
Loner Life In Another World

An entire classroom is summoned to another world by its god who selected them to become heroes. The god allowed each of the students to pick a special skill of their choice, but one of the students, Haruka, a lonely student, missed the selection ritual and god allowed him to keep all remaining skills the other students didn't pick. Despite not having a single powerful skill, Haruka makes use of his multiple abilities to live a lonely and comfortable life in the other world, until his classmates start having trouble trying to deal with their new environment and conflicts between them, forcing him to take action and help them.

kote_shinno · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Haraku - The Lone Traveler

Haraku is a true bookworm, but this bookworm has been transported to another world with his classmates. The story must be told about a few days ago, Haruko was reading a book during her lunch break, surrounded by her friends who were chattering nonstop. A group of boys gathered at the teacher's desk laughing, girls gathered around talking about fashion, and there was a corner where legendary otakus gathered. This is a group with clear class divisions. In that bustling atmosphere, suddenly a large magic circle appeared in the middle of the classroom. Everyone was both surprised and scared. As for Haruka, he felt excited, this bracelet was similar to the one in the book he had just read. But this did not stop Haruka from running away. He rushed out the back door but the door could not be opened. In a panic, he threw a chair at it, but the door remained intact. Haruka had no other choice but to climb to the classroom's attic. But in the end, the bright light emanating from the circle still covered everything, Haruka couldn't help but close her eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he discovered he was sitting in a pure white room. While thinking about whether a fat king or a beautiful princess would suddenly appear here, an old man gradually appeared in front of Haruka. He jumped up and asked why he appeared here. Without bothering to answer, Haruka wondered why this old man's face was so grim, or maybe it was because he was hungry because he hadn't eaten. The old man stared at Haruka and shouted that nothing was wrong with him. It turns out this old man can read and understand other people's thoughts. Seeing Haruka constantly criticizing him for being old, he wiped his tears and asked why he was still here and hadn't gone to another world. It was clear that he had summoned a group, not an individual, but now there was a person. are in this room. The old man told Haruka to choose the skill he wanted. A notice appeared before Haruka's eyes, he currently had 50 points, and could allocate 1 point to each skill. But all of Haruka's basic stats are above 10. Even if she allocates all her points to a single index, it will only reach 60. There were so many skills while Haruka's points were so few, he was scratching his head not knowing which one to choose. Good skills have been picked up by classmates. And if you choose too weak a skill, when you enter the new world, won't you become food for the monsters there? While confused, Haruka suddenly saw the old man in front of him with tears in his eyes, they dripped down into drops accompanied by his sobs. The old man said that so far he had summoned at most 30 people and let them choose the skills they wanted, but this time 45 people came and left only 1 person, Haruka. So this time he decided to give Haruka all the skills he had. Looking at his blank expression, the old man continued to point at the notice board in front of him, he could take all of these skills, no matter what disaster it might cause. Haruka got out of his stupor and tried to wake this old man up, but it seemed he had made up his mind, then screamed and disappeared. Haruka gasped in surprise, until he regained consciousness again, he was standing in a forest, that old man had actually teleported Haruka to this other world.

As soon as he arrived at the strange forest, Haruka looked around and saw that the notice board had disappeared. A voice rang out in Haruka's mind telling him to use dice. Haruka threw two dice up, then they fell to the ground with the letter M on their face. Haruka was surprised, he didn't understand what the letter M meant, whether it stood for minus sign (min). The voice in his head rang out again, asking Haruka to attach M to the first skill attribute, then the second,... He bet everything on luck, not knowing if M would be a minus or increase his luck. yourself, the chance is only fifty-fifty. A notice board appeared in front of Haruka's eyes, he bet M on luck and now his luck has exceeded the limit, this means M is Max without a minus. But there will be a catch. Haruka will have to fight alone in another world without being able to team up with others and the additional ability is being able to command subordinates under her command. He was thinking that fighting alone in another world was nothing more than torture. He originally came here without a companion, perhaps the command skill was created specifically for loners. Thinking of her classmates, maybe they were also summoned here but now they couldn't see any of them, well, Haruka couldn't care that much and couldn't form a team to fight together anyway. The only thing he needs to care about now is finding a safe shelter. If there is food, even better. But hope was immediately extinguished when looking at the road ahead, not to mention the limited visibility in the forest. If he encountered a monster on the road, I wonder if Haruka could use the sleeping technique to fend it off. . Suddenly remembering something, Haruka pulled out the bag. This was the equipment of villager A. He used 50 points to exchange for this bag because it had a huge capacity and many useful items. This definitely has contact lenses. He rummaged through everything inside. After finding it, I immediately put it on, and everything became especially clear to my eyes. Not only can you see clearly, but you can also see the appraisal information of each object appearing next to it. Although this is only level 1 appraisal, it is very effective and makes the search more leisurely, whether seeing things in the dark or through the forest is no longer a problem. Haruka ran quickly on the road, saw a grove of mushrooms on a large tree trunk, he stopped. Haruka can examine this mushroom, it is called Plonk mushroom and is used to eat and help increase hidden abilities. Haruka picked some and put it in his pocket. Then he continued walking forward, a river appeared in front of him, he took his bag down to scoop up water and took a big sip of water, silently admiring that this water was much tastier than the water he drank from the vending machine. Continuing to move forward, I don't know when a larger cave door gradually appeared before my eyes.