
Life in Sothoryos Game of Thrones

作者: Brogdawg32
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A lost guy trying to figure out this new life he was thrust into. think Pocahontas meets avatar

8 タグ
Chapter 11.) what the green hell?

An: hey guys. Been thinking about this a lot. So many people use Skagos as a way to build power. But what if I want none of the risk of dealing with Westeros? I go father away from it.

While the story will eventually be intertwined with westeros, I want to build up a power base on my own. Think of it as the Daenerys model.

What If all the horror stories about the green hell were true? But one group of people managed to survive and thrive there. Think of it like the native Americans and a white boy who gets lost who they decide to take in.

Kinda like jake sulley in avatar. Yea. That's a perfect example. I won't give him a westerosi wife. Sorry. If he's going to consolidate power having another outsider join the fray would not only be dumb, but not allowed.

I will use a lot of the same ideas I've used for all my got fics. I've just been searching for the right way to put it all together. More oc's in this than I would normally like but we'll keep it to family and an advisor or two.


Julius Pov:

The cold around me is the first thing to awaken me. Next is the sound of rushing water.

My eyes snap open to reveal jungle all around me as I fly down river. Ahead of me is a breakaway. I decide to go right. Don't ask me why. I just figured left is always worse than right.

Boy what a mistake I made. I quickly see that as rocks-Huge rocks- begin to litter my vision amidst the washing machine like current around me.

I don't even get time to understand how I, a guy from small town USA ended up in what I assume to be the Amazon. That's the only real jungle I know about.

As I'm thinking this one of those rocks comes into view far faster and far larger than it looked further downstream. By the time I register it my vision is ripped from me as I collide with the stone among the unforgiving current of the river.


Anya Pov

My escort and I are about to begin our journey back home through the jungle when one of the scouts comes running blabbering about a pale one washing on the river bank.

At first I scoff and prepare him to die until he fervently begged for us to check it out. Jabari spoke to me in his deep voice, "Princess, I don't think this is a good idea. You know the history of outsiders. We watch what they do to the wild ones. Put them in chains and make them fight for their amusement." He spits the words out like a cobra. He's my fathers oldest friend. After his family was killed by the basa, he fully devoted himself to ours and became like my second father. Neither of them would let me out alone. Even with vissa's approval.

I sigh and speak, "if it's just one we may be able to find out if there are more. More importantly, why have the ancestors left him alive? Surely patu can get information out of him. Inform the men we have a detour. I'm going to see vissa."

My decision was made. I left the temporary tent toward my beautiful girl vissa. While many believe my family blessed, only I know how truly perilous trying to bond with one of vissa's kind is. They are truly ferocious beasts worthy of being the rulers of the jungle, wyverns.

Their attitude makes them formidable enough, coupled with the venom used to kill whales and you have yourself a truly formidable foe.

I see my beautiful grey and blue girl amidst the clearing beside our camp. She notices my approach and trills in delight as her head swivels my way. I speak the royal tongue to her.

""Come, we must check out a pale one who's somehow gotten far into the green than anyone else.""

Her deep growl is all it takes to know her feelings. I don't know how my family ever bonded to these wild creatures. Many whisper about the dark magic that subjected them to our will. However, feeling the understanding between Vissa and myself, I wonder how anyone who felt this could simply call it slavery.

I mount up just as Jabari comes to me with his own friend vuto in tow. His beautiful sleek black body seperated him from the other scout cats we have around the kingdom given to different jarl families.

"Princess, we're ready. Lead the way."

I nod and give Vissa the command. Instantly her wings begin to flap as we make our way towards the intruder.


Julius pov

Again I wake up. However, sans the massive headache I'm now sporting I'm currently better off than I was. I feel solid ground beneath my stomach and begin to get into a standing position only for a huge club with razor sharp blades placed all around it.

I look up to find a jacked tribal looking man. Accompanying him is two even more giant men with huge spears and a beautiful girl.

Her neon red eyes look into my own and I see nothing but cold calculation in those orbs. I turn my attention back to the person weilding a weapon at my head and see a middle aged man who looks at me with pure disgust.

I don't know what I've done to these people but I don't need to. I'm a white boy in the jungle. I know how this ends.

The girl says something I can't understand and I look up just long enough to see the end of one of the spears come towards my head.


Anya Pov

Seeing the pale one is something I trained my entire life for. My father always taught me to be weary. However, seeing the yellow eyes and silvery hair of the man made me momentarily forget all the training.

It all came back in a second though. I began to look at him as an enemy then, trying to see his cues. The look in his eyes is one of confusion and terror. Such things are appropriate given his current circumstance.

"Prepare him for transport." I say and see one of the kubwa strike him down. I don't need to say anything else. A rope is prepared and they begin tying him up while I try to prepare myself to face my father after bringing the intruder to our home.


Julius Pov

My days have been filled with blurs. Strange voices speaking in a language I don't understand. Huge jaguar looking cats walking around and trying to bite me through the cage I'm stuffed in.

Everytime I start to really get my faculties though, I'm injected with something that makes me tired and eventually darkness overtakes my vision before waking up however long later and repeating the process.

In truth I'm more at peace with the situation at least. I know I'm never going to walk out of this green hell that surrounds me. The horror stories about uncontacted tribes meeting people who look like me never ends well for anyone.

Especially given the fact that these people live truly hard lives. They survive. This means a child is more apt at it than I myself am. This is even more prevalent in the unfamiliar environment I'd have to navigate if I did try to escape.

The longer I sit in this cage rolling through the jungle the more I'm beginning to come to terms with my situation.

All that stops however when my consciousness comes back to me as the group who kidnapped me is passing under a huge waterfall with a narrow path behind it that I myself wouldn't have thought would be passable.

It seems being so close to home Is making these guys less vigilant because I finally get to stay awake long enough to get myself together and begin observing. While escape may be a pipe dream, I have to hold onto something.

For a while we travel through the cave system with a river splitting it in two that travels to join the waterfall at the mouth of the cave.

I had thought I was kidnapped by a primitive tribe. One barely hanging on. Such thoughts were dashed completely when I see where it is exactly we're going.

A beautiful city that straddles the rock faces around us split by the same river. I see people all poking their heads out of the windows. Suspicious hate filled eyes look at me and I know all thoughts of getting out of here are over.

I only hope they kill me fast.


Anya Pov

My nerves become almost impossible to ignore as I see my family home in the distance. After informing my men to knock out the pale one again we begin our journey towards the lake surrounding my home.

Jabari comes next to me as the men prepare the boats and speaks, "it seems the outsider was more resilient than we thought. He woke up twice as much as he was supposed to on our journey. We almost ran out of venom to put him to sleep."

I sigh knowing he's right. The yellow eyed intruder did handle the venom better and better as our trip home progressed. Another thing I'll have to keep an eye on and explain to my father. The headache I have thinking about it makes me want to mount Vissa and just take off for a few days on my own.

If I knew my father wouldn't mount moruk and come find me I would. But he and the pitch black wyvern are one in the same. Some joke that a piece of my father King Zenos soul was swapped with Moruk's at birth with how alike they are in general demeanor.

We are approaching the shore with my father and the rest of the thralls here to welcome us back. My father however doesn't look happy at all. His face is never smiling. But his eyes tell me all I need to know. Narrowed on me with our signature reptilian pupil almost invisible within the sea of red.

He speaks to me in a language only royal family members know. Not even the spouses of them can know it. It all depends on the ancestors blessing. And so far only 2 non royal blooded individuals have been able to understand it.

""Anya, welcome home. We have a lot to discuss about your recent escapades.""

I barely keep the flinch from my face to keep appearances up in front of my future servants while responding to my father, ""I understand father. Let us speak.""

I don't even close my mouth from speaking when my father yells out to the Kubwa surrounding him, "Take the pale one to the cell." He growls out and motions for me to follow with a gesture over his shoulder.

I steel myself and give an actual pity look to the pale man who'd washed ashore the river bank untouched by the ancestors who are known to torment and even kill outsiders.

My father has always been a pragmatic man. But maybe, just maybe, I can convince him to at least question the pale man. Then I could know about what happens outside of this island. How big is the world around us truly?

The only thing keeping me here is my duty to my family. After my brother passed it was on me. I must lead us. But this burden is a heavy one. Too heavy. Couple that with the numerous jarl families wishing my hand in marriage, such things feel downright suffocating.

Thankfully, my father at least allows me to choose for myself. He told me after learning about how scared I was of being sold like cattle, any man who believes wealth and influence will give them enough real power to force you be given to him will find his stones and stem removed before I feed them to him. You are my nuru (light). Nobody will force you into anything while I draw breath.

I smile. Finally understanding that no matter how angry my father is, at least that will never happen.

I enter his chamber toward the table and sit down preparing to plead my case. To at least allow Chike to come see what the ancestors say about him. 'Let's just hope it works' I think heading my father shut the door after informing the kubwa not to let anyone disturb us.


Julius Pov:

I'm awoken again by the hard stone floor of what looks like a jail cell. I Gritted my teeth together and tried to stay calm. After witnessing the level of sophistication in the city I can only imagine what's about to happen to me.

I give a quick glance around In the dark cell with only a square sized hole for light no bigger than my hand.

I slowly make my way over there after feeling my legs are no longer tied together so I can at least see what's around me before I'm killed.

Unlike the semi cold looking city the scene around me is vibrant and beautiful. The water looks a shade turquoise I've only seen on filters from the internet. The jungle around us looks just as intimidating as the one I was looking at while careening down the river.

I hear a conversation going on outside of the cell I'm in. It's too quick for me to Even begin to decipher. The last words I heard though were Rangi Moja.

Suddenly the two stop talking completely. I hear faint footsteps. I turn my head to see an intimidating man with red eyes. He has a headdress similar to a Native American, and he has two giants behind him holding spears. Beside him is the man I remember earlier along my journey.

Before any words are said the two giants storm into the room and approach me. A moment of panic turns to anger. They act like I want to be here, stuck in this green hell.

I decided that dying was better standing up than laying down. Even with my hands tied I decided to go for broke. These guys were massive. I can be quicker than them.

They obviously didn't take me seriously. I'll use that agaisnt them. I quickly come up with all my strength right between the uprights and into his nuts. Before his knee even hits the ground my elbow makes contact with the top of his head.

So lost was I in the sheer impossibility than I'd just put this huge man on his knees I forgot the other giant. His hand on my shoulder coupled with the massive fist that hit my forehead gave me all the reminder I need.

I try to catch myself but feel my limited mobility with my hands bound together. In a push-up position I'm about to step forward to get my legs under me when my right ankle is grabbed.

In an Instant I'm on my back and before I can realize how much trouble I'm in a boot comes into contact with my head sending me into darkness.


King Zeno Pov

The only sound in the cell for a moment comes only from the heavy breathing of my kubwa standing over the pale one. The first one just got up from his knees, grabbed his discarded spear and begins to move toward the downed intruder with a look I know all to well.

The other tried to stop him but he got a head butt for his actions. Just as the kubwa raised the spear to enact his revenge on the small pale man who hurt him my voice cuts through, "Enough!"

The glistening blade stops mere breathes from the throat of the pale man and I continue speaking, "Do not take your anger on your lapse out on the one who saw and took advantage of it. Make sure it doesn't happen again."

I can hear the labored breathe that says he's trying to calm down before he exhaled one big time and turns to walk out of the cell and take his place behind me again.

The kubwa still inside the cell looks to me for direction, "do what we came here to do." I say simply still wondering how a man of my kubwa's size was taken down by a man smaller than me.

'Time to wait for Chike and see what's to be done about this one,' I think trying not to sigh at the headache Anya has brought to me. First the basa clan begin moving in and now I have a pale one so far in the motherland. Something unheard of.

My momentary distraction is broken when I hear the tell tell sound of Chike's footsteps. I've known him since I could remember anything. Nobody knows how old he is and nobody asks. For the witch doctor is in all regards equal to the royal family, he just doesn't enforce such authority.

Chike's hand on my shoulder makes me turn to my left and give him a smile. But the look on his face drops my smile immediately. His eyes are pure white, a sign he's speaking directly to the ancestors to gauge their will and guide us.

After a few moments he comes back to us and takes a deep breathe while wiping blood from his nose. He turns his cold blue eyes to me and speaks, "we have someone interesting here my king. Hm yes. So interesting. Please, go take care of your duties. The Basa clan will not wait just becuase young Anya has found something that peaked her interest and caused you grief.

I will attend to our pale friend here. Leave Jabari if you wish. But I have some things to ask the pale one. His answers and my own rituals will give me the final answer on his fate."

I nod and don't speak. If there's anyone I trust in the world it's Chike. He helped deliver at least my father, myself, and my own children. He saw me when I was born. The one who welcomed me into the light of the world. If he says he needs to speak to him then I will allow it.

Now onto the basa clan and their warmongering leader, Juno Basa.


An: very early stages. Probably won't even post this. But hey, you never know. Worst things worst I post it and nobody likes it🤷

Let me know how you feel. Any constructive thoughts are appreciated. Negativity without resolutions however will not be tolerated :))

Have a good day.


Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Edward was reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, an act which excites him giving the fact that this was one of his favorite books. So, he embarks on the path of wizardry in the hope of discovering the way it works, the laws or theories that govern it; he wanted to find its essence. When Edward finally uncovers the answers to the question he pondered on, he suddenly thought to himself: "Since the world of Harry Potter is real, what about all the other anime, movies, games, and books that I read from my past life? And if they are indeed real, how I can I get there?" This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge in order to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. This is a wish-fulfillment and Mary Sue novel so read at your own risk, and stop complaining about it. This is not a villain story, more like a morally gray one. Warnings: The MC will spend a great deal of time in the Harry Potter World before going to other worlds. I have not decided whether the [Curse Child] is canon or not. I do not care what JK Rowling said. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. Only a few will follow him in his journey. Also, a few men will also be in his group. THIS IS NOT A YAOI. If you enjoy my writing, please go read my other novel. [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] Although the story is slow in the beginning, it is worth the wait for the later plots. Also published on royalroad.com Go check out my Pa.tr.eon: .https://www.patreon.com/LazySageDao Or just go into the site and search for my author name (LazySageDao). So, go and support me if you can. Discord: https://discord.gg/bnsezTApeY Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the creator of the cover wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the newest chapters.

LazySageDao · 本&文学
651 Chs


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  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定
