
Princes and Queens.

Life is a choice.

Success is a choice

You don't become it one day/time

You become it a long time..

Success is a process, it grows!

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You decide before you reside

You foretell before you compel

You choose before you act

Successful folks are confidential people, and confident. You see confident people confide on something, they stand on something, a word,an event,they all stand on something.

You see,what you become is what you look on,look on fear you become fearful, look on terrorization, you become a terrorist, look on failing,you'd end up failing..

#Everybody has a choice to make,to choose to live and not exist.If you still wanna be everybody else then you'd act like everybody else..

make each day count#..live don't just exist.

my piece*jayblove.