
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · 都市
29 Chs

Is she a man!!??

With a sudden sound of the ringtone, Emmi opened her eyes in shock thinking she was alone in bed! But to her surprise, she saw juvia fixing her watch while standing under the sunlight!!

Emmi tried to stand up and her back cracked!!

"Argh!!" She touched her back while clenching the comforter!

"Take a day off today!" Juvia fixed her tie! "I'm changing the pass-code! stay in my apartment and clean up the basement and the rest, just like I taught you last night! if there's a single clue left by the time I return.... I'll just have to get rid of you!" Juvia tilted her head and smiled with her eyes closed!

Just as she was about to leave Emmi called out! "Ms Juvia!!!"

"What is it?" Juvia looked back! "I j-just wanna know, all those 5 women you brought....d-did you sleep with them?" Emmi asked hesitantly.

"...I don't like every woman touching my body! blood is the only thing that makes them interesting" Juvia walked out of the room!

Emmi's eyes sparkled and Juvia's words swayed in her mind while she came to know that she was the only one who saw and was touched by her master's "real body"!!



As soon as Juvia entered the office she heard a familiar voice from behind "Did you cook the beef Ms CEO??"

Navee popped up suddenly while showing the salute sign!

"Ah! Naveah!! What's the sudden visit? Did you get a good sleep? I can see dark circles!" Juvia caressed her eyes with her thumb!

"Us cops don't need much sleep, what about you?"(Navee)

"I slept in peace after texting you!!" Juvia smirked.

"where's your secretary?? I don't see her today!" Navee looked around.

"She's sick so she took a day off" Juvia walked towards the elevator along with Navee!

"Is it ok if I hang out with you in your office?? That won't bother your work right? also your secretary isn't here! I can help you out with some stuff!!"(Navee)

"Of course not! you can do whatever you want. But are you ok with helping me out? aren't you busy yourself?" (Juvia)

"Well I don't really have anything to do today! that's why I wanted to spend time with you! Also within these 10 years whatever happened to you, I don't know anything about them!" (Navee)

"Why don't you become my personal secretary then? You can keep an eye on me every day and know everything about me! isn't that a good idea? " Juvia leaned towards Navee!

Navee's cheeks turned red and she flinched!!

"I already have a job! why would I be your secretary?

Jeez, sometimes you talk like you're into girls!!" Navee smiled awkwardly!

"Who said that? I'm only into you!! I would be into you even if you were a boy!" Juvia caressed Navee's hair!

"Aagh stop teasing me!! C'monnnn!!!!" Navee smacked Juvia's arm while Juvia laughed saying "I'm not teasing you!"

In the PBI office -

Nick came out of the officer's room "Where's Navee!?"

"I don't know! She said she'll hang out with her friend this morning! Now I sent her a text but she doesn't seem to be online!" (Samantha)

"Then let's go to the office and bring her...it would be a great opportunity for a little check, you know what I mean!" (Nick)

"Yeah," Samantha nodded!



Juvia and Navee got down from the elevator on the 5th floor!

"I could've just come alone...Why did you come with me?" Navee frowned!

"You don't know everything around here that well and You're not my secretary! " (Juvia)

"It's just some paperwork!" (Navee)

Suddenly an employee from behind, Tripped on her legs while holding a tray of three coffee!! The cups were about to fall on Naveah... So Juvia quickly stood in front of Naveah and covered her while all the coffee spilt on her!

"Ahh! I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry!!" The employee continuously bowed and apologized !!

Juvia glared at her with a threatening expression and saw her panicking!

"Are you ok?? oh my god! It got all over you!!! your hand didn't burn right!?" Navee held her hand and started wiping her with tissue! Seeing Navee's worried expression Juvia's mood changed! "Why were you rushing like that? Is the manager acting up again?"

The employee nodded! Juvia straight walked to the manager's room!

The manager got surprised and immediately stood up "M-mam what br-" Before he could finish Juvia said" You're fired! Don't come to work from tomorrow" And she left leaving all the people inside in shock!

"D-did you just fire him??? why??? what did he do?"

Navee asked in confusion.

"If He didn't make that employee rush, the coffee wouldn't get spilt and you wouldn't be hurt!" Juvia turned to Navee!

" You're the one who's wet not me! are you crazy? what'll you do with your clothes now? (Navee)

"I have spare clothes in the office can you bring them to me?" (Juvia)

"Sure!" (Navee)

Juvia went to change! Navee left the clothes on the table and realised she forgot to bring the coat! So she went back and met with Samantha in the hallway!

" What're you doing with the coat?" (Samantha)

"An employee spilt coffee on Tessa's dress! what're you doing here?" (Navee)

"Why aren't you online? the officer called! You still have a chance. Go to the PBI now!!" (Samantha)

"Shit I forgot!!! I just don't wanna get scolded!" Navee handed over the coat!

"Take it to Tessa and leave it on the table that way I'mma head out! tell her I went to the PBI! I'll be back!" Navee rushed off!

Samantha took the coat and went to the changing room ! she walked inside to put the coat on the table when she mistakenly saw Juvia's broad shoulders and masculine back that was similar to men's body!! Samantha covered her mouth and quickly got out before Juvia noticed her!!

"W-what??? what was that???! Is she a man?? No, it can't be, right? Does she work out?? I need to see one more time but there's no chance!!" she slid down while covering her forehead, "What.....was that?? I'm getting so confused..."