
Kushina Uzumaki

2 years Later, Hatake Kakashi graduated at only the mere age of 5...but young Senju Mai graduated alongside Kakashi

"Since only you two are graduating from your class, you two will be granted a jonin instructor till your class graduate and join you two", said the Third Hokage


Next day Young Mai waited for his supposedly new sensei to arrive, Sarutobi rubbed his wrist absently and then proceeded to work his way through the mountain of paperwork on his desk.

Lord Hokage let out a grunt/chuckle as the door to his office slammed open admitting young Mai new teacher. It was kind of sad to say he was happy being able to finally sense a jonin even if she doesn't really count. The tailed beast contained within her would make any amount of suppression worthless.

"Hey, Old man got a mission for me? I can do it or maybe you're letting me get into the war. I would totally destroy anything in my way. Dattebane!" At the last word she went as red as her hair and started muttering to herself. "Stupid I swore I would stop saying that. Stop it, stop it, stop it." A loud clearing of a throat cut through her rant.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Kushina. I wanted to make an offer for you that involves young Mai here." Calm emerald eyes met black eyes as she turned to fully look at him. It was more of a courtesy once over instead of an information gathering one although it could be one and the same if you got good enough.

"Oh My Gosh, is he the rumored Last Male Senju, the one who looks exactly like the first Hokage and also has Mokuton"


"Very Well, but what could involve the shrimp and me?" Throughout this entire conversation, Mai had not spoken or moved from his spot as he had not been given leave.

"Young Senju here is in need of an instructor. His bloodline limit is Mokuton and that means he has water and earth affinity and you know how rare that element is within Konoha." She nods her head reluctantly

"This would be a formal apprenticeship between you and him."

She turned back to Mai and studied him more in-depth this time. The Young Senju was still standing Trying not to move, "How old are you anyway?"

"I am Six years old ma'am." She let out a gasp at the confirmation of how young the kid was.

"Six,' she muttered to herself, 'what makes you think you're ready for my tutelage?"

"I believe I am ready or Mother Shizune-nee or Jiraiya Oji chan wouldn't let me take the exam"

"I heard a rumor that just like your Great Grandfather you are a sensor, so...does that mean you can sense you know? that"

Now how to phrase this. "Standing next to you is like standing next to the sun you shine so brightly." Her lips slightly twitch at the answer. "Yet at the same time, it's like looking at the depths of an abyss. There is so much… fury and maliciousness within you. I fear that if whatever is in you is freed from its cage its rage will blot out the sun and the lands will run red with blood as it consumes everything in its path."

"It seems a sad fate to be stuck with such a being inside you. Feared by others for what you keep at bay and not respected for being what you really are. A jailer for a monster." He bowed deeply to her. "Thank you for keeping it at bay."

"Kyaaaa" There was a feminine squeal above him and suddenly a pair of arms lift him off the ground to bury his face into her jonin jacket while they wrap Mai into a hug.

"He's so cute being all serious. I have to have him just so I can show Mikoto" All of this is said in a rush of nearly incomprehensible babble she was talking so fast.

"I'm taking him. We'll go get Ramen. You like Ramen right? Of course, you do Ramen is the food of the Gods and everyone loves it."

"Thanks for the cute little apprentice old man. See you later." She threw Mai over her shoulder like he was a sack of flour and bolted from the room.

Mai was so confused where was the serious Kunoichi from earlier?

'Had I missed the Hokage dismissing us? Oh god, did we just ditch the Hokage and Danzo?' He looked back at the door, it was closing and mouthed "Help me." The last sight he saw was them chuckling.


'Traitors, leaving me to the crazy woman.'

As soon as the door closed the world blurred again and Mai was set down on a stool at some type of restaurant.

"Here we are,' Kushina boisterously announced, 'Ichikaru's the greatest place on the planet."

He took the time to study the place. It had a homey and welcoming atmosphere of a small family owned restaurant with a counter side view of the people cooking your food. While he had taken the time to examine his new surroundings Kushina had continued her rant about the virtues of Ramen that's when he suddenly had a thought.

"Wait isn't it breakfast time? Why is this place even open?" She looked at Mai as though he had just Grew a second head and six arms.

"Ramen doesn't adhere to such silly things like time it is eternal in its glory. Besides most restaurants run a skeleton crew at night so they're always open just in case a ninja needs something to eat. They get enough money to make it worthwhile. Anyways, Teuchi your favorite customer is here and I brought a guest."

'Huh, I didn't know that. Guess you learn something new every day', thought Mai

"Oh, Kushina welcome back and who is this then?" An older man approached them on the opposite side of the counter. "Did you kidnap some kid?" She blushes at that then wraps an arm around mai shoulder pulling him close.

"This here is my new apprentice. I just picked him up from the Hokage's office today and I thought I should introduce him to the wonders of your Ramen and get to know him a bit better while we eat." He nods along to her explanation then looks back at mai.

"Well if Kushina picked you as an apprentice you can't be that bad. My name's Teuchi and I own this place. Your first bowl is free since you came with my best customer." she grinned widely at that.

"Thank you sir. My name is Mai." The smile on teuchi face is genuine and contagious. He just seems like a friendly person that anyone could get along with.

"Nice to meet you, Mai. Now, what can I get you today."

He shrugs. "I've never had ramen before so which would you recommend?" Mai hears a strangled gasp next to him as he said this.

What followed next was a long-winded rant about what a deprived child not to know the wonders of Ramen before now, but worry not for your suffering is at an end. In the end, He had 4 different styles of ramen in front of him as Kushina happily demolished her third bowl.

"Don't worry about not finishing them all I'll eat whatever you don't finish."

He clapped his hands together and began to eat and eat and eat until the fourth bowl was completely drained and Mai calmly stacked it with the rest of their dirty dishes. There was silence all around him and the few customers were looking at mai oddly.

'What? Oh, right Mom said I shouldn't eat like normal when I am outside with other people, Dang it's hard to act normal nowadays.'

"Kushina are you sure he isn't your kid and not just your apprentice?" Teuchi sniped at her.

"I think I would have noticed something like that old man." She shot right back at him. "Beside You wouldn't believe who he is, even if I tell you he is a kind of Royalty here"

"Oh now who would you be Child, I am really curious of Knowing Your Identity"

"My Name is Mai, Senju Mai, I am the Future Head of Senju Clan, I have been told that I have the kekkai Genkai that only great-grandfather the first Hokage possessed and I look exactly like him Tsunade Senju is my mother while toad sage Jiraiya is my god-father", spoke Mai

As soon as he said this he saw Teuchi eyes that are widened and mouth that is wide open, he looked to the side to Kushina who was giggling

'Ah, right she must have already expected this and decided to prank the poor old man', Mai truly felt sorry for the nice old man

After paying for their meal Kushina disappeared in a puff of smoke after telling Young Senju to meet her at training ground 3.

Mai sat there looking ahead mentally asking whether all jonins are like that