
14-The Test of the Strongest Part 1

Leo and the Test Master Fatima Escobar were staring at each other. The Gaze of the Pitch Black Eyes and Blue Azure eyes was intimidating. The Teen Prisoners was between their stares, They couldn't help but feel nervous. A muscular kid just entered the room and was staring at the Test Master that pretended to be a student. It was a weird situation for them but there were 6 kids that were seating right next to the weapons.

The Current Room seems to be an Armory, A place where weapons could be found. There were benches at the edges and the 6 teen prisoners were already looking around for their own weapons. They seem to have guess something and Leo seeing them knew what was coming. It was the first time he saw the other prisoners but the 6 that were sitting on the benches probably had an attribute that is over 1.0.

"It's nice to meet you, Test Master." Leo said with a smile plastered on his face, His Cold and Serious eyes disappeared. It was replaced by a neutral face, It didn't emit any intimating aura and was just calm. Most of the students sigh in relief and the Test Master Fatima was just smiling towards Leo.

Leo began heading towards a bench and sat there, He didn't plan on standing since resting before the battle was important. It was obvious that the test was battling something or someone. It may be a battle royal between the prisoners but it was impossible for it to be a battle royal. The Battle royal would probably be made in the last test but in the Contest of Strength, Battle royal was the least possible thing.

'Aud, What kind of weapon can my current Martial Art effective use.' This question was very important for Leo. He only had Elite Martial Arts skill as his edge. Judging from his style, The possible weapons he could use is an agile weapon that could be with his hand everywhere in any position. Sword was long and was impossible with his style so that would be not allowed.

[Scanning Current Martial Arts Style...]

[Best Weapon that Master Leo could use is a Dagger.]

'A Sword that is not long and easy to control.' Leo thought about the Dagger. With his experience, It was like a knife with a double edge. The dagger was perfect for his Elite Martial Art Techniques. This also made him realize that he needed something that could kill. A skill that could make his Elite Martial Art skill act as a weapon with an edge.

'That is a good idea, Thanks for the Advice Aud.' It was a piece of simple advice, It took him a while to analyze everything that could be used with a dagger. Leo was thankful for the advice and he also admitted his flaws. Since Flaws would get in his way during the fight, He would want it to be clear before the fight. Leo wasn't some smart kind of survivor, He survives with a little bit of wisdom and brute force. Wisdom came from the Experience and Experience came from pain.

Leo began looking around the armory finding his perfect dagger, The Prisoners were clearly forming groups but since they were still teenagers and human. It was obvious that the prisoners would form groups on their own. Some of the prisoners would probably be isolated and bullied but Leo doesn't care about that since Leo had to take care of himself.

Fatima then began standing up with a Block of wood below her. Where this Block of wood came from was unknown but Fatima gained attention via THICC body. The Block of wood was ignored or not notice by the prisoners. Test Master Fatima standing atop the Block of Wood began talking.

"This is the Test of the Strongest. A horrifying Test, Some of you could survive while some of you will be eaten." Fatima clearly had a smile on her face. This signified that the THICC woman was a crazy woman. Leo and the 6 Prisoners that were sitting on the bench began staring at Fatima. Fatima, who spoke her first words continued.

"Only the Strongest would Survive while the Weakest would inevitably die. But before we could talk about the Test of the Strongest. Let us check on the Subjects that are here." Fatima began checking the list in front of her. It was a long list of students but the Rankings were already made. It was a temporary ranking and could possibly change later in the test or after the test.

"Raise your hands if you're here, If you don't you will be identified as dead." Fatima had cold eyes on her smiling face. It was scary for the Prisoners and unconsciously in their minds, Fatima was the same rank as Captain Insanis. Both of them were insane people and the prisoners would likely want to avoid them.

"Subject Leo Sinclair." Fatima started with Leo's name, In the direction of the benches. Leo's hand rose in the air, It was quickly noticed by Fatima and then Leo's name in the list had a check on it. Current information that was recorded in Leo's biography was updated many times during the change.

Pitch Black Hair and Blue Azure Eyes, Greek Muscular Body, and Pale White Skin. A beautiful and perfect face with the combination of his sharp eyes. This was in the biography of Leo, Whoever wrote the change in the biography must be scary. Leo's power was updated to Comparable to First Rank Mana Core.

"Subject Alex Fallen." Fatima follows the next name after Leo, In the same direction as Leo. Specifically, right next to Leo, A Girl could be seen. It was a beautiful but cold girl that captured the attention of everyone in the Armory. Fatima then put a check on Alex's name in the list.

A Long White Silver Hair and Red Crimson eyes, A Shapely perfect Figure that was completely balanced, and a Pale white skin that was smooth like a Jade. She had sharp eyes that showed the wrath of something hidden deep within her. A biography of Alex, The known Subject that could fight Leo.

"Subject Frazer Douglas." Fatima spoke to the Third Person on the list. In the opposite direction of Leo or on the opposite bench. A large and overly muscular hand could be seen, The students seeing the guy was shocked. How the hell did a 15-year-old boy get that kind of body.

Blond Hair and Brown eyes, A Overmusculary Figure that made him look like some bodybuilder. He had a muscular face which made it more mature, It made the 15-year-old boy look like a general of an army. How the hell did this boy even get this body and face? These were the recorded words in the biography of Frazer Douglas.

"Subject Keira Kramer." Fatima spoke to the fourth person, It was the person after douglas. The Hand appeared in the same direction as Douglas and another girl was seen. The students turn their heads and saw another girl that was very beautiful. Although not a rival, The Girl could be a princess in some faraway lands.

Short Blue Aquatic Hair and Pink Eyes, A Body that was normal but had an unknown attraction. This girl was like the Kid version of the Secretary. She was wearing some glasses and her eyes resemble someone that was intelligent. A Smart teen she was, This was the things that were written in her Biography.

"Subject Grover Leon." Fatima began speaking the fifth person's name that was recorded in the list. It was in the same direction as the 2 last prisoners that was called. A boy was seen and it seems that judging from his face and eyes. This boy seems to resemble the hot-blooded teens.

Yellow Orange Hair and Brown Eyes, A normal body but his face seems to have resembled some hot-blooded teen. He was energetic and bold, He was an obvious replica of the Leon Family. A weird family that was only the family that accepted Harems.

"Subject April Hatfield." Fatima spoke the second to the last person. With the direction of the two first people which is Leo and Alex. A girl was sen rising her hands, She seems to have a gentle smile plastered on her face. It was somehow wholesome and creepy at the same time.

A Long Green Hair and Emerald Eyes, A THICC body but had a gentle personality. She always had a smile on her face and rarely got angry. She came from a family that was known to be peaceful and it seems that it runs to their blood. Her family also had a sense of duty so that would mean that she can kill as long as ordered to.

"Subject Amelia Moon. Subject Amelia Moon?" This was the first time Fatima spoke the same name. The students were nervous and tried to look around for Amelia Moon. On the Backside of the group, A small hand could be seen rising. It was very small that the hands were barely noticeable. Fatima chuckled and recorded that Amelia Moon was in the armory.

The students realizing Amelia Moon notice that she was at the back. A Gray Haired Small Child with Sky Blue eyes, They only had one question in their mind. How the hell did a Child get in here, Fatima shook her head since she was also confused on why a child was here in this hell hole.

In the Biography that was written about the Prisoners, There was only one word in Amelia's biography. The Word was LOLI.

Fatima began calling each of the Prisoners names, It took a long time to finish since the whole numbers of the Prisoners were 40. All of them came from the fallen noble families. This would mean that the Empire was fairly large, or the Continent of Centrum was very large.

After the naming, Fatima ordered the prisoners to pick their own weapons. It took half an hour for them to finally choose the weapon they are comfortable with. After picking their weapons, It was time for the long waiting test. The Test of the Strongest that could possibly kill a lot of prisoners.

It was time for them to fight something unknown, Choosing their own weapons, preparing their hearts on killing something, and making sure to have a group with them. The Six prisoners that were on the top were alone, They had trust issues. Even the Loli doesn't trust anyone from the prisoners.

"This is a Dark and Bad Place, It is perfect for something similar like the gladiators of Rome in my Old World." Leo muttered silently, He was currently standing in the big area where all prisoners were gathered. It was a dome or a stadium but more of an ancient stadium. It was a weird place and Leo grips his Two daggers hard so that they won't let go. In the front of the stadium was Giant Iron Gates.

The Prisoners were holding their own weapons while staring at the Giant Iron Gates. All of them were nervous and were with their current group. Making some formations to increase their survival. A while later the Giant Iron Gates slowly opens, A Strong breeze of wind exited the Giant Iron Gates.

'It's starting.' Leo thought to himself while preparing his Elite Martial Arts with the combination of his daggers. The Whole Ancient Stadium was engulfed in darkness, The only ones that can give them the light was the torches all around the stadium. The Silence was felt by everyone, Even the brave 6 Prisoners were getting ready.

A clang of iron chains could be heard inside the Giant Iron Gates, A tap on the ground echoed in the whole stadium. Most of the prisoners didn't move so that they could hear everything unnatural. The Clang and Tap of the ground became slowly faster and the last thing they heard was a Howl.

Many Loud and Creepy Howls Echoed and Something Exited the Giant Iron Gates, It was some dogs but not just any dogs.

Human Hybrid Dogs, Humans that have the same kind of body as dogs.
