
Loki: Mischief No Longer

The Fan-Fiction takes place after Loki Season 1. The story of the adventure of Loki and Sylvie to find the person who responsible for the trouble in the Multiverse. I hope you will like the Story. Thanks to Sakura for the book cover. [Instagram @s__sakura__]

lJim_yl · 映画
5 Chs

Her Mischief

Sylvie, I don't want the throne, I just want you to be alright. Why don't you understand that? Everything comes with consequences but you refuse to believe that.

After she pushed me back to the TVA, I found out that this TVA wasn't the one I knew. They worship someone called himself Kang. I didn't do much digging but I know who I was facing. A Variant of He Who Remains. He warned us about him. That killing him will cause the Sacred Timeline to branch and his way-more-dangerous-Variant to be born. Way more dangerous than we could imagine. I snatched one of the TVA Tempad and ended up searching for Sylvie. It wasn't your fault that you released a Multiversal Threat upon us. The sooner I find you the better. I travelled across Multiverses until I eventually found you. It took days and weeks and months to get to you. Searching every apocalypse to be there with you. I know what you've been through. The guilt that stuck with you for the rest of your life, like what I did with my mother. Even though I haven't done it yet. But me from a different timeline had done it over and over and over again. Somewhat in their actions actually affected me. Putting the guilt of my mother's death upon me.

We came across our first Variant of He Who Remains as our first step to our redemption. The situation has gone wrong and the trail leads us to this planet called Gogrok in the year 2045. This planet is suffering a civil war and we have zero clue what the cause is but it isn't our concern. Our job is to track down this Variant and bring him to the TVA. But the question is, what are you looking for, Sylvie? It was too easy for you to agree to join me in this journey. Are you so mad that you want to kill all He Who Remain's Variants?

The planet looks like a battlefield with dust, collapsed buildings and of course the sound of gunshot constantly. We know better than walking across the field, so it's better for us to take the underground's path. You have been quiet ever since we arrived in Gogrok. Is there anything that you wish to share?

"I have never seen you so quiet."

"I can say the same to you." She gave me a glance. "I always remember you were the one who was constantly talking."

"Well, I am talking, am I?"

"Yes and I wish that you go back to the quiet one."

Ouch, just trying to make a conversation here.

"After all, what are we going to do with him? Just bring him back to the TVA? You told me that it wasn't the TVA that captured us."

"I think they might have an answer for this Variant."

"What if they don't?" asks Sylvie, locking her eyes with mine.

"Until then, we'll find out." I reply, focusing forward.

We found a sewer system that we can travel with near a river. As we enter the sewer and what before us is pitch black. Sylvie told me that Magic can be taught by yourself by just being a little more creative with it. We created the Night Vision Spell that helps us to see in the dark. As soon as we cast it, our eyes glow green and we can see clear as day. The only struggle is the smell of the sewer. But it isn't as bad as we couldn't handle. The sewer is also crawling with type creatures that look like rats on Midgard but a little more funny looking I would say. We come across dead bodies on the way. We must be very close to the city. These people must have hidden here and starve to death. War is always the same on every planet. The one with power lives and the weak dies.

They would be in Valhalla by now if they fight as Viking to the death. We honour our death on the battlefield in Asgard. An award for our fighting side by side with our brothers and sisters until the end, and then spend the rest of our lives in Valhalla. Rest in Valhalla, Mother, Father.

We somehow reach the end of the sewer or it looks more like a path that has been blown open on the ceiling of the sewer. The path has been covered by the collapsed street concrete, so we are forced to climb up to the surface. I think we are at some kind of a city hall with a broken statue in the centre and buildings surrounding it.

There's the sound of the tanks rolling and soldiers running toward us from the left. We sprint behind the statue to take cover. Nothing good will happen if we get spotted and have a whole army on our back. We wait patiently until the last tanks roll away and can finally relax.

"Can you get your arms off me, now?" Sylvie asks quietly.

I didn't realise that my arms were wrapping around her while taking cover. "Oh, sorry I didn't know my arms were…um." I let go, then place my fist against my mouth while crossing my arm.

"It's okay. I was just waiting for you to let go." She walks away.

Way to go Loki. What were you doing?

We go to the left side since the army is travelling to the right. Going in their direction isn't a smart choice.

"Can you tell where he is right now?" I ask Sylvie.

"I can try to enchant the citizens if I can find some. They can show me if they see a man with a green cloak walk past them. Maybe a couple of soldiers too."

"Alright then."

While walking, we hear screaming ahead of us. As we get closer and take cover behind the building, we see a woman who is possibly a mother who is getting pulled away from her daughter by the soldier. They all have bruises on them. Next to them, there's a man lying dead on the ground with a boy crying on top of him. What in Hel is this? Ten soldiers harassing a family? Although it isn't our concern, I want to drive my dagger into those soldiers. But there's nothing I can do other than holding my fists, biting my teeth and looking away. Behind me, Sylvie rushes forward but I am quick enough to stop her.

"Sylvie what are you doing?" I ask her aggressively. Sylvie, this is none of our concern and you need to know that.

"I can't stand here and watch them hurting a defenceless family." She tries to break out.

"Sylvie, this is none of our business. We have nothing to do with this planet." I shake her to wake her up.

"You saw those dead bodies in the sewer. How many people will fall until this meaningless war ends. This is the best I can do to stop feeding my guilt."

That's what you are looking for the whole time. Helping people, starving the guilt. I misjudged you, Sylvie. My hands let loose and she broke out. She conjures her sword and is ready to fight.