

She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · ファンタジー
46 Chs


The doctor examine Unique asking her various questions, Mr Arnold was also present in the room as the section took place.

He adjusted his stethoscope and turn to Mr Arnold.

"It seems she has a slight amnesia, it a temporary one, if she's reminded gently and constantly her memories might return, but for now don't try to force things on her her internal injuries haven't healed yet it might cause more damage."

The doctor informed them, Mr Arnold nodded while Sophie bite on her nails.

Unique look at her uncle unsure what was going on, the doctor existed the room having giving some prescriptions of drugs she was to take.

"Uncle is anything wrong, why do you look so worried, am sure it nothing as long as I recognize you all right?"

Mr Arnold nodded, it really wasn't much of a problem, he just hoped it doesn't affect her health much. He couldn't take her home with him, his wife was still annoyed about the last incident they had about Unique running away from her wedding, although the day was a blurry image and he couldn't remember the details clearly, every one knew the bride ran away refusing to be married off.

After Mr Arnold had left Sophie stayed with Unique the entire day taking care of her.


Garrett closed the file of another dead man which was found on the west coast of the supernatural realm, he sigh it was obvious to him who was killing them.

"Shouldn't you intervene in the matter now before things go south" Cassius told Garrett.

"Am sure Nalla wouldn't go looking for trouble, she's sensible enough to know what will happen to her. After all this men are nothing but a pervert in the community, they are too much people filling the space and they deserve to be thrown in the trash." Garrett replied him.

Cassius glared at him.

"Still yet Garrett they are the community men, if this reaches the ear of the higher ups the court will be questioned, we have enough case in our hands".

"She will be righted like always, this isn't her first, Nalla just has a little hobby of getting wild". Garrett told Cassius who understood that he was asking for the case to be swept under the rug.

"Her madness is beyond control, she might not escape it this time if she continues this way". Cassius told him.

"The women case seems to be arising again, this time around they are going missing no body is being found", Cassius told Garrett whole eyes were deep rooted into the report file.

"They must be aware we have a lead" Garrett said.

"If that the case then we have a mole in court who's delivering information to who ever the killer is" Cassius said.

"Every one in court now seems to be a suspect," Garrett said with a smirk which tug at the corner of his lips.

Cassius knew Garrett was fighting an inner battle, he hasn't been him self lately.

"You seem less busy this week you should manage your time" Cassius told him.

"I have personal matters to take care of, might be away from court for a while..... Don't worry my work follows me around".

Cassius didn't have much to say to him, rather than putting pressure on him, he only nodded.

Garrett came out the portal into the human realm into the woods that let them to the nearest town.

Garrett walk through the street as the sun was starting to set, he preferred walking on the lone street than visiting his empty home, his father had gone back to the realm as Gracie couldn't handle Matthias their little brother alone. His mother was locked in the dungeon.

Walking through the busy streets, Garrett raise his head and from where he stood he sighted Mr Arnold.

His eyes lite up, the man was walking briskly to his car coming out from a lone building. He had a worried look on, he got in his car and drove away.

Garrett look around and wonder what he was doing at such far place, it was two hours journey to the city.

Garrett walk forward and stood Infront of the building, he stare at the thick high gate which obstructed him from seeing the main building.

Meanwhile in the mansion,

Unique had her meal, after she was satisfied she push the plate away and look up at Sophie who was Infront of the bed.

"Am done. Sophie what wrong you have been really tense since I woke up this morning, ain't you happy to see me?" Unique asked, Sophie shook her head.

"Never Miss Unique am always happy to see you, am just worried your health has become worst than before, although the doctor said you were fine it wasn't completely." Sophie told her worriedly.

"Am fine Sophie, you don't have to bother see am as strong as a bear" Unique said moving abruptly up on the bed, Sophie panicked.

"Miss Unique!!" Sophie almost fell from the sudden movement Unique made.

"Don't move around like that, you are still recovering" Sophie scolded.

"Aww..... Unique wince at the pain at the back of her head.

"What Miss Unique?"

Sophie asked quickly, should I call the doctor back, perhaps he can rush down to check on you " Sophie said feeling paranoid.

"Am fine you don't have to call the doctor....", Unique was saying but Sophie wasn't very convinced.

After Sophie had gone out, Unique came down her bed and walk towards the window opening the panel to let the cool breeze in.

She smiled at the sensation it sent done her skin it was heavenly. Although she lived in a building faraway from home, she couldn't help but feel something was missing. She was told she was missing a whole four months from her memory, it felt like those four months she missed was the most beautiful moment of her life.

It was hard to recollect anything, no matter how much she tried, It was always a miserable attempt.

The window panel closed shut hitting it base sharply before opening again, from where she sat Unique look back into her room with a slight frown, the fragrance of citrus mint filled the air.

The breeze blew in sharply and the curtain blew up covering Unique line of sight.

By the time she was able to get it to settle, she was faced with a brown headed man who stood in the middle of her room.

Her heart skip series of beats seeing as he appeared out of no where.

But something familiar wash over her.

He grab hold of her seeing as she sat on the window placement which was high up, materializing in was the risk he took to see her.

Unique flinch upon contact, she stare at the familiar yet unfamiliar honey brown eyes, which look at her desperately.

"Kitten" he call almost a whisper yet firmly.

His looks were finely dressed but it seemed he hadn't slept for days and had lost a dozens of weight, but how did she know this?

Unique didn't pull away, she felt the comfort in his touch which she crave for more it was like she knew him but she had never seen him before which was strange.

"Who are you, you can't be my doctor now are you?"

Unique questioned unsure.

Garrett ear rang at her question, his emotions spilling on his face which unique picked up on.

He was worried, but why was he? Who was he and why was he addressing her so informally.

He had stood outside the mansion for hours wondering what was going on. He had finally gotten a glimpse of what going on in the building, when he saw a window slide open by a pale tiny finger which he recognized so well.

"Unique?" He murmured excitement pulsing through his veins, while he pray so desperately that it was her.

What was she talking about.

"Unique look behind him to not see Sophie in sight, she pulled away from Garrett who was confused of her action. She was always excited to see him before but now, it seems different.

"Excuse me sir, you weren't the doctor who came earlier, or were you sent by him.

Garrett looked at her confused. The door pulled open and Sophie walked in.

"Miss Unique I....." She was about to call when she saw the silhouette of a man in the room, seeing the familiar back which took her by surprise.

A scream left Sophie lips seeing Garrett who stood under the moonlight that reflect in and the deemly lite bulb bed lamp in the room.

"Lord Garrett??" Sophie called looking at the man who had Unique in his arms.


"Unique!!" Garrett called her,

Unique pulled away again panicking.

"I don't think he's the doctor Sophie he is an intruder call the security", Unique told Sophie. Garrett didn't like the fact she pulled away from him but he said nothing about her action at the moment, he was confused and he needed an explanation real quick.

"What going on here?" he asked turning to face a shaking Sophie who had her head down.

Unique look at the man Infront of her and frowned deeply, who was he to order his maid around, he was intruding in her business..

this is dedicated to my beloved fan fumilayo ashake

Cassie_Berry134creators' thoughts