stood there with her arms on her waist doing her best angry face which made her look adorable. She was wearing boys' clothes, a tunic and jerkin with some breaches that all seemed a bit loose on her.

Jon raised an eyebrow at the kid "Can I help you?"

She narrows her eyes at him "Thief!" She yells before throwing another rock at him, Jon catches the rock in his hand with a sigh.

"What did I steal?" He asks the girl who is already picking up another rock.

"The Cake!!! I finally stole enough coin to buy one, but you and your fat head came first!" She said accusingly.

'Kind of hurts' Jon thought to himself with a sigh.

"Come back another day girl I'm sure he'll have some more then" Jon says as he starts to walk passed her, dodging another rock as he goes.

The girl runs in front of him attempting to stop him by pushing him though it isn't very effective as she skids backwards as he walks.

"He won't! He doesn't have the rare cake stuff anymore so he can't make any!" She shouts as she pushes him.

Jon sighs as he stops and looks down at her "What do you expect me to do about it, go complain to him" he says as he points behind him.

She stops pushing him and holds her head up high while putting her hands on her hips "Be happy, for the princess of thieves has a use for you"

'It's gonna be one of those days I can already tell' Jon thinks to himself.

"Tell me what you want, so you can leave me alone," Jon says to the girl, she smiles smugly at him before grabbing his hand and leading him through an alleyway.

She leads him in a loop so that they are watching the owner of the stall that Jon bought the cake from "What are we doing, I thought you said he didn't have cake?"

The girl looks up to him with a shushing motion "He makes extra for these ladies that always visit him after he closes" she whispers into his ear as Jon is kneeling next to her.

"Ladies that visit him?" Jon says with a raised eyebrow.

She nods her head "They must be really really warm as they don't wear much" she whispers causing Jon to cough a bit at the realisation.

"Why am I here? What do you want me to do?" Jon asks the young girl.

She smiles smugly again "I have a plan"

Jon looks at her incredulously 'This kid is way too mature for her she'

"What's the plan," he asks but she shakes her head.

"Go and talk, I'll do the rest," she says as she shoves me out of the alleyway though not very effectively.

Jon sighs for what seemed like the thousandth time as he walks to the Owner of the store, he scanned the stall looking for the secret cakes, there were three levels of different pastries and cakes, however at the back near where the owner stood was a small box, looking closely Jon could see leaves poking out indicating that it must be food that was stored inside and not coin.

"Ah back so soon my friend, I'm afraid that I've run out of the exotic treat that drew you back here, but please look at my other selections I'm sure you'll find even better" the owner says with a catlike grin.

"Your products show that you truly are a master of your craft, I had not tasted such delicious treats before meeting you" Jon exaggerates as he waits for the girl to do whatever she's about to do.

As the owner is about to speak again he's cut off by a rock hitting him in the face

'What the fuck!' Jon thinks to himself as he sees the girl run behind the man's stall and jump up grabbing the box and running back out.

"GUARDS!!!" The man calls out and unluckily for the two there happened to be a patrolling duo of Goldcloaks as the street of flour was a fairly important district.

Jon runs and decreases his speed to a jog when he arrives beside the girl who's running as fast as she can "What kind of plan was that!" Jon shouts as they receive orders to halt and stop running from the guards.

The girl looks up at him with a smile "A good one, I got the cake" She simply says.

Though it seems as though the Goldcloaks will catch her as she can't run very fast. Jon considers leaving her but dismisses it just as fast, as the city watch are cunts.

Jon grabs beneath the girl's armpits and lifts her onto his shoulders "Hold tight" he commands she does as she puts one arm around his head and the other on the box with the cake.

The chase through the vibrant streets of King's Landing intensified, with Jon's heart pounding in his chest as he raced onward. With the young girl securely perched on his shoulders, Jon manoeuvred through the bustling chaos, utilizing every ounce of his agility and wits to outpace the relentless pursuit of the city watch.

Leaping over barrels and crates, Jon effortlessly cleared obstacles in his path, his movements both fluid and precise. He skillfully weaved through the throngs of people, pushing them gently into the path of the guards with an apologetic smile, creating momentary distractions that bought him valuable seconds.

As he raced through the narrow alleys, his eyes caught sight of a construction pulley suspended high above. Recognizing an opportunity, Jon swiftly drew his blade and sliced through the rope, severing the connection to the counterweight. With a resounding snap, the sudden release of tension launched Jon upward into the air.

Time seemed to slow as Jon soared through the sky, a fleeting moment of weightlessness. The young girl's laughter filled the air, her joy infectious even amidst the chaos. The cityscape spread out before them, its rooftops and spires a labyrinth of potential escape routes.

Landing on the roof of the building, Jon quickly regained his footing. He glanced back at the guards, the lead one seemed to get angry and threw his helmet on the floor, as they gave up their pursuit.

"Again! Again!" The girl said as she shuffled on his shoulders like he was a horse making him chuckle a bit.

'Why not' Jon thought to himself as he ran and jumped across to the nearest building getting a laugh of joy from the girl.


"How's the cake?" Jon asks the girl as she's still perched on his shoulders though is now eating her ill-gotten gains.

"Goo...good," she says with a mouthful of cake.

"Swallow first" Jon reprimands, the girl does so swallowing a large bite.

"Good!" She says loudly.

"Aren't you going to give me any?" Jon asks with more of a pout in his voice than he intended.

The girl reaches down into his vision with a small chunk making Jon frown "That's it?" He asks.

"Mhm, my plan so I get the bigger slice" she simply says before stuffing the rest of it into her mouth with her other hand.

Jon sighs and takes the offered crumb before eating it, the honey-soaked banana cake was quite good, though not enough to make him get thrown in the black cells.

"So where's your mother and father, It's getting late and I can't imagine they'd be happy with you being out so late" Jon asks as they walk through the increasingly quieting streets.

"Mother doesn't like it when I leave home to go exploring, but says I get it from my father," she says with evident sadness in her voice.

"What did your father do," Jon asks.

"Can you keep a secret?" She says as she whispers conspiratorially.

"Yes," he whispers back.

"I heard Mother say once that I didn't have the same father as my brothers and sister" she whispered.

"That must have made you sad" Jon whispered to her.

She shook her beard "Nuh uh, their father is dead, so that means my one is out there and he must be an adventurer or master thief, just like I'll be" she says with determination and pride.

Jon chuckles "I'm sure you will be, now where is your home so your trusty steed can drop you off"

The girl laughs "Stop here, I have to go through very secret tunnels to get home, can't show you yet you need to prove your loyalty to your princess" she says with a regal expression as Jon lifts her off his shoulders.

"Yeah yeah, I hope I can one day prove my worth," Jon says while rolling his eyes.

"Farewell minion," the girl says as she runs down an alleyway leaving Jon standing there smiling.

'Today hasn't turned out too bad' Jon thought to himself with a smile.


'How did it all go so wrong' Jon thought to himself while he banged his head against the wall of his ship.

"Hurry up and get ready the Queen wishes you present for the feast tonight" Obara stated impatiently.

Jon looks at Obara and scowls "How did she find out I was here, no one should've known"

Obara smirked at him "I told her"

Jon's eyes widened "Why would you do such a thing!" He asked defeatedly

Obara shrugs "Cause I hate you, and you dropped a 30-pound bag of flour on me" she says before walking away and finishing the conversation.

'Can't she take a joke!' Jon thinks to himself as he slumps to the floor.

'Cersei is going to kill me, she's going to kill me and stuff my corpse to cuddle with at night" Jon thought as he rocked himself back and forth.

Jon slaps his face and breathes deeply getting himself ready. He heads into his quarters and changes into formal clothes, dark breeches, dark boots and a dark doublet. The stuff he rarely wore and felt even less comfortable in. Jon brushes his hair behind his ears and washes his face in a bowl of water.

"Okay let's go" he says to himself as he heads to the Red Keep.


Jon had gotten to the Red Keep without issue, though he did feel slightly concerned by the looks some of the guards gave him. If they knew who he was it made sense, Robert was well-loved among the soldiers, he'd let them loot and rape and he'd celebrate with them afterwards. He treated the soldiers better than the small folk, which honestly didn't surprise him.

He was walking through the corridors of the Red Keep, this particular stretch had open windows overlooking Kings Landing. Jon took a second to lean out the window, he did sometimes wonder what would've happened if his father had won at the trident, how different would his life be if he grew up a Prince.

Jon chuckles to himself "Most likely would've driven me crazy and I would've run off to Essos anyway"

He stood there a little longer, he missed Rhaella and Val and the others, it pained him to have to separate from them but bringing Rhaella and Daenerys to Kings Landing would've been stupid. He'd asked Ygritte, Val and Brienne to protect them. He didn't trust Aegon and his companions, to be so willing to sacrifice his men just so he could be known as a great warrior king.

Though Jon had always been a prodigy in weaponry unlike Aegon, so perhaps he'd feel differently if he were in Aegon's position. 

"Why are you here!" He hears a voice say from behind him. Turning around Jon doesn't see anyone "Hey!" He looks down and sees the girl he'd met earlier today.

"I already paid you! You're not getting more cake!" She says in childish anger.

She looked very different than when Jon had seen her before, her hair had been washed and now looked silky as it fell down her back, she was also wearing a red dress embroidered with golden patterns and beads. 

"What are you doing here?" Jon asked the girl and a cute frown made its way upon her face. 

"Have to go to a stupid feast" she huffs as she crosses her arms.

"You too? I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't want to go" Jon said with a chuckle.

Jon leans back against the window enjoying the breeze a sudden realisation coming upon him "You know I don't think I was told my partner in crime's name" he says to her with a smirk.

This snaps her out of her mood and she holds her head up "I am Joanna, it's a pleasure for you to meet me"

"I think you meant it's a pleasure to meet you" Jon said trying to correct her.


They stare blankly at each other before Jon introduces himself "I'm Jon, a pleasure to meet you" he says with a smile as he kneels and takes her hand.

"If we both must suffer let us at least keep each other company" Jon says as he lifts her causing her to giggle, he places her back on his shoulders.

"Onwards!" She shouts from stop his shoulders causing him to chuckle.

They head towards the Great Hall, they know they are getting close when they hear the faint sound of music becoming louder and louder, Jon felt as if his heart was about to explode, he was about to walk into a room where a large majority of the people in there might want to see him dead for slaying their king.

He decides to slip inside unnoticed so he wouldn't draw much attention to himself, however, there was one thing he didn't account for.

"Release the princess at once!" A guard who had been at the entrance, made Jon sigh as the guard had captured the attention of those near the door.

But the weight of the guard's words finally hit him when he realises who he must be talking about. He'd been running around with the Princess all day and had no clue.

The guards approach Jon who already looked defeated "Stop!" Joanna says from atop his shoulders halting their advance.

"Can't you see my servant is providing transport for me?" she says to them, making them stutter and stumble.

"Onwards to the deserts!" She says pointing forward. Jon sighs as he follows her directions.

"You never told me you were a princess" Jon says to Joanna as he looks up at her.

"Yes I did when we first met" she replied.

Jon thinks back to what she said when they first met and scrunches his eyebrows "You said Princess of Thieves! That doesn't count"

"Does too, how can I be the princess of thieves without being a princess?" she says as if Jon were an idiot.

Jon signs as he sets Joanna down by the table that was full of different desserts and treats. Joanna's eyes were wide and she smiled brightly as she went to grab the nearest cake.

"You know you're supposed to eat your dinner before you get any dessert darling, now go back to your seat and finish it rather than tricking our guests" A familiar voice echo's from behind them. Joanna freezes as her hand reaches out for it.

They both wince at the voice though for different reasons, they both turn and are met with the person both want to see the least, though for different reasons again.

Looking every bit as beautiful as when he had first met her Cersei Lannister stood in a similar dress to her daughter though it was open at the front allowing for a generous amount of bust to be shown. Her long curly hair cascaded down her back framing her beautiful face. She as a small smile on her face which Jon hoped was a good sign.

"Run along now love, I wish to speak to your friend here," she says sternly to Joanna who gives a small nod before leaving.

Cersei offers Jon her arm which he hesitantly takes, she then leads him out towards a balcony just outside the Great Hall. A place they could be alone.

For a minute they don't say anything to each other, Jon stands there nervously awaiting whatever punishment he's due.

"You know it could be considered treason for not answering a royal summons" Cersei says finally breaking the silence between them. Jon tenses up at her words but when he looks at her she's smiling.

"I don't believe I would've lasted long in Kings Landing your grace, especially after I had just killed the king" Jon replied to her.

"None would've dared made a move against you if I decreed it. But it doesn't matter… you're here now" Cersei says as she pushes herself into his chest her breasts pushing into him while her green eyes stare up at him.

Jon raises an eyebrow at this, he'd thought she would've been vengeful rather than passionate "Are you sure you should be so close, someone might see us… Jaime perhaps?" Jon says to her getting a sad look from Cersei.

"I love my brother in ways many would condemn but I have not shared his bed since I left yours all those years ago… our intimacies proved something to me" Cersei says her eyes going wide and slightly obsessive.

"You're not Rhaegar and you never will be… you're better, when you entered inside me it was as if the gods had made us for each other… I knew from then on it could only be you" she said softly as her breathing increased, he could feel her warm breath on his neck. That combined with the soft body pressed into him was eliciting an unwanted reaction.

"Please stay with me… I'll make you the Hand of the King, we can be happy and raise our family together" she whispers kissing his neck.

Jon enjoying her attention suddenly snaps out of it "Our family?" Jon said with confusion.

Cersei disconnects from his neck and looks up at him smiling "You mean you didn't know?" She asks with surprise.

"Know what?" Jon asks.

"You're Joanna's father, when you left your seed inside me it took root and she was born. Did you not notice she has the same colouring as you, she also has the habit of getting into trouble going on her 'adventures'" she says with a smile though Jon is no longer listening.

He feels his heart start to race and guilt wash over him, he had a 4-year-old daughter and he had never met her until this point. He'd left her fatherless, something he'd always thought he'd never do. His chest felt tight and it was like he couldn't breathe.

He snapped out of his panic by Cersei kissing him on the lips "I can see you're not of your right mind at the moment. I'll have a guard escort you to your chambers and we can discuss this properly tomorrow" she says with finality before pulling him inside by the arm and giving a command to a guard.

Jon makes his way to his quarters thoughts full of Joanna. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now, he had so much that needed to be done but he couldn't abandon her now that he knew he was her father. Jon's head immediately hit the pillow as soon as he entered his quarters slowly drifting off to thoughts of his newfound daughter.


It was the middle of the night, the moon was high in the sky and the castle was completely silent, the only sounds being the wind, the crackling of the torches and the sound of guards patrolling the Red Keep. Jon had managed to finally drift off to sleep though he immediately woke up with a heavy weight on his chest.

Grunting in pain Jon's eyes focus on the figure who seemed to have landed on him "Joanna?" He sleepily says as he sees the dark hair and violet eyes in the torchlight.

"Shhhhh, we don't want to wake her up" Joanna whispers to Jon confusing him, he turns his head to face where she was looking and could see Arianne had snuck into his room, probably wanting his cock but fell asleep waiting for him to notice her.

Jon looks back at her "What're you doing here, it's still a few hours before dawn" Jon states looking out the window.

"I wanted to make you happy" she whispered to him her hair spilling out on his chest. The look of Jon's confusion on Jon's face seemed visible as before he could speak she explained.

"You seemed sad when Mother finished talking to you, your my servant so I have to cheer you up" She says with a broad smile that tears at the heartstrings of Jon.

Jon quietly got out of bed while lifting her and holding her on his waist "Where are we going then my Princess" Joanna wraps one hand around his neck and points to the door with the other.

"Onwards!" They both whisper loudly making each other laugh.

Their first stop was to the palace kitchens, according to Joanna she didn't get her promised dessert after Jon had left which Jon found to be a little suspicious, but he acquiesced as she had gone out of her way to try and cheer him up.

They had to sneak past a few guard patrols to make it to the palace kitchens, where they managed to steal a few lemon cakes and tarts "Where are we going now" Jon whispered to her.

"My favourite place" she whispered to him while giving him directions through the Red Keep, they went downstairs a few times until they got to the entrance to an old cellar, Jon looks at Joanna with a raised eyebrow "Come on! It's down there!" She said excitedly.

If it were any other girl who had led him here he would think they were trying to kill him. With a sigh he opens the door and heads down the steps taking a torch with him, heading down the lights torches that were affixed to the wall illuminating the room.

He noticed right away what this room was as he could see the massive skull in the centre belonging to Balerion the Black Dread, one of the largest known dragons to exist. Putting Joanna down she ran towards the skull and climbed on it sitting between two of its massive teeth.

"This is your favourite place, it's a little dark and dank," Jon says as he approaches her leaning on the giant skull.

Joanna looks up at him scrunching her face "Dragons!" She simply says as if that's the answer to his question.

Jon snorts as he looks up at the massive skull appreciating the majesty of the creature, his ancestors got the opportunity to ride such an amazing creature. It was a shame they no longer existed in the world.

"I wish I could fly a dragon! I'd go all the way to the stars" Joanna says as she reaches up her hand to emphasise making Jon laugh.

"Who says you can't, maybe one-day dragons will return and you can ride one," Jon says to her as he sits next to her.

Joanna shakes her head "Only Targaryens can ride dragons" she says sadly.

"You said your father wasn't the same as your siblings, maybe he's a Targaryen," Jon says to her as he rubs her back to cheer her up.

Joanna shrugs her shoulders "I don't think my father likes me" she says making Jon's heart crack slightly.

"Why would you think that," Jon says his voice trembling slightly.

"He's never come to see me, that's why I wanna be an adventurer, so I can find him and a-a-ask i-if-" Joanna replies but stutters her last few words.

"Ask what Jon" manages to croak out as his chest tightens.

"If he loves me and if he can be my father again," She says finally making Jon break.

He stands up and lifts Joanna into his arms "Your father loves you very much and hopes you can forgive him" Jon says tearfully shocking the young girl. Though she was a smart girl and understood what Jon was trying to say, she held him tightly and started to cry.

Jon rubs his hand through her hair trying to comfort his crying daughter, though he isn't doing much better "A-A-Are y-you r-really m-my father" Joanna stutters out through her tears.

Jon brushes her hair back and looks into her eyes "I am and I'm sorry it took so long for me to find you" he says gently to her.

Joanna sniffles wiping her eyes with a hand "Does this mean I have a father again" she says quietly.

"From this day till my last" he says to her hugging her again as she puts her head on his chest.

After the emotionally charged moment, Joanna fell asleep in her father's arms, Jon took her back to his chambers though when he got back he noticed Arianne had disappeared, something he was silently grateful for. He lay Joanna down on his bed and tucked her in before climbing into bed with her and going to sleep.


Some hours later when the sun had finally risen above the horizon Jon opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the violet-coloured orbs staring at him, Joanna was on her knees by his face looking at him.

"We have the same eyes" she simply says as Jon was waking up fully. Jon chuckles tiredly as he lifts himself on his elbows.

"Did you sleep well, Joanna?" Jon asked getting a nod in return again. Though she looked to be sitting a bit too stiffly.

"Is something wrong?" Jon asked softly as he patted her head.

Joanna looks at him slightly trembling "Can I hug you?" she asks quietly, Jon smiles at her.

"That's one question you never need to ask," he says as he pulls her into his chest, running his hands through her thick dark hair.

They lay there for a bit embracing each other before Jon lifts her "Come, let's get something to eat and then you can ask me anything you wish" Jon says as he carries her out of bed.

"Mother always makes me have breakfast with the family" she huffs in annoyance.

"Well as your father I say we go into the city and find something tasty," he says with a smile which gets Joanna excited as she rapidly nods her head.

"Can we steal it!!!" She asks excitedly.

"Depends on how tasty it is" he replies, getting a laugh from her but she then seems to sober up as a realisation dawns on her.

"We won't be able to leave, there are no secret tunnels in this room," she says confusing Jon.

"Who says we are going by the tunnels," he says with a grin as he approaches the balcony of his room.

"Shall I show you something magical?" he asks her getting wide eyes and rapid head nodding in return.

Jon holds his hand out in the direction of the harbour, for a minute nothing happens and Joanna's excitement starts to die down, and just as she's about to express her boredom she sees a glint of light that seems to come towards them as it grows bigger and brighter.

Suddenly a large axe that had frost emanating from it flew into Jon's hands, Joanna was speechless seeing her father be able to summon an axe to his hand was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen.

"This Joanna is Winter Weaver, a relic that belonged to Brandon Stark, better known as Brandon the Builder, it was with this he built the wall" Jon states purposefully leaving the chalice of winter out of the explanation.

"You see you were not wrong about your father being an adventurer and I suppose I could be considered a master thief since I did rob the Iron Bank" Jon says trying to play up his achievements in front of his daughter.

"Now hold on tight," he says as he jumps off the balcony letting himself fall before using his axe to slow his descent, all the while Joanna was laughing in joy.

'She really does take after me' Jon thought to himself, not everyone had the courage and an adventurous spirit at such a young age.

Jon makes it down to ground level, he takes Joanna's advice and goes towards the servant's entrance as it's less guarded. After knocking out a few unfortunate witnesses they made it into the city.

Even early in the morning, the city was bustling with people, stalls were already set up and shops were already open, Jon had put Joanna on his shoulders as they looked for a place to get breakfast.

They finally settled on these small meat pies that they had taken onto a nearby roof and were both sitting on the edge.

"Have you fought a dragon!"


"Have you ridden a dragon!"


"Have you saved a princess!"

"No…actually yes" Jon replies thinking about Missandei and Val.

"Do you have a dragon!" Joanna asks

"I have a dragon egg, well three of them actually" Jon replies.

Joanna's eyes widen "Why do you have so many!" She says in awe.

"Part of my heritage" Jon simply states though Joanna doesn't understand what he means.

"I use the name Jon Snow as it is the name I was raised with, but my birth name is Daemon Targaryen" Jon states making Joanna tremble in excitement.

"Does that mean I'm a Targaryen!" She practically shouts

"Lannister, Stark and Targaryen, you're quite the combination of bloodlines," he says to her with a smile.

"How did you and mother meet" she asks making Jon almost choke on his meat pie, he obviously couldn't say she was obsessed with him because he looked like his dead father who she wanted to be betrothed to.

"We met when I was younger, we didn't spend long together but with what time we did spend together you were conceived" Jon says as he tries to put it delicately.

Jon can see that he hasn't convinced her as her features are scrunched up 'Damn genius children, I hope I wasn't like this when I was younger

Jon decides to change the subject, he gets up from the ledge "Come I think it's time to go back to your mother" he says before picking her up.

"Are you going to leave again?" Joanna asks making Jon pause, he dreaded this question as he had to leave, he didn't have a choice.

Jon steels himself and looks at Joanna resolutely "Not without you, If you want to come on an adventure with your father" he says with a smile.

Her expression couldn't be happier as she jumps up from the ledge and into his arms shouting her agreement as she does.

'Just need to convince Cersei' Jon thought


"No" Cersei simply states as she sits at the table eating breakfast in her chambers.

Jon sighs, he knew it wouldn't be easy but Cersei was a very stubborn woman when it came to her children.

"Cersei, I have just discovered that I have a daughter, I do not wish to leave her so soon" Jon says sternly, Cersei shivers under his gaze but remains steadfast.

"Then stay with us" she replies.

"You're smarter than that Cersei, I killed the king, and your other children still believe he's their father, it's just a matter of time before your firstborn discovers I'm here" Jon reasons.

"I can… control Joffrey, he wouldn't go against my wishes" Cersei states though she doesn't seem very convinced. "Jon Arryn has been relieved of his duties, you could be his hand… maybe then-"

"Cersei" Jon says with a sigh interrupting her.

"I won't let you take her and never come back!!!" She shouts at him stopping him from talking.

"I love her… and you, I don't want to lose both of you," she says in an uncharacteristically low tone. The lioness had always had a soft spot for Jon but acting so submissive and quiet surprised him.

Jon sighed as he stood up from his chair and walked around to her "Cersei Im sorry for never visiting you, but I promise I'll come back and see you, I won't take Joanna away forever" he whispers to her.

"One condition" she says causing Jon to smile and nod as he picks her up and hugs her causing her to squeak.

"I haven't told you what-" Cersei tried to say before Jon kisses her on the mouth and she melts in his arms.

Jon removes himself from the kiss "It doesn't matter I'll accept any conditions" he says as he hugs her and turns around to go and tell Joanna the good news, though he doesn't make it far as Cersei grabs his arm.

He turns back and looks at her and unconsciously shivers, she's glaring at him like a lioness stalking her prey "Did you believe you could kiss me like that and simply leave" she says to him causing him to gulp.


Jon feels the sweat pour down his back as he thrusts into Cersei from behind her shapely behind rippling every time he slams into her, she wasn't lying when she said that she didn't lay with anyone since him, when Jon entered her it felt incredibly tight and she had an orgasm as soon as he did.

He loved watching her blonde locks sway as he thrust into her, he gleaned forward removing one of his hands from her hips and grabbing one of her breasts, pinching the nipple as he does it "AHHHHH YES!!!" She moans gripping the sheets as she lay facedown with her arse in the air.

She felt so warm and wet that Jon felt himself get close to his limit, his balls started to expand as he shot multiple loads of his seed into her groaning as he does. Her sex seemed to massage his cock when she finished, milking even more seed from him.

As much as Cersei sometimes scared him with her obsession, fucking her was one of the best feelings. Jon turned her around on her back and lifted her legs onto his shoulders, he plunged himself deeper inside her, cutting off her moan with his mouth as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Cersei hummed in delight, she wrapped her arms around his head pushing their lips even closer. Jon started thrusting harder making her breasts bounce up and down, he felt himself start to go wild, her cunt was one of the best he'd had, it was constantly shifting and massaging him, clinging to him when he thrust out and sucking him in when he thrust back in.

Jon felt himself reach his limit once again, he knew he shouldn't be doing this, he should release on her belly or back but he couldn't, it was the wolf and dragon inside him, they refused to settle for anything less than breeding their women and Jon felt the same. He started fucking Cersei as hard as he could, he grabbed her legs and forced them back beside her head in an attempt to reach her womb.

With a guttural roar, he finished again inside Cersei, her sex sucking his seed in just as fast as he shot it inside her. He removed his cock from her and knelt in front of her, his cock was still hard and throbbing which made Cersei smile as she turned around showing off her fat arse and spreading her cheeks for Jon.

Needless to say, Jon fucked her until his balls ran dry.

(AN: funny enough I shortened the shit that was supposed to happen in Kings Landing and it still came out to 8,000+ words. Anyway, Jon's gonna hang with His kid for a bit, Tbh Children are hard to write, Joanna is 4 but she's a genius like Jon so her mental age is a bit older. If Cersei is a bit OOC it's because she's a simp, no more explanation is needed, anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter.)

Also, I decided to use my supporter page for something useful so I'm gonna be posting my upcoming fics there and ideas for fics, and sample chapters. I can finally post that spider man one I've been working on. Don't worry everything I do will still be free but I don't feel like the Spider-Man one is ready for public consumption so it is nice to get notes on it.
