
Life Simulation: Rage Of Gods

As many problems was happening like virus, natural disasters, and other things. Humanity started praying for god to forgive their sins, and save them from all these continue calamities. Gods took the pity on the humanity, but as they cannot directly interfere with the mortal world. They had send a incarnation of god to help the humanity in this dangerous period. But, discovering that gods can not enter the mortal world directly, the greed of humans overcame them, as they want the power of gods for them. So, humans started experimenting on him as his power was still in growing phase. This whole experimenting things were first opposed by some people, but after that all humans readily agree to do the experiments. In experiments, humans discovered some things regarding the power of gods but it killed the incarnation of gods. As the gods got to know about this they all got enraged and started to cause the mess and disasters on earth while humans used the result of the experiments to gain some powers. Which can only be possible for some people. In process of giving powers, many people died. The process of giving powers simplified, and can check who can awaken these powers. A man who had suffered due to the two faced humans all his life, died, and born as newborn angel and got system of life simulation, while he lost the almost all the memories of his human life. What will happen with this angel with human soul in this war between the fight of gods and humans? And does demons will still watching all this or will do something big? Only time will tell. Which side will this angel with human soul will choose?

Nemesis_Writer · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Birth of a new angel

Author Note: The story starts from here. Please read the synopsis of this story to understand the story and it's world background. Guys please comment to ask the any questions that you may have? Now let's begin the story.

A senior angel was telling the tale of fight between the gods and humans with the huge enthusiasm as no story or tale is greater than it.

At that time, a little angel came flying as fast as he can with his little cute but still majestic wings.

As that little angel landed on the land near the senior angel who was telling the tale, the senior stopped in between the tale to look at this little angel.

Little angel tried to speak but started panting that he had flied a long way to come here at the fast speed.

Little angel placed his hands on knees while taking the deep breaths, and tried hiding the face which was red with embarrassment and excitement of something.

"Hu hu hu hu hu, senior, elder angel has told that life pool is gathering energy." little angel spoken with eyes sparkling with the excitement.

Everyone who was hearing the tale from senior angel immediately looked toward this little angel who brought the news from elder and understanding what he said, everyone's face bloomed with the uncontrolled smile and the ominous atmosphere from before of story telling had disappeared.

With smiling faces everyone gathered around little angel.

Little angel didn't felt awkward to be covered by everyone but smiled with more excitement.

Seeing all this, senior angel came to his senses as he was immersed deep into something, and remembering what little angel said, he moved forward while coughing to signal everyone to give him the way.

With this cough, everyone moved little to other giving the path for senior angel to go to little angel.

Senior moved quickly and grabbed the shoulders with excitement and said," Did you said, life pool was gathering the energy, right?"

"Yes senior, you heard it right, life pool is gathering energy." little angel confirmed.

"Which means." little angel trying saying something but was cut in half by senior.

"Which means it is time for the birth of the new angel. Ahhhh, how long has it been since the birth of the last angel, let me guess, it was 500 years, no 600 years, oh i forgot. Finaaalllyyyyy." Senior angel exclaimed loudly with enthusiasm.

This loud voice had gathered the attention the angel in far distance, and they came to these gathered angels while smiling in happiness of what they just has heard.

"Let's go to the life pool, it is a rare moment for us all angels to see the birth of new angel." senior angel announced seeing the excited faces of everyone.

Next moment senior angel took the flight without saying anything else to everyone toward the direction of the life pool.

Guessing the trajectory of flight of senior, all angels could not sit still and also stared flying in that same direction.

As little angel was tired after his previous flight but wanted to go, opened his wings to fly.

But just at that moment, a angel near him who was looking at him for some time and had not flown in that direction, waved his hand in front of little angel's eyes to get his attention, and said," Hey, kiddo you brought a great news and now you are so tired, if you want to go there, i can take you there, as i am also going."

These words of angels was like pillow for the who is hadn't slept for many days to little angel, with beaming light in eyes, little angel quickly responded in fear that this angel would change his mind, " yeah, sure, thank you for that."

After hearing the answer from the little angel, that angel didn't wasted anymore time and grabbed the little angel from the waist before taking the flight in the direction of life pool.

Both was excited for that magnificent sight.

"Sir, i don't mean to offend you, but can you fly faster?" little angel asked timidly.

"Oh! you can't wait anymore, anyway, i am going stop for a moment, you grab my shoulder with strength, because i am gonna fly faster" Angel answered.

After which angel stopped on a spot for a moment.

Little angel gripped the shoulders of angels while feeling a little awkward but didn't let show this awkward feelings on his face.

Angel noticed this thing, but it kept it to him instead of revealing it. out of blue angel gave the little angel a smirk.

Angel flied again but this time with far more speed than before.

Angel within some time catch with the other angel from before.

After some minutes everyone can see the sight of life pool and confirmed that it was gathering energy with their own eyes, which resulted in widening their smiles even more.

When everyone was about to land they slowed down to follow the senior who was telling the tale before.

They all landed on the ground seeing the elder on anchor near life pool.

Elder turned around and called, "hey, dale, you finally called the henema along and everyone too, well done."

Hearing the praise little angel ( dale ) was filled with proud.

Senior angel harrumphed lightly and spoke," elder Faren, you always speak my name wrongly, it's henma not henema, i will let that slide this time as it is such a great moment. and can you tell me the ceremony of birth will begin."

As henma completed his sentence everyone first chuckled at the antics of these two and then looked toward the elder like they are asking same question.

"Aren't you all a little too eager." Faren said jokingly, looking at everyone's eager face, which couldn't contain their curiosity anymore.

Everyone grunted impatiently.

Faren the elder didn't took his joke too far and answered, " this time it is gonna be a a little special as all gods will come and attend the ceremony of birth started, so, we all have to wait till all the gods come, and i called you all here to decorate everything to welcome the gods and this little new angel.

Hearing this, their faces bloomed like flowers as this will be a great opportunity for this new angel and a great moment when all gods will gather in one place after such a long after the war started.

Author note:- Guys, please comment what to improve , and if you liked this so far, then add it to your library. Thank you.