
Lord of Mysteries : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, consumed by the enigmatic mist, found himself transported to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti's arrival). As a "lawyer," Rawls embarked on his extraordinary journey. "Those who steal a mere trinket shall face retribution, but those who plunder a nation shall earn themselves the title of marquis." .................................................................................. This is taken from another website and translated this does not belong to me I am only doing this out of hobby so don’t expect much Cover is made from Ai Raul's=Rolls Sephirah Castle=Origin Castle ke=Klein

LordofDreams1243 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Mason’s Secret

"Rawls, what I'm about to tell you concerns your father. Please refrain from interrupting or asking questions for now. Just listen to me attentively," Bird Mustang instructed with a tone of urgency.

Bird Mustang couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. The cautious young man who stood before him not long ago was now daring to employ the same tricks he had once used. However, Bird Mustang understood that Rawls, having firmly established himself in Backlund's legal circle, possessed more knowledge and could likely sense that their relationship was anything but ordinary.

Rawls was taken aback by Bird Mustang's stern tone. When Bird Mustang distorted the concept of "closing the door" into a "seal" earlier, Rawls had a feeling that his response had been inadequate. He quickly nodded in affirmation, indicating that he would refrain from interrupting.

Observing Rawls' nod, Bird Mustang let out a sigh of relief. He feared that this naive individual would play tricks on him again, just like he had before. It had been manageable in his presence, but if Rawls were to be discovered by other Beyonders, particularly fellow "lawyers," his fate wouldn't be pleasant. The innate affinity and knack for finding loopholes among "lawyers" made them a discreet presence among Beyonders.

"I suppose you must have already suspected that my relationship with your father is more complex than what I initially shared with you. Otherwise, you wouldn't have acted so boldly," Bird Mustang remarked.

Rawls smiled sheepishly and gestured as if zipping his lips shut.

Bird Mustang glared at Rawls and continued his narrative. "Mason and I have known each other for nearly fifty years. As teenagers, we worked together in the docks of Backlund, earning about 15 soules per week. If we continued down that path, we might have ended up marrying daughters from impoverished families by the age of 30, having children who would follow in our footsteps, and living a life of struggle until our forties, only to die in pain."

"After each day at the docks, I would return to the meager floor I rented and collapse in exhaustion. Mason, on the other hand, attended the free school run by the Church of the Evernight Goddess. During the day, I would assist him in carrying heavier loads, and in return, he would teach me how to read during our spare moments. We continued like this for three or four years, but our lives didn't improve. However, just when I thought we were destined to continue this way, your father crossed paths with my captain, Earl Nast Solomon."

Earl Nast Solomon was the owner of the infamous ship "Dark Emperor" and was known as the "King of the Five Seas" Nast. His title was inherited from his father,who was also a renowned pirate. This title was bestowed upon him by Emperor Roselle.

Rawls had assumed that Bird Mustang and Mason had first acquired the "lawyer" potion and then made their respective choices to become a pirate and a lawyer. However, he never expected that even before they became extraordinary individuals, they encountered the "King of the Five Seas" Nast, whom his father had encountered first.

"At that time, the Earl had covertly infiltrated Backlund. Given the Earl's prowess, he could have easily evaded detection. However, to our surprise, he was discovered the 'Sea King' of the Church of the Storm. The three major churches, along with the high-ranking members of the Loen Royal Family, pursued the Earl. Although the Earl's companions managed to divert their attention, he sustained serious injuries. With Backlund under lockdown by the three major churches, the Earl had no choice but to find a hiding place. As Emperor Roselle once said, 'The darkest place is under the lamp,' and so he sought refuge near St. Samuel's

"When was Nast still so miserable? By the way, in the original book, Klein once mentioned that Nast was nearly arrested in Backlund, which could be referring to this particular time.

However, was Admiral Amyrius Riedvelt

present in Backlund at that time? Could it be that because he didn't apprehend Nast, he applied for a transfer to the Rhosid Sea area? So now the Archbishop of the Holy Wind Church has become the Ace Snake.

Nevertheless, Nast truly deserves the title of the "King of the Five Seas"! The archbishops of the three major churches in Backlund are practically saints, along with the formidable powerhouses and sealed items of the Loen royal family. With such a formidable lineup of five saints, it's no wonder they managed to escape.

Regarding Nast's friend, wasn't it mentioned in the original book?

Could it possibly be Bernadette? If Huang Beibei, along with the Sealed Artifact left by Roselle, joined forces, they might be able to confront the formidable lineup of the five saints!

What kind of strategy is Nast employing? Where could he be hiding? Is he lurking near St. Samuel's Cathedral? Even though it may seem dark there, he should be hiding near the Holy Wind Cathedral, right? Doesn't he know that the title of the goddess includes "Mother of Hidden"? Moreover, she's known as the "Queen of Adversity and Fear." Shouldn't she be concerned about a potential curse from the goddess?

Rawls lowered his head, trying to stifle his laughter, while secretly criticizing Nast for hiding near the Church of the Goddess.

"Viscount Fear" Bird Mustang observed as Rawls lowered his head, seemingly taken aback by his own words. Satisfied with this reaction, Mustang believed that it was crucial for Rawls to comprehend the horrors of the extraordinary world, hoping to bring him back to a state of rationality.

"At that time, the Earl altered his appearance and attire, while Mason and I had already consumed the "lawyer" potion, allowing us to evade detection by the three major churches and the Loen royal family. Following the Earl's injury, he presented us with a choice: either accompany him back to the Dark Emperor or provide us with a sum of money to sustain ourselves in Backlund."

Rawls lifted his head and inquired, "Did my father choose to reside in Backlund?"

"Yes, your father opted for a life in Backlund. He didn't want to be a pirate; he desired stability. However, I couldn't bear it!"

Bird Mustang raised his palms before clenching his fists tightly.

"I couldn't! I grew weary of living that way. I'd rather be a pirate!"

Deep down, he knew that even if he hadn't encountered the "King of the Five Seas," he wouldn't have lasted much longer. Nast's arrival simply provided a more convenient excuse.

"Then, Mason and I went our separate ways." Bird Mustang lowered his head, let out a profound sigh, and settled onto the chair facing the desk.

"It wasn't until Mason gained fame in the Backlund legal realm and established the Adrian Law Firm that I heard about him again. I wanted to return to Backlund to see Mason, but I had just attained the rank of Sequence 7 as a 'Briber.' My spirit wasn't stable, and I carried a bounty on my head, making it impossible to go back."

"By the time I managed to return, Mason had gotten married, and your mother was expecting you. Everything seemed normal except for your father. He wasn't aware of the 'playing method.' Being a lawyer for so long, he had been continually ensnared by the influence of the medicine, which rendered his spirit rather unstable. However, he attributed it to excessive work pressure. But after more than a decade, and just before your birth, his spirit finally stabilized."