
Life of Purity.

The world of evil and grace were identical. Yet, so diverse. With a boy with pure white hair on one side and pure raven hair on the other, sent into protection ever since he was an infant, to being raised in a whole new world. Many if they knew the background, would've thought he was safe. But that was so inaccurate. With mages and swordsmen, the boy was raised to be the best in this world, he was raised to be something special for everyone. However, through all of this, he has one question for himself: “Who am I?” Of course, he knew his name, but really who was he? The white and black strings that would always pull back any unattached body part were truly uncommon. The light and dark lighting-like veins on his body glowed, and his eyes were concerning colors. Nothing in this world pointed toward his being, so he needs to go beyond that. (read the first few chapters!!! I PROMISE they won't disappoint!)

Gracie_8x · ファンタジー
3 Chs


The rising sun marked dawn. The white horses that were covered in blood lay on the ground, resting, one hundred meters back. They continued to wait, while their leash was tied against the trees. The horses also had gold lettering imprinted on the side of their shoulder. It shimmered as the warm, welcoming sun hit their manes, they looked magical at that moment.

Their ears perked up in alert. The horses urgently stood up, worried. The fall leaves, brown, yellow, and orange leave rustled against the ground. The snow horses hurriedly took a defensive stance. They didn't know whether it was a friend or foe. However, in just a short time they soon relaxed, and they saw the silhouettes of their soldiers.

They all seemed fine, walking back together like nothing was different. The horses immediately knew their riders and calmed down from such anxiety.

"What was a kid doing in a place like that?" General, Arzona, whispered to himself. Arzona has the toddler in his arms, the baby does not have dark blue lips and is very pale skin. The second Arzona got to him he threw on his white coat onto the toddler. At first, he thought the child was dead but before he could declare that his ring finger moved.

The river was a drought, with no clear beautiful water, only the cracked dirt from the bottom. It looked like someone or something sucked the life out of it. 'It definitely could've been a mage but I wasn't informed of anyone entering this area except for citizens.' Arzona was at a loss with the current information; the civilians said there was a river innard of the woods that drove all of the occult beasts out into their town, but there wasn't.

The reason anyone even knew to do this was because of the upheaval of more magical beast sightings in the municipalities and towns. So to fix it they sent mercenaries to investigate these mishaps and come back with data, and that they did. But was it right? It had to be. Too many people said the same thing, yet there is nothing but a design of a dried-out river. And who was this kid?

Too many unanswered questions, but it can't be something that they were going to continue to pry on. This was only the first mission for the new general, so it was something small. Something he could handle. Arzona took it seriously but he knew the stakes to open an investigation on this were low, so he tossed that thought aside.

They were only here to gather information and send reports back on the General's behavior during this whole process. Analyzing one of the sixteen generals, especially a new one was mandatory. So each of these elite soldiers took notes on how he handled such situations and headed back to the capital following Arzona.

The cold boy was seated in Arzona's lap while he maneuvered through the trees of the forest. Arzona strolled through the town once more for any beast they haven't slayed, small or big, and then went on his way for the Royal Stationary.

The RS was home to all of the Soldiers and Generals. The royal stationery was like a large manor, they had plenty of rooms for the elite soldiers that protect the continent. It was safe to say that the manor was huge, it was colored off white, and had a golden red-ish color that lined every detail of the estate. It had a smaller manor in the back but that's where they would keep their tamed beast.

There were three floors in this manner.

The first floor was a combination of living areas with leather coaches and cozy rugs that fit with the dark wooden floors, and kitchens to feed the bellies of the saviors.

The second floor held the rooms of the soldiers, the rooms were at least six meters equal. They were spacious and they each had their white bedding, a closet was also in the room.

On the third floor were the Generals, there were sixteen generals to take up all of that space in the third floor. Each general had their own office as their room, nothing was different except for status though. Everyone in the Royal Stationary shared the Training rooms. There were two training rooms, one for mana and one for swordsmanship.

General, Arzona entered the estate and took the pale child with him. Finding a child on a mission wasn't so uncommon but in such a place... It was concerning. So he wanted to notify the king before anything, especially to know what to do with the kid.

They walked across the gravel paved road into the manor and they all seemed to split up to go to their destinations. Arzona walked up the stairs to the third floor where his office would be and sat down in the chair behind the wooden desk. He took out the black ink and a glass pen, dipped the writing utensil in the dark ink, and began to write a report of the mission to his superiors. The man's eyes blazed blue as he continued to write, the ink glowed a blue tent and some water drops fell onto the paper. He dismissed them and called one of the soldiers he told to follow him to bring this to one of the higher-ups.

When Arzona first got to the estate, he put the toddler in his bed and covered him up with blankets. The boy looked like he would be out for days with such pale skin. 'Living in such weather...mmm. He must have been freezing.' Arizona's thought went back to the boy with the mitch-match hair. 'If only we brought a conjurer with us, this process would've been faster.' He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts. The general was exhausted, so much pressure lately was good at all but he was pushing through. With the day starting, he fell asleep.

In the large room, a boy with hair that could only be explained as unique, lay with his eyes closed. His fingers began to move from underneath the sheets, his body began to circulate warm blood through him and he soon regain control. He felt good, refreshed in some sort of way but he could explain it. With only minutes passing, he gained control of his body again.

The white and black eyes snapped open looking at the white ceiling with a cold look.