
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · SF
102 Chs


With a solemn nod, Zynkara acknowledged the urgency in Mike's voice. "Aqua!" he called out, causing her to abruptly halt and turn towards him. Horror gripped her heart as she beheld the sight before her—blood staining Mike's shirt, his weakened form stumbling backward. The crimson fluid slowly seeped, leaving a chilling trail in its wake. "I-I feel... I..." he managed to utter before collapsing to the ground. In that moment, Aqua's grip on the gun faltered, the weapon slipping from her trembling hands as she rushed to his side.

"Hey, Mike!" Aqua's voice quivered with anguish as she shook him, desperately seeking any sign of responsiveness. Her eyes filled with tears as she pressed her trembling fingers against his pale wrist, desperately searching for a pulse. But there was nothing. A hollow silence echoed back at her, confirming her worst fears. "NO! NO! NO!" she wailed, her voice resonating with a mixture of grief and despair. Sobs wracked her body, her world crumbling before her very eyes.

Approaching the scene with a somber expression, Zynkara recognized the need for immediate action. Swiftly, he retrieved a syringe from his pocket and injected Aqua with a potent substance. "Get her once she passes out," he instructed the soldiers coldly, his gaze fixed on their surroundings.

Aqua's resolve remained unyielding, her determination pushing her to fight against the encroaching darkness. She tried to rise to her feet, her mind consumed by a swirling mix of grief, confusion, and anger. Yet, as the adrenaline waned and the dizzying sensations overwhelmed her, her strength faltered. The world around her spun in a disorienting dance, and with a final, desperate gasp for consciousness, she succumbed to the overwhelming weariness, succumbing to the unforgiving pull of unconsciousness.

As Aqua gradually opened her eyes, she found herself confined to a chair, tightly bound by black straps that prevented any movement of her arms and legs. Her initial attempts to free herself proved futile, the restraints holding her firmly in place. The room surrounding her was shrouded in darkness, evoking a sense of unease. "Hello?!" she called out, her voice echoing into the abyss. Her gaze darted into the shadows, and there, emerging from the darkness, approached a figure cloaked in a full black suit with haunting red eye sockets. The figure's deep breaths reverberated through the room.

Struggling against her bindings once more, Aqua strained to break free, but her efforts proved fruitless. The mysterious figure began to speak, a woman's voice resonating with an air of authority. "I heard from Zynkara and Blayne about your furious rampage," she began, the words tinged with a mix of curiosity and reproach. "You slaughtered a couple of our people." A moment of silence hung heavy in the air. "They never share the details of their missions with us." Aqua's gaze remained fixed on the enigmatic woman. "So why are you aligning yourself with them?"

The woman, now known as Ren, removed her helmet, revealing a cascade of fiery red hair and piercing green eyes. "My name is Ren, and I am one of the Undertakers," she divulged. Aqua's expression conveyed a mixture of confusion and intrigue. "Undertakers?" she repeated, her voice laced with curiosity.

Ren's response carried a weight of revelation as she locked eyes with Aqua. "We specialize in the reprogramming of minds. It's what we do to everyone here," she explained, her tone a delicate blend of sympathy and urgency. "In your case, I will have to reprogram you to avoid detection as a malfunction. But fret not, I will ensure you retain your memories unlike the others. If word gets out, they will kill me. Please, trust me," Ren pleaded, her voice soft yet resolute. Aqua found herself drawn to the sincerity reflected in Ren's eyes, prompting her to offer a hesitant nod.

"Okay. Will this grant me the revenge I seek?" Aqua inquired, her voice tinged with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. Ren nodded in affirmation, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, I will be the key to your vengeance," she assured, donning a peculiar mask and pressing a hidden button. "Now, you must slip back into unconsciousness. This process requires your mind to be dormant." Ren securely fastened her helmet once more, and as Aqua felt a surge of numbness envelop her, a surge of trepidation coursed through her veins. Her eyes widened slightly as Ren picked up a glimmering scalpel. "Sweet dreams," Ren whispered softly, and the world around Aqua faded into an inky darkness once more.

Several months had elapsed, and Aqua had mastered the art of masquerading as one of them. The reprogramming she underwent had heightened her intellect, making her astute and cunning. Her gaze fell upon a boy who was donning his suit, his face beaming with excitement. He locked eyes with Aqua and waved enthusiastically. "My name is Lando!" he exclaimed, his smile infectious. Aqua reciprocated the gesture, her hand gracefully gliding through the air. "Nice to meet you, Lando! I'm Aqua," she replied, a genuine warmth emanating from her.

"Today is training day!" Lando burst out, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

Aqua nodded knowingly. "Indeed, it's bound to be exhilarating. I wonder what Zynkara is up to. After all, he's the youngest Nephalem user," she mused, her gaze drifting toward two other boys who had joined the scene. Curiosity piqued, she inquired, "And who might they be?"

Lando directed his attention toward the two boys and then back at Aqua. "Allow me to introduce Bale and Zander!" he declared, both boys enthusiastically waving in response. "What's up?" Bale chimed in with a grin.

Aqua couldn't help but feel a genuine fondness for these three children, just like her, their memories had been wiped clean. Ren frequently visited Aqua to discuss their plan. Today, however, was training day, signifying that their plan was finally set to be put into motion. Taking a deep breath, Aqua's lips curled into a smile. Suddenly, the speakers crackled to life, Ren's voice resonating throughout the facility. "Aqua, please come to my office," she announced. Aqua turned to Lando, her expression filled with reassurance. "I'll be right back!" she assured him before dashing off towards Ren's office.

As Aqua entered the office, her eyes locked with Ren's. Ren extended a pistol, distinct from the others, into Aqua's awaiting hand. "This one is exceptionally powerful and lethal. I want you to use it for our escape. Feel free to bring some of the other children with you. They might be confused at first, but together we can overcome any challenges," Ren explained, a glimmer of confidence and determination in her eyes as she flashed a reassuring smile.