
Let me hug you .

This is a normal story which started with a hug and then friendship. In life in hapiness or sorrow in old or young age we all want is a warm hug to comforte our self or the person in front of you.The person we want to with us for our whole life. Like this in this story there is a boy who only wanted to be comforted by loved ones but can't because he don't have suddenly a arivel of a girl who comforted him when needed and disappear in thin air. Will the boy will meet her? or not? If meet then when? To know more read my story LET ME HUG YOU.

Ana_Lee_7900 · 若者
5 Chs



I looked around for her but she was not there.

Then I found a pendent it was of key shape and very stylish and my type so I kept it.



*sound of Ambulance siren* *Waahhhhhhuuuu-waahhhhuuu*

This sound voice was repeting.

Two body was laid on the cold ground life less some people came and took the body in the Ambulance.

A guy was sitting on the ground with the support of his kness near the body.

He was trembeling but No one comforted him or said any sweet woards

He was crying their the body were taken away.


On the reception counter

The boy was standing their with swolen eyes.

Receptionist"sir , how are you related to the patient?"

The boy" My mom and dad"

after some time

Receptionist"ok sir . Plz sing here."

The boy take the paper and sing.

The body was donated to the people in need.


The Unknown girl was firing with guns

somebody" Mam there are more, I think we should Leave 😔."

The unknown girl "Are you the boss😡"

somebody " No mam😖"

The unknown girl "Then Shut up😠"


No voice apart for the gun sound can be heard in the allay.

🕛After some time 🕛

In the allay

finally the firing stoped.

somebody " Wow boss you did amazing 😆 "

The unknown girl " Hum, let's go ❄ "

somebody 💭 even through she is a kid she is scarie😨🤧💭



Name - Rose / Queen / Dark

age - 12 years old

Like - To punish evil , do buisness , spicy

food.( ML in the future)

dislike- evil people, bit*h , sl*t , gol* dig*r , play

boy , people who talk bad about his

thing or people who are related to her.

parent- died in shotout.

currently is an orffan don't want to make friend because of mafia and also a secret buisness woman of company ______.

🔒Other information🔒


Name - Ron william / King.

age - 14 years old .

Like - cute things , his locket , work ,

punish evil , his friend and family and

and the unknown girl ( FL in the future)

dislike- evil people, bit*h , sl*t , gol* dig*r ,

people who talk bad about his thing or

people who are related to her.

parent- died in accident . have froster parent ,

love his parents. mother and father .

curently is orfan but some rich people adopt him and make him his on son . and also teach him about mafia and how to survive their know he is a mafia and a buisness man together

He is in mafia to find the girl from his childhood and the reason of his parents death.

And also the person who adopted him was also one's a member of mafia or should we say leader.

So that's it for today readers

see you tommorow guys


your Author AL.