
Living a Lie


"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, we have reached cruising altitude, and it appears that there will be light turbulence. Therefore, we will be keeping the seat-belt sign on until we pass through this section of the flight. Please keep your seat-belts on while seated, and remain seated unless necessary. Thank you"


Tom opened his eyes and looked around as he was awoken by the notification. Somehow, he had gone to sleep during the take-off, and slept through the entire thing.

On the seat next to him, he saw that Lucy was also sleeping, her head resting on his shoulder. Seeing this, he decided not to disturb her by getting up, and instead called for the air stewardess.

"Yes sir? How may I help you?"

"Can I have some water?"

"Certainly. Might I also suggest the vintage 1946 white wine we have onboard this flight?"

"Hmm. Alright, and bring me two glasses, but bring the water first."

"Certainly sir."

The stewardess went back to the bar and said.

"A glass of water and the 1946 vintage white and two glasses for that gentleman in first class"


The bartender quickly arranged the water and sent the stewardess off while searching for the glasses and the wine.

"You water sir."

"Thank you."

During this conversation, Lucy, who had been peacefully sleeping finally woke up and looked at tom with her dreamy eyes while yawning and stretching like a cat.

"Hey Tom. When will the plane land?"

"How much time more?"

"I'm getting tired of sleeping in a chair for so much time!"



"Why are you ignoring me?"

"Did I do something? Are you mad at me? What is wrong?"


Lucy began screaming, but that did not affect any of the passengers nor crew on the flight.

Tom turned to look at her, his eyes red, as he took one of his pills and swallowed it with water. Before sighing as he looked down at the empty glass and whispered.

"I am mad. So mad that I want to die and be with you."

Looking over to his left, where Lucy once was, he found nothing, just like every day since that incident.

"Your wine sir."

Seeing the mood, the passenger was in, the stewardess quietly left after pouring the two glasses of wine.

Tom drank his glass on one big gulp, before reaching for the second glass, halting for a brief moment before picking it up and doing a toast to the air while mumbling,

"To meeting you soon" before gulping the entire second glass of wine in one go.

He closed the curtain to his cabin and reclined his chair as tears rolled down his clean-shaven face.

A few hours later…

"…mmy! Tommy! Tommy!!"


Opening his eyes, Tommy saw Lucy once more, and just shook his head and ignored her as he looked around.

His mind was buzzing and his vision was still blurry, however, he was able to understand what had just happened.

The plane crashed, and somehow, he managed to survive.

Realising this, he moved his rather heavy hands and searched his body, and actually found what he was looking for. There was blood on his head and his right leg.

Suddenly, a shiver went up his spine as his vision got slightly better and he noticed that there was cold air coming in through a hole in the airplane.

"At least there is no snow. Which means it might be cold but not freezing."

Tom looked around and noticed that he was inside the first-class cabin section, whose entire bottom part had been scraped into the ground like cheese on a grater. Thankfully the ceiling was still there, which should be sufficient to keep the elements out.

Opening his seat belt, Tom tried to stand but fell back in his seat.

"Sigh. I guess it is my time to die…"

Unable to move, Tom was unable to do anything, just sitting there, wallowing in despair of losing his life, but also having the mixed feeling of liberation and longing for meeting someone you have not met for a long time.


Opening his eyes again, the pain from his leg and the blurriness in his eyes and head were all gone. Where was he? Back in his house. But this was not his new house where he had been living for the past 2 years.

"I am here? This is the house that Lucy and I…"


Turning his head, Tom saw that Lucy, unlike the sad excuses for hallucinations he would keep having, this Lucy seemed incredibly real. So real that he felt that if he reached out, he might even just… touch.

His hand touched something solid, firm yet soft. It was warm human skin!


Looking up in shock, tom saw the smiling face of Lucy that he saw every time he returned home from work that Lucy, who purposefully left her job early every day to show him.

"What are you doing here silly?" she said in a voice that sounded like angels were singing to Tom. His heart, which had long since turned stone cold, began fluttering once more, beating with every breath that Lucy was taking.

"Me? I am here to see you." He said with a satisfied expression.

"Silly. You cannot see me yet."

"What?!" the smile on Tom's face froze as he asked in shock.

"You still need to live." She said with a smile as she pushed Tom away.

"Nooo!" Tom's crazed yelling resounded as the scene of his old house, along with Lucy, cracked and shattered into nothingness as though it was just a thin pane of glass.

"Ha, ha, ha." Tom's eyes opened once more as he found himself within the crashed plane, breathing heavily as the pain in his leg and head returned, his eyes becoming blurry once more.

"Damn it!"

His breathing became increasingly rapid as the cold air made it harder to breath.

"Why would I need to live. Do I deserve to live. Why would I want to live. I do not need to live. That's right. Lucy was wrong. I don't need to live. Haha! Haha!"

Tom came to a decision in a deranged state on mind as he lifted his hands, one pushing his head down, the other holding onto his jaw, preparing to push it, he stuck his tongue out, ready to push his jaw up to cut his tongue straight in half and finally get to stay with Lucy.

Suddenly, a shout resounded out of nowhere.

"And that's a wrap! Good work everyone! Mr. Park, that was amazing acting. Even thought it was not exactly as scripted, it was even better than the script! With this shot, we are done with the entire movie. Thank you very much for your hard-work, and we wish for you to have a successful career in the future.

Tom looked around and noticed that he was not in a plane crash, but inside a studio, and suddenly remembered a lot of things he could not remember before.

"Haha. It appears I got carried away with my acting Director." Tom said as he scratched his neck and stood up, as though the paralysis he had before was non-existent.

--The End--

I hope you all liked this. It was only something I made in my free time. Do check out my other novels: The Epoch of Magic, Return of the Last Survivor, the Supreme Sage, I am System. Thank you.


Shadow_Maguscreators' thoughts