
Let me hug you .

This is a normal story which started with a hug and then friendship. In life in hapiness or sorrow in old or young age we all want is a warm hug to comforte our self or the person in front of you.The person we want to with us for our whole life. Like this in this story there is a boy who only wanted to be comforted by loved ones but can't because he don't have suddenly a arivel of a girl who comforted him when needed and disappear in thin air. Will the boy will meet her? or not? If meet then when? To know more read my story LET ME HUG YOU.

Ana_Lee_7900 · 若者
5 Chs


preview ~~~

The teacher " so introduce your self "

Know everybody's eye were on the unknown boy.

The unknown boy " ....--------


The unknown boy " ... "

Everyone waited for him to say his name but he did not say a thing.

Every one waited for quite a while

After some time the teacher

The teacher " hmm It's Ok if you don't want to say you can just go and sit "

The teacher point toward the window.

The seat she pointed is the seat wear ML was sitting.

The boy go toward the seat and stand in front of him.

Ron notice him and looked toward him.

Ron " .... "

The unknown boy " ..... "

Both were not saying any thing and the atmospere around the ML god colder and colder.

Hole class getting chill behind their back.

While the unknown din't react at all.

ML pov

Everyone was discusing about the new comer but I don't care.

After some time a boy came inside

Well he looked handsome. I don't want to admit it but he looked even handsome then me.

I still din't react and continue doing my work .

After some time I sensed some one near me so I looked and saw that boy again.

This time I try to give the cold aura .

The hole class got flinched but he din't react at all.

Then I saw the life less eye of him It remind me of that girl which I meet 6 years ago.

But her eye and his eye , her apperence and his doesn't match at all.

I looked in his eye's staring for awhile but he din't give me the familiar feeling that the girl give me .

I think I was thinking too much him and the girl can't be the same person.

My thought were interupted by a voice.

ML pov end's

The teacher " Boy do you want to sit near the window ? "

The unknown boy " * nodded * "

The teacher " ah . O-ok . hmm , Ron you sit on the outer side. "

Ron din't say anything and did as it were said.

The unknown boy go and seat near the window and looked outside keeping his head on the study table .

Ron saw him but din't sayed anything.

The teacher saw him but she also din't say anything and continue the lecther .

The unknown boy was sleeping .

Ron saw him sleeping

Ron pov

I saw that guy was sleeping . Even when he is sleeping he looked sad then a tear came out of his eye I don't know why but I din't liked that.

Ml pov end's

So that's it for today readers

see you tommorow guys


your Author AL.