

The novel revolves around a person named Leon who has been persecuted throughout his life, even though he is a member of the richest families. However, he finds himself in an evil organization that aims to create special, supernatural children. What will his life become after he undergoes the dragon experiment? And what will happen to him after he turns into a human monster devoid of purpose, emotions, and will

DaoisthAQvrC · ファンタジー
7 Chs

A different school day

Of course I don't mind.

She gave me that nice smile and sat next to me without saying anything else.

And we study normally, and the professor explains the lesson as usual, so I can feel the pressure of their looks on me.

Everyone looks at me spitefully and it's like every one of them wants to tear me to death just because one person didn't despise me like them.

Especially that bully who used to beat me every day looking at me with that deadly look, I don't deny that I really felt so afraid of him... His look froze the blood in my vein

Well, I think I'm dead... This is worse than the worst thing that can happen to me. The real problem is that I can't get hurt from this difficult situation.

When the lesson ended and the teacher came out, telling us as usual not to make a lot of noise... Once I got out of class, the pupils turned around and started welcoming her and asking her a few questions.

You started talking to them with that beautiful smile without looking any trace of being upset by their many questions, for example, where are you from? Are you from this area? What is my old school name?

And other questions that were mostly girls, and boys just keep staring at me from afar and I'm listening to what they're saying so that I can notice that some of the girls are looking at me spitefully.

And then I saw that bully named Jack, as I remember there was a girl talking to him until he looked at me smiling.

And then suddenly he came to me and asked me to talk out and he grabbed me by the arm, and Kiara started looking at him weirdly and wondering her face until he started wrapping his arm around my neck and representing her as friends.

While I'm inside I wish I could die before I get out of this class.

And I hit the trick and I didn't pay attention to him being a bad guy who got me out of class and went to the bathroom and started hitting me there.

For no reason like every time he gave me a direct blow to the stomach made me kneel in pain, especially because I don't eat well strokes like this that will hurt me hellishly, especially if it's on the stomach.

And he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into it and started addressing me with those inferior words that made me the lowest valuable creature at the moment, telling me who you think you are? Well, he didn't have Sepa to hit me or maybe he did, but he couldn't explain it. I think you got my intention, right?

He tried to hit my face, but I started wrapping my arms around in order to protect him. That added to his anger, and he says to me, as he increases the frequency of batting.

"Hey, fucking fallen. Why are you protecting this ugly face? Maybe hitting him will make a little nicer.

But he stopped when he saw three pupils from other classrooms entering the bathroom, so he left me as he cursed his luck and he said to me, "Hey, this isn't over yet.

I got hard while these three look at me weirdly. I went to the door and walked out of the bathroom while I almost literally passed out.

The break is over and I have to go back to class.

I went to class to find a girl sitting where I was, as soon as she saw me, she started looking at me with that shaky look, and it was like her time on the computer was over.

She got out of my place and the weariness expressions are clear on her face and she's saying goodbye to Kiara, and it's like she won't see her again.

I sat in my seat and tried not to show the expressions of pain that I felt from the effect of that severe beating that I had just taken.

It seems that Kiara started paying attention to the expressions of my troubled face and asked me if I was okay. I replied with an artificial smile.

The morning class finally ended. Kiara surprisingly asked me to go with her to show her the school, which made the others stare at me again... Damn not again.

I agreed to Kiara's request immediately to survive these predatory looks staring at me... And we got out of class, because it's a pre-evening break.

And we're walking. I mean, I'm just an ugly boy walking with a beautiful girl, and also because it's my first time walking with a girl, I used to be treated badly by people who used to be treated like a pig.

But... Isn't that weird? Weird about this girl. She doesn't care about my ugliness. She treats me really well, which makes me very ashamed of her. I'm not used to this nice treatment, especially if she's a girl.

are you ok

You asked me this question all of a sudden and I answered it with that turbulent answer. Fuck I really hate these awkward situations, what if she hates me too because of my disastrously weak character

Hmm a. Yeah, I'm fine.

Why is your face so red? Are you sick? You have a fever?

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I said it, and I'm waving my hands like crazy, Hag, my God, at this moment I hope you will break the earth and swallow me out of shame.

But she started laughing at me, saying, "Oh, you're really funny. You said your name is Leon, right?


Did you know that in English it means "lion"? Your mother seems to have chosen a great name for you.

It sounds like that. I didn't know that.

I replied, yes, that stupid smile, and I'm scratching my head.

And I was actually saying to me that none of this is important, whether it's the meaning of my name lion, I'm just a pig with a name that doesn't deserve it and doesn't associate with it.

We started walking around and I started to get used to talking gradually, she was asking me about many things, for example, what area do you live in? And does your mother work?

It was a bit of a random question and the second question made me confused. It was useless to ask when she saw me in turmoil, and I started looking at it with wonder. She started telling me things about herself.

That her mother and father both work and this is the second school that she moves to this year because of her parents' work requirements.

So she was curious to explore people who looked like her.

Well, that's what she said, and I believed her.

I lied to her every question without hesitation. I'm not a fool to tell her that an ugly kid like me is the son of one of the wealthiest families.

I know lying is bad, but it's necessary to let the attendant... I learned at a young age that honesty doesn't always save you from problems

I told her I was from an average family, and I wasn't a special person at all. I was answered by a strange answer I wasn't waiting for. She said it in a slightly sad tone, and she was smiling, lowering her head towards the ground.

I envy you, Leon.

Excuse me!

She said her family's financial level is very good, but she doesn't spend long with them. They come back late and she doesn't have a chance to play with them and have a nice family time.

Well, I was impressed by her speech. She obviously has great parents, but about her jealousy from me... I was really laughing in the inside of myself.

This girl doesn't know that her life is to me, she's like a dream I gasped like a dog for, and I know I'm not going to have at the end.

We kept talking and chatting until my consciousness started to fade, and I started to get very dizzy, I lost the sense of reality and I fell to the ground and passed out.


And here we have reached the end of the chapter. Thank you for reading. If you have any tips to improve the quality of the chapters, I will be happy to read your comment.

Sorry for being late, I was sick. See you next semester