
why not me?

"Hey, can't it just be me?" said the pale-looking boy to himself while watching TV. "Why are always the bad guys the ones that get these cool powers, while I'm just being nothing?"

The boy, who was born with nothing on him except a note with his name on it and a red feather, didn't have an easy life until now. He was abused by his adoptive parents, which made him unable to form any kind of normal relationship with any kind of people except his "friend" Noah, who just hooked up with his crush since elementary school.

The only person that is talking to him is his landlord, who he still owes money because of unpaid rent. The thing that he watched on TV was a documentary about the greatest meta-humans that lived in this era. Some people were chosen by God to take part in the death game called A.R.A, where no one knows the meaning of it but everyone knows what it does. It sends normal people through an "awakening process" where the human limit is exceeded, and people are getting powers that far exceed the imagination of a person. But the risk it bears is, in most cases, the death of the person, which isn't uncommon.

The first stage of awakening manifests their class, which is the important aspect of a person's life. The classes are ranked from common to rare transcendent and godly. The gaps of those ranks are immense, so a common rank wouldn't normally beat a rare rank except the equipment is better.

Umbra, the boy that is watching TV, is still sad that he couldn't do something about his situation except accepting that his fate is just to rot in this place while everyone is living their lives to the fullest.

Umbra had no job, no qualification, nor something else he could rely on because most of the companies didn't want him; he was sentenced for 6 months because he beat someone so brutally just because someone insulted his mother.

Another big problem of his was that he couldn't sleep at night because he saw the exact same dream every night, where a magnificent blue dragon is trying to kill him in the most brutal ways a person could imagine. But on this particular night, it was different?

Absolutely thrilled to embark on the adventure within "Loosers Bloodline"! Being new to this tale, I'm genuinely excited about what lies ahead. I kindly ask fellow readers to consider that I'm just starting out and might see things differently. While I'm eager for any helpful pointers or suggestions for improvement, I hope everyone keeps an open mind and shares in the enjoyment of this captivating story! Let's dive in and explore together!

Abudi_04creators' thoughts