
los angeles detective

A detective travels across the United States and becomes an agent of the Los Angeles Police Department. After getting through the initial confusion, he repeatedly solved strange cases, became famous all over the world, and was called the most legendary detective in history...

Mansour_Zakaria_3118 · 都市
39 Chs

Chapter 22 The Club

were stripped naked. It was thought that the murderer had some special hobbies, but now it seems that it may have something to do with the strip dancing profession.

  The police checked the situation of the two victims, and neither of them was engaged in this profession, which did not conform to Luke's inference.

  Luke could only consider from other angles. He searched the map of Los Angeles on the computer to find out where the two victims were robbed. From the map, the two locations were not far away, only a few streets apart.

  Luke took the two crime locations as the origin and searched for strip clubs within three kilometers. At the intersection of the two circles, there was a similar club - the Ball Club.

  Luke speculated that the 'taser robbery' might have something to do with the club.

  If he guesses wrong, he will see the world. He has never seen this kind of program before.

  Luke made a call with his mobile phone, "Hey, David, are you asleep?"

  David said, "Sleep."

  "Come on, I have something to do with you, let's go out and have a drink."

  "Where are you going?"

  " Ball Dance Club..."

  As soon as Luke finished speaking, the phone was hung up.

  "What a boring old man." Luke complained, and called Little Black Marcus's number again.

  A voice with a rap rhythm came from the phone, "Dude, tell me something." "

  Do you have time? Go out for a drink."

  "It's the first time you invite me to drink, where are you going?"

  "Bole Club. "

  Wow, this club is good...you have taste." Marcus gave a smirk.

  Luke said, "In twenty minutes, drive to pick me up at my door."

  "Do you have a treat?"

  "Of course."

  Ten minutes later, a black Ford car parked at the door, and Marcus waved to Luke through the window, "Man, hurry up, I can't wait."

  Luke Ke sat in the cab and asked, "Have you ever been to the Ball Club?" "I've

  been there once or twice before. The venue is quite big, and there are black girls, white girls, Asians, and Mexicans." Speaking of this , Marcus patted Luke on the shoulder,

  "Hey, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

  "Drive hard." Luke didn't bother to talk to him.

  If this guy had been a policeman in China, he would have been arrested by the police.

  Marcus put the car in the parking lot near the club, and the two walked to the gate of the Ball Club.

  A light sign above the door accepts bitcoins.

  "There are two types of dance clubs, one does not charge tickets, the other does charge tickets, this one belongs to the latter." Marcus made a gesture of invitation, signaling Luke to go ahead.

  A few big men stood at the door to check their IDs, and those who were not old enough were not allowed to enter.

  After Luke showed his driver's license, he entered the gate of the club. There was a ticket counter on the right hand side, and there was a sign with a $20 ticket.

  Luke didn't pay, and took out his police badge, "I want to see your boss."

  The ticket seller was a middle-aged woman, who looked at Luke in a daze, "What's the matter?"

  "Are you the boss?"

  "No... Our boss is not at the club right now."

  "It's okay, I can wait."

  Luke swaggered into the club.

  Marcus on the side was surprised, "Wow, what's the situation now? Are you here to watch the show, or to investigate the case." "Watch the show

  first and then investigate the case."

  "You suspect that this club has something to do with the Taser gun robbery?"

  Luke asked back, "What do you think?"

  Marcus didn't answer, his eyes were already attracted by the stage in the lobby.

  To be exact, a few dancing girls on the stage.

  There are mostly whites and South Americans, most of them are lace, some are topless, some are not, but they all wear thongs.

  Some are in excellent shape, while others are slightly fatter or flatter.

  Regardless of whether the club had anything to do with the Taser robbery, Luke's visit was not in vain this time.

  I have learned a lot.

  Luke ordered two beers, ten dollars each.

  Sit at the bar around the stage and enjoy the dance while drinking.

  What surprised Luke the most was that there were quite a few female guests at the scene, who were more energetic than he had seen.

  Marcus touched Luke's arm, "Man, which one do you like? I like the one next to the iron pipe." Marcus pointed to a black girl, "She's really good, I want to see her perform alone."

  Luke Ke took a look. The black girl was average-looking, well-proportioned, and on the fat side. He didn't agree with Marcus's taste.

  Half an hour later, a black man wearing a gold necklace came over, "Two police officers, our boss invites you to the backstage." "

  OK, you lead the way." It doesn't make much sense to look at it for a long time.

  "Marcus, get to work."

  "Yeah, the good times are always short."

  Led by the black man, the two entered the backstage. Shows, it's a legal business in Los Angeles.

  Backstage, there were many girl dancers doing makeup and changing clothes. Marcus grinned and said, "Wow, this place is even more exciting than the stage."

  The two were brought to a round table, sitting next to a middle-aged man with long hair, red lips, eyeshadow, and nail polish. He looked a bit motherly.

  "Sir, I am Paul, the owner of this club. I heard that you are looking for me." "This

  is Detective Luke, and this is my colleague Marcus. We want to ask you about two people." "

  Although I may not I could help, but I'd love to..."

  "Thanks." Luke pulled out Tony's photo, "Have you seen this guy?"

  Paul looked at the photo with two fingers, then put it back on the table On, "Who is he? Is he related to our club?" "

  We are investigating a robbery case. The man in the photo is the suspect under investigation. He may be a frequent visitor here." "Sorry,

  I can't possibly know Every guest who comes here."

  "Please ask the staff to help you identify it."

  Boss Paul handed the photo to his subordinates, and whispered a few words.

  A few minutes later, the photo was sent back, and Paul said, "My staff doesn't know the person in the photo. I'm sorry, but it seems that I can't help you." Luke put away the photo and continued to ask,

  "You How many female dancers are there in the club?"

  "About thirty people."

  "As a boss, you should know the number of employees very well."

  Paul pondered for a moment and said, "This job has certain particularities, it is highly mobile, and many people They are all part-time jobs. They come today and leave tomorrow. If you are happy, you may not come. The number of dancers often changes." "I want to

  find someone in her thirties, a white woman with long blonde About 170cm tall, she is probably a female dancer in the club."

  Paul asked, "Why are you looking for her? She is also a suspect in the robbery?"

  "No, she is not a suspect."

  "Then why are you looking for her?"

  Marcus said, "Hey, knowing too much is not good for you, you can do whatever we say, it's good for everyone if we call it a day, OK?" Paul

  pouted , tilted his head to one side, as if he was thinking about whether there was anyone similar, after a while, he ordered to his subordinates, "Call Kelly over here." "Kelly

  is our only dancer who meets your requirements, she is very hot Spicy, you guys will like it."

  Soon, a blonde girl in a bikini came over, "Boss, you are looking for me." "

  No, these two police officers are looking for you."

  "Wow, you are so beautiful." Ma Ku Si stood up and walked around the blonde girl, "Are you the resident dancer here? When is the performance?"

  Kelly said, "I'm here from Tuesday to Friday, sir, can you help me? Luke showed Tony's photo again, "

  Do you know this person?"

   It's important to follow up on the new book issue, so don't keep it.

    Ask for a ticket!

  (end of this chapter)