
Chapter 24

Hearing her explanations Dante's heart shattered in pieces, his face became pale, his hands started to sweat uncontrollably, his breathing became uneven.

"Have...have you contacted anyone yet?" Dante asked his voice barely coming out.

"For now we shouldn't contact anyone using our phones, the person who has Lilly's phone is a hacker and the probability of him being able to detect any movements against them." Natasha spoke out her fingers quickly typing on the keyboard.

"I'll inform Lilly's family since I'm going there to do some business, for the time being keep everything under wraps..." Dante said not showing any emotions on his face.

Meanwhile in a dark yet murky underground space Lilly sat with her kennel held against her face. The tortures that she had suffered was none like those of any human being, she was whipped until her body was unable to stand the pain. Every time she fainted they would wake her up with salt water. Her black lock of hair now unraveled looking like she was a crazy woman.

Is any other human being would to take her place they would cry out in pain or scream for help, no matter how much torture she had suffered Lilly would not say a word nor scream for help. Lilly was whipped, made to walk of a bed of hot coal, time to time the man in blond would return to cut her face that was healed.

Over the days she would be treated like a dog, once she was almost raped but quickly killed off that person causing her to be tortured even more,and they didn't feed her for 2 days, her once beautiful face now covered with scars, her body that had been nurtured now look to have aged into the future. Lightly picking up the cup that was filled of water Lilly slowly drunk and thought about the happy times with her friends and family, thinking about those times Lilly felt her cheeks staring to tinge with pain from her tears.

What she experienced Lilly felt like she would never see the sun again. The floor which was dry now covered in her blood, not wanting to move she stayed there and fell asleep listens to the sound of water dripping. This routine continued for months, the family members tried their best trying to locate her exact location. They tried to stay calm especially Jeana who would wake up in the middle of the night crying for her best friend's safety.

2 months passed and Lilly's location was still hidden, in the few days that they were searching Natasha came across a fire wall that she easily hacked into. After hacking the fire wall with complicated hand movements she was finally able to find Lilly's location.

"I found it!!!!" Natasha yelled waking those who slept, " I've found Lilly's location!!!"

Hearing her yelling she found Lilly's location every one woke up getting rid of the tiredness within them. Dante walked up beside Natasha and lightly sighed. For the past few months they discovered terrorist attacks and with those attacks they discovered that the group which they call themselves Kaos.

"I still don't understand why they call themselves K-ous." Jeana spoke her face full of confusion.

"Since we have already gotten rid of the whole terrorist group all that remains are those who have my little sister." Antonio spoke his voice cold as ice.

At the same moment someone came running towards the blonde man and informed him that the enemy has killed off all of their members.

"It was the work of the Johnson's wasn't it?" His cold voice questioned sending the little messenger into a state of fear.

"Yes it was...what are your next moves Joker?" He asked getting rid of all the fear piling up from within him.

"Joker? Haha your name is joker?!" Lilly's crispy voice laughed out, "where's your Harley Quinn?"

Unable to contain his fear the man looked up at Lilly and gave her a death glare, as of not being able to feel the killing intent being sent towards her Lilly continued to laugh. Although at this moment Lilly looked as if her body wasn't covered in blood. Every night for the past month she would have nightmares, but right at this moment she summoned her courage after hearing that Dante has gotten rid of the terrorist group she felt a wave of relief blowing in her body.

"Oh? It seems like all of your body has healed...with that body of yours I wouldn't mind having you as my Harley Quinn." The blond man who people called Joker said as his eyes roamed all of her body.

Feeling disgusted Lilly glared at Joker and untied the rope that tired her hands together, the very next moment she sent Joker flying towards the wall behind him. Lightly huffing she stretched for awhile and continued to but heads with Joker. All of her attacks would at least send him flying but at the same time he would dodge her every punches and kicks.

Unable to contain her anger she at this very moment moved like a wild beast wanting to kill its prey. Her kicks were ruthless, and each of her punched would become more powerful then the one from before.

Just as he was about to make a move on her his hands were tightly gripped by another hand that popped out of nowhere.

"I suggest you keep you distance from my woman." A cold yet overpowering voice spoke out, his voice flooded with murder but when he placed his eyes on Lilly his emotions became calm.

Finally being able to see Dante, Lilly became happy with relief, letting go of he conscious she fainted. Seeing her Faint Dante started to become even more worried then he already was. Jeana came up to help Lilly stand on her feet, the moment she reached Lilly her senses of smells increased. though she looked to be fine over the past few months Lilly had lost a huge amount of blood, finally not being able to keep her eyes awake Lilly completely lost her conscious.

"Seems like her body finally gave in." Joker's voice lightly laughed seeing Lilly faint.

At that very moment Dante started to send Joker hard punches, not being able to contain himself he continued to punch Joker not leaving him any room to fight back. His eyes looked as though they were blood shot, without Antonio stopping him he would have killed Joker in that spot.

"We still need to get information out of him...although I also want to murder that ass we can't...For now hold it in." His voice spoke slightly shaking.

After seeing his sister in this state he also wanted to kill someone.
