
Lord of Identities

When Soha the Human Sovereign perishes, his soul fractures into three fragments, dispersing into the River Of Reincarnation. Reborn in different bodies without any memories, they discover a startling reality: Dragons aren't dragons, Demons aren't demons, and Devils aren't devils. Watch as these new beings, a new race known as Possessors, challenge the established rules of existence. As they mold the world in the way they want, They compete against each other for the title of – The Lord of Identities. .... Previous Name: Possessed Identity The power system is complex; just a glimpse: Everybody, including all background characters, has their own unique abilities. There are multiple races in this world, each with a unique cultivation path and power system. People are even more so. Extremely so. The more you read, the more you should understand.

FamishedGod · ファンタジー
48 Chs


Filled with anger, frustration, and fear, Rakshasa fled from his cherished old house, consumed by a sense of dread. He ran and ran, not stopping until he reached the familiar cliff and plunged into the river once again. What was once a celebratory jump to mark a path of happiness and hope had now become an outlet for his pent-up frustration.

Immersed in the cool waters, Rakshasa couldn't help but think about what he had witnessed in his own room. The image sent shivers down his spine, and he refused to dwell on it. There, lying on his bed, was a man who looked strikingly similar to the deceased demon Hiranya, rather than Rakshasa himself. However, the implications of this sight were what truly terrified him.

It became clear to Rakshasa that someone was plotting against Land Demon Mann, using his appearance to deceive and manipulate. Whoever possessed the ability to scheme against a formidable rank 3 being was not someone he wanted to cross paths with, at least for the time being. Rakshasa recognized the overwhelming strength of a rank 3 being, surpassing his own comprehension. Even rank 1 beings could destroy boulders with ease and halt speeding cars, and rank 2 beings commanded tremendous respect. The thought of someone conspiring against Land Demon Mann instilled a profound sense of fear within him.

While Rakshasa was initially angered by the loss of Hiranya's ancestral home, he realized that it didn't affect him deeply. His intention was simply to visit the house one last time, severing ties with his old self and embarking on a fresh path. However, it seemed that to achieve even that, he needed strength.

As his anger threatened to cloud his rationality, a golden light emitted from his forehead, instantly calming him. With complete clarity, he spoke emotionlessly, "I only need strength. You all can wait until I become strong. Then, I will return not for revenge, but to show you how far I've come. You will serve as a testament to my growth, and your presence will be the pressure that pushes me forward." Rakshasa was a demon of his word, and his determination remained unwavering.

For now, he needed to distance himself from the city and its machinations. He wondered how long this hiatus would last, but he calmly shook his head, wearing a content smile. Soon, childlike laughter echoed through the river as Rakshasa swam freely, unburdened by worries and reveling in a sense of freedom. His mind underwent a subtle transformation, a process of sublimation sparked by recent events.

His plan was to lie low for a while, earning money and feasting on souls, but not within this city. He would have to relocate temporarily, with the intention of returning when he had grown strong enough. However, before embarking on his journey, he needed to repay the debt owed to the soul-selling shop. He didn't want any lingering obligations weighing on his mind, as it was said to hinder cultivation. Acquiring 16 gold coins would be relatively easy for him by withdrawing his parents' savings from the Gold Demon Bank, as they had a substantial amount stored, at least 30 gold coins last he checked.

Once he settled that debt, Rakshasa would set out on his journey. And where else could he go but to the city of dreams and valor, the world-renowned (or infamous) Demon City—the Dreamsoul Citadel—a place known for its mix of vice and virtue. With this new resolve, Rakshasa Swam forward, meeting the waves with his hands,

Moving Forward...

don't consider the Dragon Mc as an ordinary baby, think of him as a genius with an high school knowledge, but naive in regards to emotional and spiritual part of life.

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