
Loki the God of Creation

Loki died and went to the Naruto world and died again, now he has became a god...

TachyonicCha · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Loki the Friend

Arriving at the Salvatore House at sunrise, Loki opened the door, checking the date, it was September 29.

Hearing some noises coming from the basement, walking slowly down to the basement, Loki could hear Stefan. "The reason I am doing this, is well, so you're unable to hurt anyone else, I am truly sorry for doing this brother," stated Stefan.

Damon questioned, "So, brother, how long have I been here?"

"It has been 3 days," Stefan answered.

Damon laughed and hissed, "You know, your lies will eventually catch up with you. YOU CAN NOT DENY WHAT YOU ARE!!!"

Stefan sighed and closed the cell window, turning around he was quite surprised to find Loki leaning up against the wall. "Where the hell were you? You've been absent from school for like a long couple of days, even Elena was asking where you were," inquired Stefan going to the freezer.

Taking out an animal blood pack, Stefan began drinking it, "If you want to know, I guess I could humor you, I've been doing something that is very very important," Loki said while looking at the cell door. "You know, your brother is right...You can't keep denying who you are, eventually, Elena would figure it out."

Stefan blitzed towards Loki and grabbed him by his neck, "You don't know anything about me," claimed Stefan getting a bit angered.

"See, now that is how a vampire would act, but you are soooooo wrong, I know so much about you, Ripper," smirked Loki, Stefan's eyes widen in shock and a little bit of fear.

Letting go of Loki's neck, Stefan stepped back a little, "How do you know?" apprehensively asked Stefan.

Loki pointed to his brain, "That is for you to figure out, or you could ask Katherine because I think one time, I told her how I was watching her, and the look on her face was priceless," chuckled Loki.

"What do you mean you told Katherine?"

"She didn't tell you, well, when I met you guys in the 1800s, the talk me and she had, I told her that I... I just told her how I could watch her and that includes you also, that was it, what did she tell you?" questioned Loki.

Stefan tried to recall the past, "She told us that you asked her out on a date," stated Stefan remembering that day.

Loki smiled, "That is funny, such a Katherine lie, anyways, I have to get going, hopefully, you and your brother sort things out," yawned Loki walking out of the basement.

Stefan took deep breaths, taking one long glance at the cell door, he walked out of the basement. Loki walked towards school and saw that today, they were having a fund-raising car wash, seeing Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline surprisingly.

They were all wearing something quite provocative, "Elena, I see Loki," said Bonnie pointing towards Loki who was walking towards them. Loki at this moment was wearing a hoodie with a muscle shirt underneath, he had shorts on and some sandals.

Elena saw Loki, "Woah, his legs are so smooth and white, what the hell does he use to make it that clean and smooth?" Caroline wondered staring at his smooth legs.

"His toenails are also so perfect, what the hell?" Bonnie wondered seeing Loki's perfect toenails.

Loki stopped in front of the three gawking ladies, "Um, what's wrong?" asked Loki.

Elena was the first one to speak up, "Well, um, we were, um, wondering, how are your legs so smooth, what do you do to make them that smooth," admitted Elena a little embarrassed.

Loki was a bit surprised, chuckling a little, "Well, I have never used any product, just plain water, and moisturizers," confessed Loki watching their reactions.

Bonnie had disbelief on her face, Elena was confused, and Caroline's face was screaming BIG CAP. "So, where were you, you missed a lot of school days, I asked the teachers to give me extra homework papers so I can give them to you once I see you, wait let me go get them, they're in my backpack," stated Elena running off.

Interesting thought Loki, "Well, so are you guys gonna stare at me all day or get to washing cars?" Loki chuckled watching as realization covered their faces.

Caroline then blanked out for a bit, "Loki, can you cover for me? I need to do something," claimed Caroline walking off abruptly.

"What was that about?"

Bonnie looked at Caroline walking away, "Honestly, I don't know, she has been acting weird ever since she met Damon," confirmed Bonnie.

"Alright, I got your homework right here," wheezed Elena handing Loki the homework he missed.

Loki grabbed the papers and smiled, "Thank you, Elena, I appreciate your kindness, I don't know how I will ever repay you."

Catching her breath, Elena patted Loki's shoulder, "Don't worry about it, it's what friends are for," smiled Elena.

Friends, hm, thought Loki. "Alright," said Loki.

While washing cars, Elena says to Bonnie, "Why don't we get Loki to help us wash the cars, and I am also curious about how he looks..." admitted Bonnie scrubbing the side window.

Elena stopped washing the car and thought about it, looking at the bench where Loki was doing his homework, she walked over and asked, "Loki, could you please come and help us with washing cars?"

Loki looked up at Elena and thought about it, "I guess I could help my friends," smiled Loki getting up and storing his homework in his backpack. Where did he get the backpack from thought Elena.

Ignoring the backpack, Loki set it down on the bench and walked toward the parking lot where the car washing was taking place. He saw a reporter reporting about the fund-raising car washing, Loki sighed.

Stefan finally shows up to watch the car washing, Bonnie stops washing the car she is currently on to watch Loki. Taking off his hoodie, Loki's muscle shirt underneath doesn't cover that much.

Blushing, all of the girls stop their washing to stare at Loki's muscles. They don't look that big but he has enough muscles and he looks very lean. "Damn," blurted out Bonnie making Elena nod unconsciously. Stefan watches on with a little bit of jealousy.

During this moment, Bonnie subconsciously set a car on fire, "Woah!" shouted the owner of the car.

"Oh crap," panicked Bonnie dousing the car in the water and killing the fire.

Loki and Elena quickly went up to Bonnie, "What the hell happened?" Elena asked.

"It seems my magic is acting up, I think I need to talk to Grams," said Bonnie quietly sighing heavily.

"That sounds like a good idea but we should get to washing cars," reminded Loki. Elena and Bonnie gulp and nod. Washing cars, Loki got a lot of attention from the woman who was driving by and decided to wash their cars just to gawk at Loki.

"Wow, we should invite Loki to wash cars more often, he is attracting more customers even if they are mostly girls," Elena claimed.

"Yeah, he is attracting more customers than usual," agreed Bonnie.

The day finally ends, and the fund-raiser was a huge success due to mostly Loki. "Good job guys," praised Loki sitting at a bench with Bonnie and Elena.

Stefan showed up and Elena tried to get him to wash cars but after mentioning putting Stefan's ring in her backpack, he was acting weird and left. "Yeah, we raised so much money," smiled Bonnie giving Loki a high five. "Elena, are you okay?"

Elena at the moment right now looks confused, and a bit disturbed. "Um, yeah, good job guys," said Elena getting up. "I am sorry but, I have to go." Grabbing her backpack, Elena leaves in a hurry.

"That was weird," stated Bonnie, "Well, I should get going, see you later Loki." Getting up, Bonnie grabbed her backpack and left after giving Loki a goodbye wave.

Some of the girls tried to ask Loki for his number but honestly, he doesn't have a phone so he declines saying, "My phone is getting fixed so I'm sorry," even saying that they still gave him their number on a piece of paper.

Taking out the pieces of paper, Loki stuffed them into his backpack, walking to the Salvatore Estate, he began thinking of stuff. Elena is so kind-hearted and pure, unlike in the later seasons when she was a vampire.

Sighing Loki teleports to the front of the Salvatore Estate and walks up to the door, opening it, he finds...