
Long Live, the Queen! (R18) (Under Editing)

[MATURE CONTENT] Enter the world of Lila Elara Forbes Montgrave, a rose with thorns, shaped by tragedy and reborn with vengeance. Betrayed by her lover and given a second shot at life, she uses her beauty as a weapon in a deadly game of love, hate, and power. But as her past and present meet, will she reshape her fate or succumb to the darkness within? Warning: Viewers discretion is advised. Read at your own risk.

jelomaine · 歴史
86 Chs

The Festival

As the vibrant colors of daylight adorned the sky, a tremendous thrill spread throughout the Northern Empire of Ezra.

The major festival was beginning, a celebration of unity and prosperity that gathered both nobles and commoners from all over.

Colorful flags flapped in the breeze, as laughing and music filled the streets. Despite the festivities going on around Lila, her thoughts remained focused on her fiancé, Axel, and his unusual absence.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince awaits your company," a servant said, breaking Lila's trance as she neared the stables.

Lila walked towards the meeting location, giving a brief nod. When she arrived, she was greeted by Mateo, the radiant Crown Prince of the Southern Empire of Azro, rather than Axel, as expected.

"Lila, my dear, what a pleasure to see you," Mateo said, his blue eyes flashing mischievously.

Lila's dark ruby eyes narrowed in reaction, her manner remaining calm and cautious.

"Prince Mateo," she said swiftly, her tone revealing none of the underlying animosity between them.

Mateo leaned in closer, unconcerned about Lila's chilly greeting, his playful mood tinted with flirting. "Would you like to go for a ride, Princess?" he asked, nodding to the row of spirited horses nearby.

Mateo's cockiness caused Lila's jaw to clench automatically, "I'm afraid I must decline," she said curtly, her gaze darting over the crowded courtyard for any hint of Axel's presence.

"Lila, my dear, you look beautiful as always," Mateo said, his voice dripping with honeyed words as he reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face.

Lila faked a courteous grin, her dark ruby eyes blazing with thinly veiled hatred. "Thank you, Prince Mateo," she said curtly, taking a small step back to create some space between them.

Before Mateo could react, the atmosphere changed as Axel, the menacing Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Ezra, entered the room.

Lila's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of him, her glance shifting to Heather, who stayed in the shadows.

Axel's red eyes glittered with a hint of challenge as he examined Mateo's confident demeanor. "I never back down from a challenge," he said calmly, his voice full of arrogance.

Mateo nodded in agreement and pointed to the horseback riding arena, where the combat between the two crown princes was about to commence.

As the crowd gathered to watch, Lila's heart pounded in her chest, caught between her disdain for Mateo and her complex feelings for Axel.

As the race began, the thunderous hooves of the horses resonated through the air, creating palpable tension as Axel and Mateo competed for victory. The stakes rose with each passing second, and Lila could only watch, her emotions in chaos as the festival unfolded around her.

As the horseback riding event heated up, Lila found herself seated in the royal entourage, her gaze fixated on the thundering horses of Axel and Mateo as they raced for triumph. Lamaine, the Empress of the Northern Empire Ezra, sat next her, her gaze calm but attentive.

"Quite the spectacle, isn't it?" Lamaine asked, her voice tinged with amusement as she watched the intense struggle unfold before them.

Lila nodded, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she tracked the horses' quick movements.

"Indeed," she said gently, her thoughts still muddled with memories from her previous life.

Atticus, the Emperor, watched the race with great interest, his gaze shifting between Axel and Mateo as they thundered down the course. Nearby, Theo, the Second Prince, leaned forward in his seat, his face filled with anticipation.

Suddenly, a surge of memories washed over Lila, sending her to a distant past. She recalled the excitement of horseback riding, the wind in her hair, and the pounding of hooves beneath her.

However, her daydream was cut short by a clear recall of the first time she met Mateo on the track.

The first time she met Mateo was not her falling down the stairs, it was when she was horseback riding with other nobles, 'How could I forget this?' In that time, Lila feigned to be less skillful than she was, allowing Mateo to win the race in a foolish attempt to gain his favor. She now regretted her decision, which was based on love and blindness.

As the race progressed, Lila's heart ached under the weight of her previous mistakes. She was willing to give up her own happiness for the sake of a man who had never genuinely valued her.

With steely resolution, Lila returned her gaze to the race, her eyes blazing with intent. As Axel and Mateo raced for the finish line, Lila decided to create her own path, no matter the cost.

As the thrilling equestrian race reached its peak, Axel, the Crown Prince of the Northern Empire Ezra, surged ahead, his dark hair whipping in the wind as he approached the finish line. The crowd erupted in cheers, their voices reverberating around the arena as they anticipated triumph.

But then mayhem erupted as arrows rained down, their lethal aim targeted directly for Axel. Panic spread across the crowd as Axel's horse reared in terror, narrowly evading the devastating darts. With lightning reflexes, Axel evaded the majority of the arrows, but one struck true, piercing his arm with a painful sound.

Despite the excruciating pain, Axel gritted his teeth and pushed his mount forward, determination shining in his crimson eyes. Lila's pulse hammered in her chest as she witnessed the tragedy from the sidelines, her mind racing with terror and doubt. Without hesitation, she ran towards the arena, her blonde curls streaming behind her as she cut through the crowd, her sole focus on reaching Axel's side.

As she approached Axel's side, her breaths came in ragged gasps, her chest heaving with exertion. Ignoring the crowd's attention, she tore at her own dress without hesitation, unconcerned with the scandalous show of her naked legs, the fabric blowing over her as she improvised a hasty bandage for Axel's harmed arm.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly, her dark ruby eyes examining his face for any signs of pain or sorrow.

Axel met her gaze, his crimson eyes filled with furious intent. "I'll live," he said gruffly, his voice showing none of the pain that he must be experiencing.

As the commotion settled and the attackers were caught, Axel's victory in the race was declared. Despite his injury, he remained the winner.

"Long Live, the mighty Crown Prince of Ezra!!!" 

Lila assisted Axel to his feet, filled with relief and admiration for his resilience. And as they stood together in front of the adoring crowd, their previous frustrations temporarily forgotten, Lila couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them in this turbulent world.

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