
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Loki the God?

"I think we should unseal the tomb just long enough for Damon to get Katherine since he is never gonna stop to unseal the tomb," stated Elena making Stefan nod.

"True," said Loki appearing behind Elena making all three of them tense.

"Loki, why didn't you save my daughter?" asked Sheila a bit pissed.

Sitting down, Loki sighed, "Look, I placed a talisman on Bonnie that if she gets hurt or is about to die, I will teleport to her involuntarily, that is the reason and I knew the Hero Stefan was gonna save her."

Calming down a bit, Sheila asks, "I heard that you were gonna unseal the tomb, why would you do that for Damon?"

"Well, Damon is only here in Mystic Falls to free Katherine, and I kind of pity him. He waited so long just to need to do so much to be able to free his one true love, very sad indeed, so I decided to help him, that's all," stated Loki shrugging.

Thinking about it, Sheila says, "Alright, tell Damon we'll be helping you unseal the tomb."

"Hear that?" asked Loki making all four of them confused.

Taking out a phone that was currently in a call with Damon, his voice was heard from the call, "Yep, now meet up at the church ruins, tonight."

Hanging up, Loki smiled, "Bonnie and Elena, keep training on your routine, I will test you randomly every day, you won't even know where I come from," vanishing into thin air, Loki teleports to the church ruins.

"Oh no," stated Bonnie.

"What is he talking about?" asked Stefan.

Sighing, Elena explains, "Ever since we've been training with Loki, he has given us a routine to follow, and what he means by random tests is random places Loki will show up to attack us."

"What isn't that overkill?"

"I mean, I'm not a witch nor a vampire so fighting is the only thing I have," stated Elena making Stefan chuckle.

"Right, I forgot, so how is the training so far?"

Elena answers, "It's hard since he sends his shadow clones to train us when he doesn't have time to train us personally but overall it is fun."

"Enough talking about gibberish, let's go to the church," stated Sheila walking out the door.

Not wasting a minute, all four of them drove to the church. When they reached the church, it was night, jumping down to the church ruins, all four of them see Damon and Loki standing there expectantly.

Damon with a bag of human blood while Loki had some fries to snack on. "I already read the spell and know how to perform it, unless you two want to help me perform it?" asked Loki eating the last of his fries.

Knocking out Jeremy and placing him near the tomb for her mother to feed on, Anna and Ben walk into the tomb bumping into Stefan who prohibits them from entering. "Stefan, you can either let me go get my mother or let Ben kill Jeremy," said Anna showing her vampire fangs.

Choosing quickly Stefan lets Anna go into the tomb and decides to face Ben. "You know, you got lucky the first time, this time, you are not gonna be so lucky to get a surprise shot," claimed Ben super speeding towards Stefan who threw him to a wall.

Using his brains for once, Stefan grabbed a Molotov he created to destroy the tomb vampires and lit it on fire throwing it on Ben who was getting up. Screaming in agony, eventually, Ben was turned into ashes blowing into the wind.

While this was happening, Loki, Sheila, and Bonnie were chanting the spell, "Alright, we've opened the door to the tomb, so hurry up and get your waifu," stated Loki.

Grabbing Elena and forcing her to come with him to the tomb, Damon says, "Just a little assurance you won't close the tomb."

Walking into the tomb, Damon and Elena can hear some whispers, "What is that?"

"They can sense you, Elena, a human," said Damon letting Elena go and running off to find Katherine.

Anna shows up and speeds into the tomb, "Why didn't you try to stop her?" asked Bonnie looking over at Grams.

"It is because any vampire who enters may not leave," revealed Sheila.

"Where is Elena?"

"Stefan, Damon took Elena with him for assurance," said Bonnie. Stefan was shocked and was about to go into the tomb but Sheila warned him.

Hearing Elena scream, Stefan speeds in there, "Are you serious? Oh my god," stated Loki rolling his eyes.

"Grams and Loki, can you please lift the seal for Stefan to get out?" asked Bonnie pleadingly.

Sighing, Sheila had no choice but and lifts the seal allowing Anna and her mother to escape. Holding the lifting of the seal for a bit, Elena ran out, but Stefan stopped at the entrance. Deciding to help his brother, Stefan finds and grabs Damon running out of the tomb.

Landing outside of the tomb, Damon was on the floor and was not getting up. "Damon, what are you doing?" asked Stefan.

"S-S-She wasn't even in the F*CKING TOMB!! SHE NEVER WAS IN THE TOMB IN THE FIRST PLACE!! ARGHHH!! WHAT THE F*CK!!" yelled Damon in pain and sadness. Stefan and Elena went to find Jeremy who was awake at this point.

Loki went up to Damon and patted his back in comfort without saying a word. Damon got up from the ground and walks away from Loki. Seeing Damon walk out of the tomb, Elena hugs him and then leaves with Jeremy driving home.

Super-speeding away, Damon and Stefan leave. Loki watched as a vampire crawled out of the tomb empowered by the human bag of blood Damon threw against the wall in frustration. Smiling Loki teleports to the Salvatore Estate.

Pearl and Anna arrive at their hotel but find Damon sitting on one of the beds. Speeding toward Pearl and grabbing her neck choking her, he asks, "Did you f*cking know Katherine wasn't in the tomb? Answer me, Anna!!"

"Yes, I knew Katherine wasn't in the tomb but if I revealed this information then you would've never helped me."

"So, where the hell was Katherine all this time?!" shouted Damon being broken inside.

"Katherine visited me a few years ago, she knew where you were obviously but never bothered to find you, it just means she doesn't love you as much as you thought she did."

After hearing those words, Damon felt his heart shatter and his being break. Letting go of Pearl, he breathes in and out heavily stumbling to the door and superspeeds away.

"I'm gonna lay down," said Sheila a bit tired.

"Alright, lay down, I'll get you some water." Leaving, Bonnie pours a glass of water, walks to the couch, and finds Grams not breathing. "Grams? Grams?" checking her pulse, Bonnie's heart dropped, Grams had no pulse what happened wondered Bonnie panicking.

Dialing Loki's number, Loki picked up quickly, "What's up? Do you need more tips on magic?"

Sobbing, Bonnie couldn't speak any incomprehensible words, "Grams, is, uh,sdm, dead," spluttered Bonnie. Teleporting to Sheila's house, Loki came upon the scene, Bonnie's glass of water on the ground tipped over wetting the carpet.

Bonnie is sprawled over Sheila's body crying, "Move, let me check," stated Loki moving Bonnie and holding Sheila in his arms. Checking her body with his Rinnegan, there seemed to be nothing wrong but her soul was gone.

Sensing throughout the entire Limbo, TVD universes, and dimensions, her soul was nowhere to be seen. Who could have this much power to hide Sheila's soul from me, the creator of this f*cking world thought Loki worriedly.

Trying CPR on Sheila and after a couple of minutes, Loki lay down Sheila on the ground and called the ambulance. "There has to be a spell in here somewhere," said Bonnie flipping through Emily's spellbook.

Grabbing her hands, Loki said, "Bonnie, there is no spell in this world that can bring back people from the dead."

Dropping the book, Bonnie hugs Loki and cries onto his shoulder, patting her back, Loki sighed. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That foolish Loki, can't even find out that I killed Sheila and trapped her soul," shouted a dark being on a throne.

"Lord, what exactly did you do?" asked Ken curious.

Looking down at Ken which made him squirm a bit, "Basically, I made him think he was using the same amount of magic he would for the spell to unseal the tomb but I was siphoning his magic little by little, and since I am special, I made sure he didn't notice.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Then after siphoning the magic he was using, Sheila noticed this which in turn made her have to use more magic than normal, and boom bam, she is on death's door after using that much magic. Then I just took her soul to my personal dimension killing her mortal body, and Loki never noticed anything, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"

Gulping Ken asks, "What would happen if the old witch wasn't on death's door?"

Stopping his laughing, the dark being said, "Loki would notice I took what was her name, Sheila, then Loki would notice I took Sheila's soul and try to enter my dimension where I have to confront him, my powers are not strong enough to win against him yet, I still need more..."

"Yes my lord, I understand."