
Lord of the luck

Lords, The Hegemons, and the masters of their own universe who protect humanity with their unparalleled powers and might. Join the journey of one such young lord that will become the master of his own universe.... Or not??? ( Disclaimer: English is not my forte. So, I would be glad if you could help me with errors if there are any. Extra Disclaimer: Not proficient in writing too.) (╹◡╹) (Another one: Might edit chapters after posting them )

SaUmiPtZ · ファンタジー
39 Chs

Chapter 8:Lucky Hands, Peak Recruitment Space

"Activate lucky hand."

My hands started glowing, This time for a reason as I had willed for the activation of my talent. Looking at the glowing hands that I had, I was shocked.

" Wasn't it the ability that I had gained while playing the game on my tablet.?"

" Deactivate lucky hand."

The glow faded away. I tried making my hands glow without command.

It glowed just the way it used to outside the lord's space.

"Does my ability have any effect outside the lord space?" This was the main point I wanted to know right now.

[ Every talent can only be utilized inside the lord's space before the materialization of the lord's space.]

Sigh... Even if I knew about that. I was expecting my talent to be somewhat special as it was a Unique one.

Whatever, Lemme check on how my talent works.


My hands had just glowed, and I was bombarded by several beeps at the same time.

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected....]

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected....]

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected....]

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected....]

I looked towards the area where my hands were pointing at and quickly found the lucky encounter. It was the thatched warehouse so I went in front of the warehouse.

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected....]

It was still showing the same information as before, there weren't any changes to the prompt even after I was in front of the warehouse. So, the only option that I had in order to satisfy my puzzlement was to touch the warehouse in front of me.

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected.. (Thatched warehouse): Lord has obtained a lucky encounter and can upgrade the storage of the warehouse by 3 times.]

[ Do you want to utilize the lucky encounter??]


Looking at the notification I got after touching the warehouse made me ponder for a while. Actually, I was smiling maniacally in my heart right now.

"Anything that could affect the lord space without tier upgrade was definitely hard to come by and My talent just did the unthinkable, it was able to increase my warehouse storage by 3 Times. And WITHOUT any expensive or rare items, that is."

My talent definitely was something. It was undoubtedly a unique one and I had to work even harder to learn more about the talent in the future.

"HEHE... Who gives a damn about not having good potential. Just one... One lucky encounter could do the job for me."

Thinking about the application of my talent made me wonder how far would I go as a lord if my talent was as powerful as it was in my imagination.

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected... (Recruitment space): Lord has obtained a lucky encounter and can upgrade the tier of recruitment space to Peak Recruitment Space. All the daemons recruited from the recruitment space will be at the peak of the strength that the lord's territory can tolerate when recruited.]

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected... (Thatched granary): Lord has obtained a lucky encounter and can upgrade the storage of the granary by 1.5 times.]

It was also a good lucky encounter as food is never more for any army.

[ Beep..! Couldn't detect any lucky encounter( Lord cottage). Lord's talent is low to obtain lucky encounters at the moment. Try again once the lord increases his talent...]

The last thing I touched using my lucky hands was the dilapidated cottage but I wasn't able to encounter any lucky encounters.

It made me sigh in regret as I wasn't able to obtain any lucky encounter for the lord's cottage right now. But having a chance to obtain it after increasing my talent was enough to surprise me.

"I can even upgrade my talent. That's something."

Well, It's a (Unique) talent for some reason after all.

I didn't bother being able to upgrade my talent for now as I didn't even know the criteria I needed to fulfill in order to upgrade my talent. So, I happily ran over to the Recruitment space before touching it with my lucky hands.

" I was going to use my lucky hands on the Recruitment Space as having powerful troops albeit without any attribute at the beginning was definitely a better option than having low-tiered ones with attributes as it would increase my survival chances in the starting phase."

I could just ask those normal dudes to thrash some low-level monsters with their superior strength due to the difference in the tier.

" Why wasn't I afraid of encountering the high-tiered monsters?'

Well, it's a secret.

[ Beep..! Lucky encounter detected... (Recruitment space): Lord has obtained a lucky encounter and can upgrade the tier of recruitment space to Peak Recruitment Space. All the recruits done from the recruitment space will be at the peak of their strength when recruited.]

[ Do you want to utilize the lucky encounter??]



I didn't even bother thinking about other options as who in the right mind would try to increase their storage capacity when there is a chance to recruit peak Tier-1 recruits at the beginning?


The spatial Flare within my territory fluctuated violently before swirling toward the Recruitment Space, cocooning it inside the dense Spatial Flare for about a minute before slowly dissipating within the environment once again.

Only after the Spatial flare dissipated was I able to see the newly upgraded Recruitment space in front of me.

The recruitment space in front of me didn't have any visible changes but the aura released from it was enough to intimidate me, the lord of the space it was situated in.

[ Peak Recruitment space: Connected to the vast space. Chance to recruit 2 troops at the peak of tier-1 from the vast space once a day(Uses 100 SF points for recruitment). Since lord has no attributes, he can summon normal troops from the recruitment space.]

Looking at the minor changes in detail with a major impact on my lord space, I was satisfied.

" Let's recruit the first troops, Shall we?"

I only needed to think about recruiting today's recruits before the Peak Recruitment space in front of me flashed in blinding light. There were two silhouettes within the light, those two were going to become the first members of my lord space.

The SF points on me were reduced to 0 but I wasn't worried about it as the Lordspace could refine 100 SF points every day.

I would easily be able to recruit new members tomorrow once my Recruitment Space refreshes itself.

I was happy for my first recruits as it would mean that I was going to start my journey as the Lord of my own territory from the moment they were recruited by me.

It took some time before the blinding light dissipated totally making me able to properly take at the first two recruits(daemons) that I had recruited after awakening as the lord.


But looking at the two people in front of me I surely was speechless.

" Were they supposed to be without any attributes??"

I was confused more than anything else as the people in front of me belonged to the race that was one of the most coveted for their beauty.

The tier of recruits goes from Tier-1 all the way to Tier-9 as per the tier of lord's space. The maximum strength that any recruited troops can be is one tier above their lord's territory. Tier-0 lords can have their troops at the peak of Tier-1 max before they stop progressing. The accumulated exp by the troops would be stored and will be utilized when the Lord increases the rank of their territory.

SaUmiPtZcreators' thoughts