
Living Singularity | Remake | Male x MHA Harem

(Possible Remake of Living Singularity) Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change 「Fate」itself , will he found out who or what he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew? 「A Singularity Has Appeared」

DarkTheLibrarian · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Season 0 - Chapter 12 - New Truth

It's crazy we 12 chapters in ain't it isn't even S1 yet. Not like it's a problem. We here for the lore, we gonna figure it all out together, including the foreshadowing and why anything happens.


The dim light flickers, changing from one scene to another. The Hero Billboard Chart JP (Japanese) blaring on it. After the Omaezaki Incident, morale was at a low, and new incidents were rising, causing an influx of villains. Because of the incident, they started doing the Hero Billboard semi-annually, once in the summer, the other in winter, to raise people's view on heroes and show their resolution to continue on.

Clicking the same key a couple of times, the volume turns down. I don't wanna be too loud at this time of day. As 'nice' as the people here are, they could be rude or completely flip a switch, gaining a more 'dominant' tone like some owner. As rare as it is to happen, it does still occasionally happen, mostly with the Director.

"And with a shocking turn of events! This year a new Number One hero is crowned, due to a small abscence from All-Might, the title is stollen by the fiery heat moves as fasts as ever, taking the spot as the new Number One! We welcome to the stage as this years Number One Hero, ENDEAVOR!" A man in a navy-blue body suit, lined with gold and red edges steps onto the stage. Suited with silver gauntlets and shoulder pads as well.

'Huh? Endeavor? An interesting change.' I turn my head, momentarily watching as Endeavor gives a heroic speech, an odd change to his personality, but he still generally seems the same as he was in 'the original', if you ignore one very, very, very small detail.

The flicker and fading of fire takes my site. Like a sun deity, the almost rainbow glowing middle of his flames intrigued me, a light amount of specifically blue flickering at the base. His flames once orange and red, now orange and red with blue a light blue at the base, the beginning of the flame where it's hottest. A constant change between the two temperatures causing and almost rainbow like effect in the middle.

His flames had changed, evolved, gotten stronger than ever. Something, whatever caused the other changes, seems to be affecting more and more. At least it's another benifical change, but, each time I see a change from what I know it causes more and more worry. What happens when one of these changes are bad, excluding the Omaezaki incident, what else will happen, what else could happen?

"With my son in UA-" Shaking my head I turn the volume down. Going back to writing some reports I needed to go through, Goda entering the room shortly after. Giving me a small greeting he glances at the computer screen. "Watching the Billboards?"

"White noise."

He nods, "It would do you good to do your research on heroes. Especially since you'll probably be meeting some of them one day."

Did he want me to know their weaknesses or something? I roll my chair towards the center of the room, grabbing a paper the center as Goda looks at me, my arm. "Are they being rougher on you these days? Guess you're getting to that age."

They hadn't been, well, they both have and haven't been doing more. I have a couple people who teach me how to fight, it was one of the requirements. Though I'm not trained as often as one might think I am, probably between a half to three fourths the amount of training. But after the Stendhall incident, they'd gotten stronger, but amount of strength, in a percentage form, was still the same.

If they originally outputed twenty-five percent, they still were, just of a new maximum to draw from. They didn't even seem to realize- wait, how did Goda know? No one before has realized the change, so why now? Maybe it was all a coincidence, maybe they had started getting rougher, just because of the strength their old twenty-five was now ten, so they bumped it back up to their new twenty-five, maybe.

"...A bit, they don't look like they're putting in much more effort, maybe I just missed it? After all, they wouldn't get stronger over night, would they?" I rolled back, briefly glancing to my right.


He'd lagged, hesitated just a bit. He knew something. That or I'm getting delusional, not like that's an impossible idea. It's happened before, brief flashes of my nightmares when staring into the dark, never anything too bad, like staring at a pile of clothes in the dark.

He steps a bit closer, looking around the room. "You should make sure to stay a bit cleaner."

"Is the room dirty?" It looked clean, but who could say. I had few people to correct this rooms appearance. Plus, it wasn't like I had anyone to worry about seeing anything, if it was truly 'dirty'.

"No, you keep your well kept. But, there's a couple things here and there that could use a bit more cleanliness to it." Moving my head up and down I finish the current report, one detailing my recent experiment with the artifical organ project. It was a bust.

"Either way. I didn't come in here for a check up or anything. Just be ready. You'll be going out into the field with Nagant again here soon. A hero by the name of Captain Celebirty is heading back to the states so they're throwing him a big going away party at the Sky Egg in Tokyo. Since it's only about two and a half hours away the Director sees no issue with sending you to join her. Simple reconnisance and extra security." Preparing to depart again, he turns around.

"Does it have to do with the Trigger investigation?" The investigation, as far as I knew, went completely into the Police Departments hands. Normally the HPSC wouldn't actively intervene like they did with Stendhall. Since they wanted me to gain some hands on experience, and with a favor from Nagant to her friend, they assisted in less then normally legal ways.

Since they couldn't actively link the HPSC to the incident, they legality problems where just disregarded, the excuse of luck and circumstance being used for Nagant's interference. Although the HPSC wasn't linked, due to mine and Goda's research, they offered assistance in the investigation, already having called on heroes in it before hand. It's also why I haven't seen Nagant, the Director said she'd been sending her out to do some 'private research'.

"...A birdy told us there might be an attack on Sky Egg, but no concrete evidence. There'll be quite a few heroes there for the send off and some extra assistance for security. But you don't have to worry about any of the drugery work of going inside, you and Nagant will be on some nearby rooftops simply observing, at least, observing as well as you can from a low position. If things go awry, you'll be helping out with your quirk to get her a better vantage point. Oh! Right, bring one of your guns, single time special permission, a 'hero tool' created for Nagant." He finishes giving me my assignment, and his time in this room.

'So I was going out again?' My hand picks up the pencil again, the pencil's two ends hitting the table a couple times, my other hands stopping the shaking. Taking in a deep breath I empty my lungs. 

I don't need to worry. Nagant will be there. I trust her.

I recall the incident, something that's been still flashing through my mind on occasion, it was still seared into my mind. There was no trauma, but I still couldn't get it out of my head, my hands still shook when I thought about it. The most important and clear piece from it all was Nagant helping me, her presence helped wash away some of the fear.

With her, and these new and stronger heroes, I doubt I had much to worry about. I didn't know much about the current events of the world, that probably means nothing bad will happen anyway. After all, All For One should still be recuperating, and there weren't many other big villains other than him.

I think there was that guy named Nine out there, and Overhaul, but they wouldn't show up for awhile. I'd be fine. We'd all be fine

|<<Page Break>>|

"S-sir! He-he um- He accepted! he said he would glady accept your assistance." The man stumbled on his words, only a light flickering from a nearby tube. A heteromorph (mutant quirk) floating inside, a respirator mask wrapped around their armadillo like face.

"OH~ He did he did, did he? haha, oh that's wonderful news~!" The man let's out a light chuckle, his left foot almost dancing on the spot, a face splitting grin dancing along the lines of human and inhuman.

"Of course he did~ Why no? Doing not would be stupid for his... 'predicement'. But I knew he would, why falter when truth is absolute, he knew our assistance would assist." He turns on the spot, almost gliding across the room as his swift movements cause his underling to fall.

"Oh~ How the world is changing. Oh~ how they already changed it, you who is destruction and descentdent of who is truth and father. Through you we will find out truth, and you will find out why, existence, and who is they~." He stares up, several pods in circular formation, hooked up to a giant protected barrier. A piece of quirk tech forcefully creating a barrier from an old and new quirks.

"It who shook the world and again, will continue to do so, whatever you are, man, woman, or other. I know we shall meet. When we do, you will accept me." Inside the center of the room, behind the barrier, a large, almost tree like, object splinters off, connecting and siphoning from the lines of pods. The object held no stagnant form, once a tree, another a branch, a third a seed.

"Oh how truly magnificient you are, you who is truth and otherworldy. I shall nurture you, and you shall grant me what I want, and I shall save them all."


Longer than last chapter but shorter than most. A bit of foreshadowing, and some lore expansion. Pretty good overall in my eyes. I think between 1500-2000 is a good range per chapter, still lengthy, but it gives me leeway when writing.

Trying to also do better when it comes to playing the characters as more themselves, giving each of them a unique gimick when writing. Like making Goda use more complex words and having Neo also try to do the same, like the Patina scene.

Question of the Chapter: Favorite more 'compelx word', or lesser used word. Mine is influx, maybe.

Currently Working On: Chapter 4 of Curses Guide and Duality System, possibly to be changed (name) , Chapter 5.

Okay, so weird thing to quickly note, I could note save this chapter on ANY system if I had the 'possibly to be changed' in parenthesis, like AT ALL. like I tried on my shitty mac, my phone, the google chrome of my phone, a new window, no fucking clue why it wouldn't.

1865 Words (1650ish Chapter)