
Lord's Mercy

He was scarred by the violent war, but then he was transferred to a world where war, unlike to them, is nothing but a child's play. In great anger, he will make changes nothing the people have ever seen, only to make things right, right as they should be.

DaoistfoEIVn · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The one that enjoys peace

Around the Mouri Forest, 2 weeks he awaken

A new tactic was given to the Mylenia soldiers. That is to integrate with the nature. Not to die with them, but to look like them. Camouflage as he call it.

The current general was a lazy man, and order to change his position was something he outright despise of. But, for once, never did he became so afraid of a person, much less a boy, to instantly send him off to the far east of the Welia Kingdom.

The look on his face when he gave the order.

"Became my general, spread your army."

At first, he thought he was bluffing so he did what any prideful man would, question his authority. Only if he didn't, then perhaps, his junior officer, would've lived.

"That's your fault, now, if you don't follow my orders, the same thing will happen to you. If you do, then you will be rewarded handsomely."

It was not even the reward that motivates him, it was the fear that made him do it. By simply reminding him of the lifeless body of his junior, he can only shiver instead of enacting a vengeful path.

And currently, they move to the deepest part of the Mouri Forest, where the eastern alliance are getting active in recent occasions. They wear their no armor, but instead they wear greens, attached some leaf and woods onto their body. Some of their mages even resort to such disgraceful effort just to cross through the forest.

"We should've used magic. If we did, we could've been there ages ago!"

"Silence! The duke ordered it so just shut up and follow his command or else your head will come flying!"

"What power does he even have to order me around!? He's nothing but—"

My stare silence the man, a mage at that.

"If you have noticed, despite the scouts' warning about the eastern alliance infiltrating the forest, for once, we have not been spotted nor anyone of us are killed."

"Well, surely that's because they have not gone too deep ins—"

"No, that's because their mages are yet to spot you and your buddies. His excellency perhaps have thought about such brilliant tactic to ensure our camouflage work. Would he have ordered you to stay low if he is not unsure of it?"

"No, but we could've just hide ourselves using magic—"

"Then, what of us? Would we be able to hide ourselves if the enemy mage sense your magic flow? Surely you must've learned it in the magic academy. Only ones with the low magical power are incapable of sensing magic flow. Higher ones will be able to see you, regardless of what kind of magic you cast, illusion or not."

The mage can only crawl in silence after losing the argument. But it seems he is enlightened instead of feeling a humiliation. This is perhaps one of the few traits they have that highly differs to us, a low mana people.

The higher the mana, the higher the intelligence... Such bullshit.


In the manor of Duke Louis Von Mylenia

Louis' POV

It seems crying myself out release a few hard feelings in my mind. That is a great thing. I also changed my name to embrace my new identity, not as the son of a cowardy Duke, but the duke of Mylenia that will protect to its very core.

And I have also decided to myself that I would do things my way in the future. That includes leading this people, teach them, and have them create opportunities for themselves.

To start of this plan of mine, I ordered Laila, the blue haired maid, to give write me a formal documents that states the construction of the structure called "University". This institution will then accept people ages from 5 and beyond. They will be taught basic arithmetic, literature and arts. And by the time they advance, I will personally teach a few of them algebra, then pre call, then calculus. Some of them will be taught by Laila and Helen the advance literature to properly give the people the opportunity to become highly literate.

Afterwards, once they successfully learned this things, I will recruit them to become the new instructors. That way, I could give myself a breathe and exercise my authority to this future independent nation.

Speaking of independent, it seems Mylenia is more or less an independent territory. The duchy receive almost none to the Kingdom while the Kingdom receives a monthly tax. And it seems that coward man accept it since he is also one of the people that benefit from it.

I also took care of the agricultural sector. These 2 weeks was truly hell for me, but being in war since birth was worse so this much is nothing.

The number of death due to famine are souring 10 thousands to 15 thousands. Not only that, a few settlement had to be abandon since harvest have gone hayware. This results to the rise of bandits. Something that I am having a hard time controlling.

But for now, I have tried to negotiate with them by sending a few delegates. I have plans for those people and if they chose to return I will have them make a new town north of Mylenia due to the land's abundance of untouched farmland.

It's quite risky to send them since I already lack manpower, and I do not wish to have a rat on my house by asking to the kingdom, but the situation according to my calculation will be favorable to us since the only thing that stops them from returning is food.

And since they are shallow people, I did a few tricky words to pass on to them.


I sigh and rested my back onto the chair as I hang my head. It's been a rough day of work and yet I am still nowhere near of getting finished.

I rise from my seat and stand just beside the window of my office. Outside is the backyard of the manor, well-maintained and full of greenery. Such thing to look at made my mind at ease due to the pleasure I got from the beauty of it. I sigh once again and enjoy the chilly breeze of the air.