
Lord of Mysteries : Shadow of Order

Lord of Mysteries Rawls Adrian, consumed by the enigmatic mist, found himself transported to March 1349 (three months before Klein Moretti's arrival). As a "lawyer," Rawls embarked on his extraordinary journey. "Those who steal a mere trinket shall face retribution, but those who plunder a nation shall earn themselves the title of marquis." .................................................................................. This is taken from another website and translated this does not belong to me I am only doing this out of hobby so don’t expect much Cover is made from Ai Raul's=Rolls Sephirah Castle=Origin Castle ke=Klein

LordofDreams1243 · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Attorney Partner

"Attorney partner?" Edmund looked down in surprise, his curiosity piqued.

The partnership system is deeply ingrained in Loen's society, extending beyond just law firms. Partnerships are formed to open businesses, purchase shared assets like boats for fishing, and even among pirates and their subordinates. Edmund and Mason's Adrian law firm exemplifies this system, although Edmund's role extends beyond that of a mere lawyer—he is responsible for the firm's day-to-day operations.

Rawls' proposal for lawyer partners involves distributing a portion of the firm's shares to talented attorneys, enabling them to earn additional income alongside their fixed salary and case earnings. By securing a share, they can potentially earn tens or hundreds of pounds more per year. However, the primary objective is to strengthen the bond between these lawyers and the firm, with the extra income being a secondary benefit.

"That's a brilliant idea," Edmund remarked as he folded his single-lens glasses and massaged his temples. "However, it's not currently essential."

"Isn't it necessary?" Rawls expressed his surprise, assuming Edmund would be receptive. After all, this was the only aspect he recalled about the legal profession from his past life. Besides battling for justice, lawyers in TV shows often strive for partner status.

"If you had presented this plan right after you assumed control of the firm, I would have certainly agreed. But now, it's not necessary," Edmund sighed, reminiscing about how beneficial such a proposal would have been in the past.

Observing Rawls' perplexed expression, Edmund couldn't help but recall Mason from earlier days. Despite their strained father-son relationship, both were skilled lawyers and possessed a knack for business,much like Curly Haired baboon.

"After Mason's passing, there was a wave of poaching from other firms, and many of our barristers and solicitors were shaken. To prevent them from leaving, I not only offered salary increases but also promised that I wouldn't interfere with the firm's day-to-day operations, just as Mason did," Edmund explained, waving the paper in his hand and letting out a sigh. "Currently, our senior solicitors receive a weekly salary of 4 pounds, amounting to an annual income of nearly 400 pounds. Most barristers also earn around 4 pounds per week, totaling approximately £1,200 per year. This is already the highest compensation that Backlund Law Firm can offer."

Feeling helpless, Rawls persisted, "But wouldn't it be better? Our firm would attract more barristers and solicitors."

Edmund responded, placing the piece of paper down, "Well, it depends on your perspective. If you aspire to be a lawyer like your father, then by all means, go ahead."

"My father?" Rawls had a strained relationship with his predecessor's father, often engaging in quarrels with just a few words. They never discussed the law firm. On the contrary, Edmund would often share intriguing cases handled by the firm with Rawls. Despite the difficult relationship with his own father, Rawls' predecessor still chose to follow the path of becoming a lawyer.

"Well," Edmund let out a long sigh, sinking into a moment of reminiscence as he leaned back on the sofa.

"It was the fifth year after we founded the firm, and everything was going smoothly. The firm was on the right track. Mason got married, and your mother was pregnant with you. He had plans to become a judge in the High Court, all for your sake."

In Loen, judges, except for part-time magistrates, were appointed from lawyers who graduated from the prestigious Big Four law schools. A district court judge required a minimum of 7 years' experience as a trial lawyer, a high court judge needed over 10 years' experience as a trial lawyer or at least 2 years' experience as a district court judge, and an appellate court judge had to have over 15 years' experience as a barrister or at least 2 years' experience as a High Court judge.

At that time, Mason Adrian had over 15 years of trial lawyer experience and was a renowned barrister in Beckland. While the nomination for an appellate court judge might have to wait, the nomination for a high court judge was relatively easier.

"Your father was nominated, but unfortunately, your mother passed away after giving birth to you. So, instead of becoming a judge, Mason chose to continue as a lawyer, filling his life with endless cases. It wasn't easy for him, dealing with the loss of your mother, handling numerous cases, and facing emotional breakdowns. That's why you were left at such a young age."

Edmund's eyes glistened with tears, and his nose turned slightly red. Mason was not just a friend to him but also the one who rescued him from the fate of being an etiquette teacher and the burden of inheriting the baron title. However, Mason's life was cut short due to his struggles with alcohol addiction.

"I believe my father and your mother must have found eternal peace in the goddess's kingdom," Rawls commented with a sense of detachment. The relationship between his predecessor and his father was strained, and he had no recollection of his mother. Their connection was even more superficial. Rawls simply wished that the Night Goddess, as a fellow traveler, would watch over his parents.

Edmund retrieved his handkerchief, wiping the corners of his eyes, and looked at Rawls, asking, "How long has it been since you last went to St. Samuel's Church to pray?"

"Uh... It's been about a month since I attended the Moon Mass last month," Rawls replied, freezing momentarily. Since his arrival in this new world, he had been preoccupied with adapting to his newfound abilities and had neglected attending church.

Furthermore, as a traveler, he found himself avoiding St. Samuel's Cathedral in the North District and other holy places associated with the Night Goddess, who held the title of "Mother of Hidden." Today, he was even avoiding the Magistrates' Court in Chorwood District due to his apprehension about the holy presence.

Edmund who was a follower of Lord of Storms ,understood that he couldn't persuade Rawls to go to St. Samuel's Church. He straightforwardly returned to the main topic, asking, "Are you considering a future as a lawyer or a judge?"

"Uh, I haven't really thought about it, Uncle Robert," Rawls replied.

If there were no doomsday events and Rawls hadn't become entangled in the extraordinary world, he would have naturally pursued a peaceful career as a lawyer for over a decade before potentially aspiring to become a judge. However, with the arrival of the apocalypse and his discovery of being an Extraordinary, Rawls was uncertain about the secrets he held and how they would shape his life.

Edmund nodded and said, "Yes, you've only been a lawyer for two years. But it's important to start considering your options early, especially since it affects the future development of the Adrian family."

Rawls lowered his head silently, absorbing the weight of those words.