
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · 都市
29 Chs

"Good times are temporary"

Naveah took a sip of the nutty bitter-sweet coffee when Zane caressed her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You like it?" He asked softly.

"It....feels like a dream. I didn't know we had this in our area. I wanna watch around after the coffee." (Naveah)

"Anything you want" Zane took her hand to kiss the back of it.

The huge vintage bookstore felt like a different world to Naveah. The piles of decorated thick books and their designs were spectacular.

"I didn't expect you to take me to such a place. I missed this nostalgic feeling" She said while pulling out a book.

"You were always into books and vintage designs, seems like it's still the same," Zane said while reading her expression.

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun before they realized.

Zane's staring at Naveah who's still in her world. Her pale skin was glimmering in the reflection of the orange sunray.

Naveah regained awareness when her phone started buzzing.

"Gasp..! Why didn't you tell me it's already afternoon? You were just sitting there all these hours?" Naveah panicked with embarrassment.

"I was watching you, you were so into these books. How dare I bother you?" Zane chuckled.

"I'm really sorry, let's go where you want to now. sigh...I think I ruined half of our time." Naveah looked down.

"Hey, don't say that. Just seeing you in front of me means a lot. When you blushed, felt excited, happy, sad, angry or disgusted I got to see every reaction of yours." He caressed her neck and looked into her eyes.

"H..huh? I don't know how many weird faces I made, it's just...the stories were good. L-let's go now." Naveah touched are face that turned red.



"There you go," Nick kissed Samantha's cheek while handing her hot cocoa.

"I didn't know you had a taste for cocoa at this age, It's not even winter," Nick scoffed.

"what's there to laugh? At least my brain works like an adult, unlike a certain someone." (Samantha)

"Oh! Does a child's brain imagine their girlfriend naked and do %$@ and %$&*@# all day??" Nick smirked.

"SHUT UP!!! Let me drink in peace!!!" Samantha shouted.

"Sure," Nick picked her up.

"Hey, hey hey !! Not again...put me down or I'll throw this in your face" (Samantha)

"I didn't make the cocoa only for you to it" Nick took the cup from her while putting her down on the bed.

"W-what? Don't tell me you're planning to-" Nick didn't give her a chance to finish and took off her dress.

"W-wait, listen when I'm talki- mhaah.." Samantha's evey inch flinched when Nick poured the whole cup of cocoa on her body.

"Now this is the best hot cocoa recipe made only for me," Nick glanced at Samantha while licking her thigh.

She covered her face with the pillow as she felt Nick's face going down. Her mind slowly went blank and she couldn't feel anything other than his touch.


Nick brushed off the hairs from Samantha's face who fell asleep right after. "My pretty woman," He softly kissed her head and whispered, "I'll be back."

Just when he was about to get off the bed Samantha grabbed his arm "Where are you going?"

"Ah! Did I wake you? Go back to sleep. I'll just go to the convenience store" (Nick)

"Mmhkay..come back quickly. Don't buy weird stuff" Samantha said with a sleepy voice.

The sky was ablaze with the colours navy blue and purple. The bright flickering city lights were seen.

The sea wind blew through Naveah's hair as she closed her eyes and lifted her chin to feel it. She twirled and took a deep breath,

"Today was the best day in these 2 years, do you go to the arcade often? You're good at almost everything." (Naveah)

"No, It was my first time, but-" He got interrupted when her phone started ringing again.

Seeing Navee's panicked face Zane asked "..Who is it? It's been 4 times already."

"Uhh...It's just Oliver, maybe he needed something. I'll turn it off for now." She switched off her phone.

"Naveah, stay away from him, don't let him get close to you and don't trust him...He's a dangerous person.." Zane looked at her with those shiny eyes while grabbing her by the shoulder.

Seeing Zane getting jealous Naveah gave a small peck on his lips and whispered in his ears "Don't worry Tessa, I'm only your's."

Zane dazed at Naveah with his light eyes while biting his lips in a shiver as he watched her walking forward.

"Hold it in...just a little more..haahh.." Zane mumbled to himself.

"Do your eyes change colours?" (Naveah)

"Uh..That, Yeah when I feel any extreme emotions they get lighter." (Zane)

"Woah, That's cool. But I thought your eyes were black when we were a kid. looks like I didn't notice," She sat down on the sand and waved at Zane to go there and sit with her.

"So...I was thinking, you're not going to do anything to the officer, will you?"

She turned to Zane who was carrying her shoes.

"Do what?" He kneeled to put her shoes on.

"Like threat or getting mad at him, I don't know...something like that? Because last time you fired the manager." (Naveah)

"Ohh..!! No no, I won't do anything. In another way, he actually did a decent thing." Zane smirked.

"What do you mean decent? That was an unexpected reaction.." Naveah raised her brows.

"Since won't have any work now, why don't you move into my place? Let's live together Naveah." (Zane)

"Move in? Sigh...Tessa, I don't want to depend on you for everything. And I wasn't even fired for a solid reason. You know I was determined to catch the culprit"(Naveah)

"....You don't have to worry about these, there are other members." (Zane)

"That's not the point. This means a lot to me, I got sold here. You were there Tessa. I didn't leak any-" Naveah stopped for a moment and turned to Zane.

"It...wasn't you right? Cause it doesn't make sense, there was no intruder except you and me.."

She glared at his eyes...



Nick suddenly tripped on a stone while walking with a bag of food and other things. "Where did this come here from?"

Suddenly his phone rang and it was Samantha.

"Honey, I'm almo-"


"W-what do you mean? Calm down-" (Nick)

"Check what I've sent you. I'm going to Navee's place now!" She hung up.

Nick froze in shock, his eyes widened when he looked at his phone screen...