
Lord of Reality : I Prevail in Chaos

Daniel , a man died with regrets but a mysterious being pitted him a decided to reincarnate him but before his reincarnation Daniel told the being something made him surprised and the being accepted what Daniel said then he reincarnated him in a world of sword and magic with the same name. Daniel vowed to live his life without regrets and get stronger to protect the people he loved . Follow him with his journey of becoming the strongest in the world. ---------------------------------------------- well this is my second time writing a novel as the first one did make me satisfied so I hope this one be good . Anyway , I'm just writing for fun and don't have a specific schedule for publishing I just write when I'm in the mood . This novel is just to satisfy my desire so if you don't want to read it you are free but if decided to read so I hope you enjoy I give me your review so that I can improve myself . And again this novel for my satisfaction you've been warned btw , the English is not my mother language so if you found any mistakes just tell me in comments . P.W : Cover is not mine so if the owner wants me to remove it just tell me and I will , hope you enjoy

RedMoth · ファンタジー
44 Chs

I Missed You, Darling~

" Fuck , we are doomed " Said the person .

She was also shocked to know that a being like that had been born and immediately began to make plans in her mind to avoid such a being .

That was until Anaressia dropped a bomb that made her mind stop working for some time which indicated how shocking what Anaressia said was .

" Well , at least we don't need to worry " Said Anaressia with a sigh of relief.

" How can you be so sure ? Do you have a plan to avoid him ? " the person didn't say " to kill him " as it was impossible to kill death itself and the only way for him to die was by killing himself or there was another way?

Who knows.

" No, do you think I have such a desire to make it ? No one in existence can hide from him " Anaressia said as if it was a matter of fact or something natural .

" Then what ?! Just spit it out and don't make me wait here all day " Said the person with annoyance .

" Fine fine , you don't need to be so impatient , Tsk "

" Sigh .. the reason why I say that is that the primordial death is my husband fufufu ~ " said Anaressia with a proud tone when she thought about how her husband became so strong in matter of few years .

Suddenly the place became silent with no sound or voice can be heard which made Anaressia frown but when she looked at the person in front of her she couldn't hold her laugh as her shocked expression was so amusing to watch.

After some time the person still shocked which made Anaressia twitch in annoyance .

Although she was amused by her expression she didn't like her to be silent for a long time like a statue, so she decided to wake her up .

" If you didn't wake up , I will spread all of your shameless pictures to the world in a book and write in it ' The Shameless Dragon God's Pictures ' "

Hearing the word suddenly the person felt horrified and her shock disappeared quite instantly .

" Oyyy Anna you don't need to be such a shameful sly fox to do something like that to me, " the person said with a shaking voice.

Veins appeared on Anaressia's head as she became angry and annoyed .

" You dare mock me you fucking crawling lizard who feed on grass ! "

" Hey, I'm not a herbivore, I'm a carnivore, I feed on meat, take it back, that's insult to all dragons!!!" the person shouted in anger and disbelief that Anaressia dared to say that.

" Tsk, at least you snapped out of your shock."

" Huh ?! Wha- oh ! Well sorry about that "

" Bleh! Don't apologize it doesn't suit you "

" You!!Haaaah ..Anyway, when you said your husband you meant him right "

" Mmmmm~ yeah dear Kares " Anaressia said with her seductive tone .

Kares's body shuddered and felt like million ants were crawling on her body when she heard Anaressia's seductive voice.

' She really can affect minds just by her voice, better be careful'

Both of them continued looking at each other in silence, not knowing what to talk about, although Anaressia was proud and happy that her husband became so strong, but the power he gained wasn't something simple like a power up or special, but it was something that hadn't appeared in millennia.

The last Primordial Death was so terrifying that no one was able to fight him or know the limits of his power, heck no one could even know what he could do except erasing their existence like nothing!

Still the news were shocking.

"Anyway, now if you think about it, shouldn't we feel him being born or something?! He is one of us after all." Said Kares in confusion.

"Well, I think I know why. That's because his transformation wasn't complete, so we didn't feel it, his soul still in the beginning of the transformation, so it will take time until it becomes complete." Anaressia said her conclusion which was logical to Kares as she understood the reason why she didn't feel it.

But then another thought came to her mind.

"But if any of those primordials bastards saw him, they would know immediately,"

"That's why we need to protect darling from them."


"Did you get dumb because of sleeping for long years?"

A vein popper in Kares's hard as she felt insulted.

"You know I have a soul connection with him, right? Then I will use that connection and cover his soul with my primordial energy that will prevent anyone of them from looking at his soul."

Kares calmed down and found her words were right, she could protect his soul by covering it with her primordial energy to make those bastards unable to inspect his soul if they saw him by accident.

"Then I will go to him, because to do it, I need to have physical contact with darling."

"You just want to see him," Kares snorted in annoyance.

'Why I still without a husband after all these years?! It's unfair for a hag like her who is older than me to have a husband.'

"Dear Kares, I know you're thinking something rude about me." Anaressia smiled but her eyes weren't.

"I-it's your imagination." She looked away to hide her lie.

"Haah, anyway, I will go. Are you coming?"

"Hmmm, why not?"

Then both of them disappeared from their place without a trace.


Daniel who was with Adara in the living room saw two figures appeared in front of him suddenly.

One of them was a woman with very long dark purple hair and matching eyes along with mature and gentle aura around her, her body was so sexy and hot that it could arouse the desires of men instantly.

The other one, was some kind of loli who had white hair that was tied in three braids, two resting on her shoulders and one on her back, they were long by the way.

And if you looked closely, you would find her beauty to rival the woman beside her, but still every one of them had their unique beauty, and Daniel appreciated that.

Kares who saw the look of appreciation in his eyes smiled sweetly and felt proud somehow which was something that Anaressia and Adara noticed but they didn't point it out as they knew how their Husband appreciated their beauty as well.


"I came, darling~" She said as she jumped on him, giving him a long hug that was filled with her emotions of love and longing to him.

"I missed you so so so much, darling~"