
Legacy of Ennea

Rey is a 16 y.o rich boy, live in this modern era and enjoy his living in this world. Until one day, he must face a cruel reality. He can't help his sister and both of them died in a case. When he woke up, he realize that he is in the new world. A different world, world of sword and magic. He got a new parents, new siblings, new friends, new name and new life. He decided to live his life much more serious, and his adventure begin I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

CurrySoto · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Chapter 46 - Maxim Maxwell

I can feel a really deep intimidation aura... it is like 10x stronger than Tousan's.... he is dangerous, and he is able to wipe all of us...

I looked at everyone else, which is behind my back...

"Careful, stay on guard..." I told the other...

After I said that, everyone become surprised...

Why are they looked so surprised?

I direct my view to the man... but... he is... in front of me... staring at me...

I nervously looked at his eyes as well... red as blood, he is thirst of blood...

"A Maxwell... you are belong here..." Maxim said... and he stand up straight...

His voice is so deep... and I can see his muscle... from his hard work...

He then looked at Grandpa...

"Two Maxwells..." Maxim said...

None of us is able to speak, we all are too afraid of him.

"But the rest of you do not belong here..." Maxim said and unsheathed his sword from his hip...

Grandpa immediately parried an attack behind Tousan...

H-He is behind Tousan already?! He was in front of me...

"What are you doing?" He asked Grandpa...

"Protecting my son! Is that wrong?" Grandpa asked...

Tousan looked at him speechlessly...

Maxim wears no armor... and he is as strong as ever, even Grandpa's hand started to shake...

"Stop..." I said to him...

He looked at me... and stare at me fiercely...

I-I can't move...

"Who do you think you are..." a voice behind me...

I looked at behind my back... and he is about to behead me...

But Nate and Nathalia protected me... and block the attack...

Not for long, both of them has dropped their knee to the floor... because of his extreme power...

Also, the ground started to break...

Ed tried to attack him from the side... but then kicked immediately...

"Ed!" I shouted...

Ed hit the wall of the labyrinth... which is very far away!

"Everyone! Defend position!" Tousan shouted... and we created a circle... I am right in the middle...

He looked at us...

"Can we talk about it?" Morgan asked...

He shook his head...

T-That is scary!

I looked at Ed...

He is recovering...

I am in the safest place... I have to stopped him at once! He is mad!

'Create Elements' I said

When all of the five elements appear...

"Ru! Sak!" Maxim yelled... and my magic is deactivated...

"W-What?!" I said in panicked...

Everyone looked at me speechlessly...

Is that Nullification Magic? No... if I use my spell he could destroy it... but... this is different. I haven't use my magic, I was just activating it and it gone immediately...

I return my view to him... and I can see two sphere behind him... a green one, and...

A black orb...

"Dark Elements..." Tousan said

That is Fusion Magic I believe...

I tried to re-activate my magic, but it doesn't work...

"Is that all?" Maxim asked...

"What? We come here in peace..." I said

"You decided to team up with them... and this place will be your funeral..." He said

What?! He will kill me and Grandpa as well!? His first blood line?!

"W-We are actually here to see you!" Nate shouted...

"You... should shut up... you are a filth..." Maxim said to Nate...

Nate immediately silent...

"Cih, I can smell Navroth blood in you two..." he said while pointing the Mountain Slasher to Nate and Nathalia...

He is pointing his Legendary Weapon on us

"Also Maxwell smell... which is a disgrace... I should kill both of you..." Maxim said...

"Hey!" I shouted at him...

But when I return my view at him, he is gone...

W-Where is he?!

I looked around...

Nate and Nathalia... he should be aiming for both of them...

I immediately looked at both of them...

Also, I can see him above Nate... Nate has not realize yet...

"Nate!" I shouted...

Nate won't make it...

When Nate looked above, and he can see Maxim above him, and aiming for his head...

But then, Leon stopped him by parrying it... but...

Instantly, his weapon break...

L-Leon's sword break?! That sword was one of the strongest sword around...

Rueger moved forward, along with Orseus...

Both of them enters the intense fight...

"Nico... stay here with the other..." Tousan said...

"Clement... you stay here..." Grandpa commanded Tousan and join the fight...

Rueger was knocked back and fall to the ground...

I can see his sword break...

Even Rueger's sword break... his sword should be one of the most expensive one in the whole Auxem... while Leon's in the whole Dragon Continent...

"R-Rueger! Take this!" I then throw my Oathkeeper to Rueger...

He caught it... and use the sword to fight Maxim...

But when he was about to move forward...

Grandpa... and Orseus... both are on the floor...

He stepped at Grandpa... and Orseus as well...

Persey stepped forward, and stood next to Rueger...

"I never thought of meeting the hero I admired would kill myself..." Persey said...

"Admiring me is a mistake..." Maxim said

D-Do we have a chance of winning against him?!

I looked at Grandpa and Orseus.... both has passed out....

W-What should I do...

What will Euclio do if he is in my position...


Euclio is good in talking!

"Y-You are surprisingly stronger than Alduir..." I said ...

He then looked at me...

"Alduir has died..." Maxim said while pointing his weapon at me...

"H-He is still alive... we fought him last week..." I said

"You know, lying could get yourself get killed..." Maxim said

"I can show you where he is if you want..." I said

"Tell me..." Maxim said

"With term and condition..." I said

He stared at me... that death stare, is staring through my soul...

"What is it?" He asked...

"We will be staying here and you should not kill us..." I said

"Deal..." he answered

T-That's fast...

"And one more..." I said

"What?" He asked...

The real purpose of coming here is not only to hide... but...

"Help us..." I said

"Against?" He asked...

"Navroth..." I said

He looked at me seriously...

"Then you can start by killing both of them..." he said while pointing at Nate and Nathalia...

"N-No... they are my brother and sister" I told him

"You smelled like him... not them..." Maxim said while pointing at Ed...

"Y-Yes, but I live with both of them since I was little... and we were raised by Navroth..." I said

He then looked at me speechlessly...

"T-That is a long story..." I said

"I will hear your story after you give me Alduir's location..." Maxim said...

I nodded...

At least he agrees to let us live... that is the priority...

"But I have to use my magic..." I said since he disabled my magic...

"Se! Hat!" He yelled... and my magic orb immediately activated....

T-That is a scary magic...

He is... an anti mage... he is the biggest enemy of all mages...

I take out my staff behind my back... and move to the lake, also Maxim followed me from behind... while everyone else is watching at us from distance...

Ed healed Zerotus and Orseus...

I touch the lake... and...

"Alduir..." I said

Then an imaginary of him appeared...

He is walking toward... Auxem... that is Auxem...

I remember the wall, where I have grown...

Maxim looked at the projection... and he looked satisfied...

But he asked...

"Where is that?" He asked me...

H-He don't know?!

"H-He is in Auxem..." I said

"I see... then I will kill him for sure this time" Maxim said

He then sit down... and he is still taller than me when he sit...

H-He should be more than 2 meters tall

"So, tell me everything about Navroth these days..." Maxim said...

I decided to sit next to him...

"So..." I told him everything

From how she manipulated the Great War 2...

Then she manipulated for the second time, so that she can live within the Maxwell...

And tell him how she threw Jeremiel-Tousan away from his own city...

About my existence, also Ed's... Nate and Nathalia...

He nodded in understand...

"P-Please... help us..." I said to Maxim...

He give a thought...

"When will you start the war?" He asked me...

"5 years from now..." I said

"That is fast..." He said...

F-Fast? It is like forever!

He then stood up...

"See you next year..." he said... and suddenly left me alone...

"C-Can we stay here for several years?" I asked him...

"Don't take all of the deer.." he said with his low voice...

"O-Okay..." I said...

He then move away to the west of this labyrinth floor, it was pretty far and took several minutes... Everyone is watching where he goes without moving an inch...

Until he finally stopped in a circle... and a light beam from above shot him...

Like the teleportation magic where Alduir used back in the battle of Neku Coast...

Or... this is the teleportation site?! But I can't find any ancient building around...

And after a while, the light beam is fading, and I found no Maxim around...

Everyone come at me immediately after he gone...

"Are you okay?" Eria asked me worriedly....

I nodded...

"I never knew that you are a smart boy!" Persey said really loud while hitting my back! And it is pretty hurt...

"Nisan... you are surprisingly smart!" Nathalia praises me...

"You are starting to act like Euclio..." Roxane said happily...

"Yes, what surprised me more, is that you are quite reliable without Euclio!" Precilla continues...

Now all of them are praising me...

Rueger looked at me... and I looked him back...

"You have grown, Nicolas-sama..." Rueger said with a warm smile...

Now I think I begin to blush a bit...

I am really happy when Rueger praises me! I don't know why... but I hate when other praises me, maybe Rueger is saying with all of his heart? I don't know why, but Rueger has a different aura...

"Without you, all of us are dead now... thank you Nico..." Tousan said while patting my head...

"Yes, that is a really good decision you made there..."Eria said to me...

"R-Really?" I asked back... I guess I am blushing even more...

Eria nodded but she is facing away... and I can hear some of them are laughing...

"Let's make several houses..." I said to everyone...

"How about... food first..." Rin said...

Hmmm food? Or comfort... The other looks agree with the food...

"Okay... let's do it..." I said...

Ed and the other prepare for our.... Dinner...

It is 8 PM...

While the other prepared foods, I checked Zerotus and Orseus...

Tousan said that he left them in the wagon, to make sure it is safe...

Previously, both Grandpa and Orseus was fighting against Maxim, and both of them loss their consciousness... but I finally manage to calm Maxim down, and brought him to our side...

When I arrives in front of the wagon, I can see both of them are talking to each other... but they stopped when they see me...

"Nico! What are you doing?" Granpda asked me in surprised...

"Huh? Checking both of your condition..." I said

"So, he accept the deal?" Orseus asked...

I nodded...

"But, he have not answered my question about joining with us to kill Navroth..." I said...

"I see, he is strong... too strong, to be honest, he is stronger than Alduir..." Grandpa said...

"It's because you are a Maxwell..." Orseus said to Grandpa

"I know, but I still don't know why Alduir is weaker against the Maxwells" Grandpa said...

"It is because of the curse..." Orseus said...

"Curse?" both Grandpa and I said in unison...

"Yes... since 600 years ago, he never won against any Maxwell, which is why he is not confident when he face any of you..." Orseus said...

"Also, he seems to believe about the curse that he can't defeat a Maxwell..."Orseus said...

Curse, is that thing is possible? But I guess that is caused by his own mind...

I see... so, if we are not a Maxwell, fighting against the second will be much much harder...

Which makes everything in sense... the power of the third is almost ten times stronger...

And also, the only person that could defeat the second is the third... or maybe us...

"Foods are ready!" Nathalia shouted at us...

"We are coming!" I shouted back...

"Can both of you walk?" I asked both... but then both of them jump to the ground...

Okay... they are alright...

Again, Noah created the table... made of earth magic...

When we arrived, everyone has been waiting for us.

"Let's eat..." I said when the three of us seated...

"Okay..." Everyone said in unison

We eat our food... while discussing about the plan...

"There is a forest on the east, also deers... we should not take all of the deers at once, we should make a farm..." I told them... they nodded...

"Then, we should create houses... there are trees, and again... we should not cut all of them..." I said

"Why not an earth camp?" Eria suggested...

"We will be living here for more than a year... which is why we need a suitable house... not made of earth..." I said

She then nodded in agreement...

"So, there will be two tasks, creating house... and make a deer farm..." I said...

"Oh! I brought this" Morgan said while showing a bag...

"What is it?" Ethan asked...

"It's the seeds of potatoes and rice..." Morgan said...

"That is great! Then, we divide it into three squads... plus a task to farm..." I said

Everyone nodded...

They all looked energized... creating everything from the beginning is fun and challenging...

"Team Nate will be managing the farm for the deer, Team Eria will be managing for the houses... my team will manage the farm..." I said

Everyone nodded in agreement...


"Should we start now or tomorrow?" I asked Euclio...

B-But then I remember, it was Ethan...

"Let's start tomorrow... all of us need rest..." Ethan suggested...

"O-Okay..." I said...

"Let's take a rest..." I said to everyone else...

They nodded...

Using my staff, I knocked the ground and I created 9 earth camp at once...

Noah looked amazed... I can see it from his eyes...

"Okay everyone, choose your own house... 2 to 3 person each camp..." I shouted...

I looked around... and Ethan and Ed is looking at me while smiling...

I guess I will be sleeping with them...

Then I can see Morgan, staring at the horse...

Is there something wrong?

The three of us come closer to Morgan...

"What is it?" I asked Morgan...

"Horse, we can make a farm for horse..." Morgan said...

T-That's true!

"But not a farm... just a place where they can grow, so that we can have more horse power..." Morgan said...

"I guess we can let them be... they won't run from this floor since this room is safe from monsters..." Ed said...

"Are you sure?" Morgan asked...

I nodded... "We have stayed here for a night... and everything is safe, this room is special..." I said...

"Hey Morgan! Want to stay with us?" Fredrich asked...

He is with Karl...

"Sure..." Morgan said...

We decided to ignore the horses...

More horses would be great...

We have 12 horses right now...

House 1, Ethan, Ed and I

House 2, Fredrich, Karl, and Morgan

House 3, Orseus and Rueger

House 4, Nate, Leon and Noah

House 5, Nathalia, Precilla and Roxane

House 6, Grandpa and Tousan

House 7, Rick and Rin

House 8, Eria, Lisa and Erin

House 9, Julian and Persey

Somehow, it fits with everyone...

"Ed, can you take the blanket from the wagon..." I asked Ed...

He nodded happily...

After he left, I looked at the middle tree which is located in the middle of the room... I created the earth camps on the west of the labyrinth floor, which is an empty grassy field...

"How do you think about this place Ethan?" I asked Ethan...

We can see Karl and Morgan talked to each other while both of them are heading to the wagon, maybe to take the blanket...

We can see what's happening outside from the window I made...

"This place... is like a dream..." Ethan said...

"Yeah, until Maxim ruined it..." I said

He nodded...

"At least you got him to our side..." Ethan said...

"Not yet... he hasn't agreed yet..." I said...

"Making us alive is the priority...Euclio will do the same thing..." Ethan said...

I looked at him... he is not wrong...

"Thanks..." I said...

He displayed an annoyed face...

"We should be the one thanking you..." Ethan said...

"Oh... that is my responsibility... I guess..." I said

Ethan laughed...

"Why?" I asked...

"Nothing... I just want to..." Ethan said

T-That is suspicious

"Hey! Are 6 blankets enough for the three of us?" Ed asked...

"That's enough..." I said...

Ethan moved and helped him...

I guess I have to do the same thing...

I followed Ethan...

After 3 hours...

Ughhh I can't sleep...

I sit down on my bed...

It is getting colder...

Ed and Ethan sleeps peacefully with the heavy blankets...

I created 3 beds for each houses and three rooms... and a living room...

Surprisingly I can do that... making 9 houses with bedrooms and a living room...

In the past, I can only make one room for a house... which is like a [PRISON], but now, I can even create a door from it and windows...

But for this room, I modify it a bit... so that it has one big bedroom for the three of us and a living room... just two rooms in total for an earth camp...

I decided to have a hot bath... Maybe I should create one...

I get down from my bed slowly, so that Ed and Ethan don't wake up...

I left the house... and look around...

I feel really dirty, it's been days since we have a nice bath...

I then looked at a building made of earth magic I didn't create... it has quite a big wall... and I move around the perimeter to find an entrance and finally... an entrance... I can see...

"Noah?" I called him...

I see him enjoying a bath?

"N-Nicolas..." Noah looked surprised... and he even stood up...

"Hey Noah, mind if I join?" I asked Noah...

"S-Sure..." he said and sit on the bath...

I take off my clothes and join the bath...

"Hoah... this is so good..." I said...

"Yeah, nothing good but a hot bath after a journey..." he said

"I agree..." I said

After a few moment of silent...

"So, you heat it with your fire magic?" I asked Noah...

"Yes... I guess it is better than you cut trees..." Noah said

"That is true... and the water? With your magic?" I asked

He nodded once more...

"And the building? Earth Magic?" I asked

"How do you know?" He asked me in a suspicious way...

"Ethan told me..." I said

"I-I see... it seems like he trust you very much..." Noah said

"Hmmm?" I asked

Noah faced the water... and sees his own reflection...

"I mean, he is trying his best to replace Euclio since he left... as your trusted person..." Noah said

Wait... Ethan did that? Hmm I don't know why, but I don't feel like he do anything...

"Hmmm... I see... I should thank him more..." I said in confusion...

"No, you should trust him more..." Noah said...

I looked at him...

And he stared at me...

"From that eye, I can see fear" Noah said while staring at my eyes...

F-Fear?! Wait... what does it mean?

"When you were with Euclio, you seems like a man with no problem at all... you trust him that much that even you believe in yourself that you can do anything..." Noah said


"But after Euclio left... you think that you are not a good friend, and you can't do anything..." Noah said

"You lead us to this place safely... and you stopped Maxim for us... you are still someone..." Noah told me, so that I am feeling more confident...

"Y-Yes... that's true..." I said

"I can do that, because I always think 'what will Euclio do in this situation' also 'Will Euclio do this? Or no?'" I said

"I trusted him so much that I don't even trust myself..." I said

"But you have to trust all of us now... especially Ethan..." Noah said

"But why Ethan?" I asked...

Noah let a sigh...

"He is always trying his best to protect everyone... you know, he is the prince of Perius Kingdom, and he has a really strong sense of responsibility. Including in this place... I believe he even want to sacrifice himself for any of us..." Noah explained about Ethan's personality...

Ethan... it is true that he has a very strong sense of responsibility... like what he did for me, back in Epius. He decided to join me to Haven... because it supposed to be his responsibility...

I believe he will be a great king one day...

I nodded...

"Thanks for the advice..." I said to Noah...

He nodded...

After we finished talking, we return to our own room and sleep...

With the hot bath before sleeping, it is an instant sleeping medicine, I don't feel even sleeping on the next day I awaken...

On the next day...

"Hey Nico... wake up..." a voice waked me up...

"He is sleeping peacefully..." another voice...

I opened my eyes... and I can see... Ethan and Ed...

"Ugh... don't tell me it has passed 6 AM..." I said

"It is 9 AM..." Ethan said...

"W-What?!" I said in panic...

"T-The sun..." I said while pointing outside...

But then I remember...

Ed laughed...

"Come on... everyone is ready and waiting for you?" Ethan said

"W-What? You gathered them?" I asked

He nodded...

"You want to sleep in more comfortable place right?" Ethan asked...

To be honest, I am feeling lazy now... the camp is comfortable enough...

But... "Fine..." I said to Ethan...

Ethan... 'he is working hard' I somehow remembered what Noah said to me last night...

"Thanks..." I said to Ethan...

He looked at me in a weird way...

"Huh? I believe there was no thunder last night..." Ethan said...

"W-What? Is it wrong?" I asked...

"Hey! Everybody is waiting!" Ed said from the living room...

"Okay... be right there" Ethan said

Both of us left the camp... and see everyone has gather with their team...

"I am sorry for my lateness..." I said to everyone...

I looked at Noah, and he is yawning...

That hot bath... feels so good...

Especially in this cold weather...

"Nate's team... go and start creating a farm for the deer, make sure we have enough food while maintaining the deer's population..." I said...

They nodded...

"Eria's team will be in charge with the log... don't cut too much..." I reminded her... and she nodded...

"Also, design the complex for our houses..." I said and she nodded...

"Then, our team will be creating a field... maybe on the north of the floor... there..." I said while pointing at the empty space on the north... which is behind the giant tree...

Everyone nodded...

"Oh Nico..." Eria raised her hand...

"Hmm?" I asked

"Can you help later, I think bringing the log using [GRAVITY] is the fastest way..." Eria said

"Well, that's fine..." I said

I looked at the forest...

There are a lot of trees... I hope we do not create any imbalance in the ecosystem...

"Well... let's go!" I said

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted

Then all of them have a discussion with their own team...

Fredrich, Karl, Morgan, Orseus and Rueger come closer...

"Hmmm... Morgan... how many bags of seeds you brought with us?" I asked

"There are 10 more... in the wagon..." Morgan said

"Morgan, Karl, and Fredrich... can you bring take them?" I asked...

The three of them nodded... and left

"Nico... you should give them bags or something" Ethan said

"Oh!" I said

"Hey! Wait!" Ethan stopped them...

I activated my magic... and created bags made of earth magic...

"Use this..." I said and the three of them nodded...

"Nice idea..." Rueger praised Ethan...

"N-Not really" Ethan said...

Ethan do try harder...

"We should check the land... whether it is fertile or no..." Orseus said

I nodded in agreement... or else, planting those seeds are useless...

The five of us went to the north to find the perfect land for us to plant the potatoes and rice... and somehow, we don't know which land are good and no...

Until the three of them come...

"Oh! This land looks good..." Fredrich said...

"Yeah, it is better than the place we just slept..." Karl said

And the five of us looked at them speechlessly...

I am guessing, that they know that kind of stuff, since their father is a lord... so they have to learn about lands...

My father is a lord... I mean Clement-tousan... but he never taught me... and so does Ethan...

I guess being a prince is different...

He do not need to understand a good land or a bad land... he just need a smart underling...

After Fredrich and Karl decide the place... we start to plan the seeds...

We finished planting all of the seeds after two days... and we start to help Eria's team... and so does Nate's team...

They build a farm for the deer already...

Just giving them fences and brought three deers every time we have a meal...

After two weeks, finally we can eat with rice... and potatoes as well...

There are some spices as well we can found in the forest... and also, we found fishes in the lake on the second week...

Apparently, we are still living on the earth camp... until the 6th month...

All of us have our own house, designed by Julian... and the complex as well...

We have a meeting building, bath... and kitchen...

We got 18 horses now... which we can have one for each...

Also, I tried to use Teleportation Magic... but it doesn't work... sad... not my luck perhaps, with grandpa I tried all of the combination and he was telling the truth. The most dominant element I got is Holy, and only most of Fusion Magic I can combine is using Holy...

But I can use one Fusion Magic without Holy Element, and it become the most tricky magic I ever know...

'Illusion Magic'

It is the combination of Fire and Earth

With Illusion Magic, I can create a clone of myself... made of a clay... and I can control him... but sadly, it can't talk...

Orseus can smith, so he become our blacksmith...

He created several weapon from the sapphire we found on the previous floor... until everyone got their own sapphire weapon...

Before we reached this floor, there are a lot of precious ore, so we took it...

Also, after the 6th month, we start adventuring to the deeper surface... Tousan said that it is a good training for us...

But of course, without Orseus and Rueger for our team... team Nate without Tousan and Grandpa, and team Eria without Julian and Persey...

And on some random day...

"We found a Colossus..." I said in the meeting I created...

"T-That thing is real?" Orseus asked...

I nodded...

Everyone looked surprised...

"We should kill it" Zerotus said

"How? That is a big one..." I said

Colossus is an S-Ranked monster, and at the same time, a legendary monster, which is extremely hard to find...

Colossus is a giant... 20m tall, and a human shape monster wearing a heavy armor made of unknown material, but all I know, the material is equal in quality with adamantine...

It brought a giant sword, 10m long with him...

"And he is roaming on the jungle floor..." Ethan said...

I nodded...

"Jungle floor?" Nate asked...

I nodded...

"It is on the 29th floor..." Karl explained...

"Hmm... that's not too far..." Tousan said...

We have mapped the labyrinth from the first floor until the floor where we are staying, we are currently on the 26th floor, the room with the giant tree and no monster area...

This whole labyrinth is actually pretty awesome, we got so many loot from each floor... since no adventurer come to this place...

On the first floor, you can meet a minotaur, or even an earth dragon... which is pretty hard to fight by most people...

When we made our way here... I killed 28 A-ranked monster and an S-Ranked monster... the S-Ranked monster called as Garuda... a human look like bird... flying with its golden wing, and it brought a mace with it...

Garuda is a very intellectual monster... and pretty fast as well... but I manage to kill it using my [GRAVITY 0] And the Garuda can't fly anymore...

"Hey... let's go tonight..." Eria said, she looks very excited...

"Go, we will be waiting..." Tousan said...

Rueger, Zerotus, Orseus, Julian and Persey nodded as well...

T-They never joined us in the expedition...

So far, we could only reach the 29th floor, since the floor starting from 27th and above are really complex... unlike the first 26 floor which is a one way path... which is why we don't need a map

But now, it looks like an ordinary labyrinth, with a lot of passages which is why we have to draw the map for it...

"Why don't you join?" Ed asked...

"We have to let you grow, do not depend on us..." Grandpa said...

I nodded...

"Fine... let's do it..." I said...

Everyone nodded... they all looked pretty excited...

"Tonight after dinner... it only took 2 hours to get us to the 29th floor, so let's go at 6 and finish everything before midnight..." I said

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted a battlecry...

We prepare our things... and we bring three wagon at once...

Also, we have a new wagon... a wagon where we can watch our left, right, front and back side...

It is made of wood and we have a look alike house in the middle of it... while surround it is a floor made of wood so that we can check every side...

The room in the wagon has 4 beds... and a desk made of wood... also a chair and a lot of chest to keep important things...

Julian made the design... he is really good at designing... he would be a great architect

So, we will take the 12 oldest horse to accompany us on this journey...

Wagon 1 will be Ethan, Ed, Fredrich, Karl, Morgan and I...

Wagon 2 members are Nate, Nathalia, Leon, Noah, Precilla and Roxane...

Wagon 3 consist of Eria, Erin, Rin, Lisa and Rick...

"Morgan, can you think a way of defeating it?" I asked Morgan...

"Hmmm... I guess I know a way..." Morgan said...

"Cool! Let's do it!" I said to him...

He then tell me the plan...

Ethan is with us as well...

Morgan is indeed a genius... you are right, Euclio...

I guess you left me at the time, where you find your own replacement... but still, Euclio is Euclio and Morgan is Morgan...

I looked at morgan... a boy with blue hair and blue eyes...

"Hmmm? What's wrong?" Morgan asked me...

"Aahh, nothing... let's prepare everything..." I said

"Oh... who can use fire magic beside you?" Morgan asked me...

"Ummm Karl and Noah..." I said...

"We will need their help... how about water or wind?" Morgan asked...

"Ed can use wind magic... while Noah can use water..." I said...

"Are you sure it is enough?" Ethan asked Morgan...

"I don't know, I don't have any better idea... if his sword and armor has the same quality as adamantine, it will be not a good idea to hit the Colossus using our sword..." Morgan said...

That is true... it might easily break...

"Okay... let's go..." we left the lake, and start helping the other to prepare our stuff...

Several hours later, after we finished preparing our stuff... I have a lot of thoughts in my mind right now

It's been 6 months...

Euclio... four and a half years left...

I looked at the view of this place... the giant tree is beautiful, and the breeze is chilling...

I wonder what he has been doing this past 6 months...

"Nico..." Ethan called my name

I was sitting on the grass field near the farm, while looking at the big tree...

"Yes? What is it?" I asked

He then sits next to me...

"You have a problem?" Ethan asked me...

Do I looked like I have a problem?

"No... why is it?" I asked...

"You looked really down these past 6 months..." Ethan said while looking at the giant tree...

"A-Am I?" I asked... but I guess so...

I feel really weird when Euclio is not around... it's like he never leaves from my view for this long...

Ethan nodded...

"Sorry, I can't replace Euclio..." Ethan said to me...

I looked at him... and he is still looking at the giant tree...

"Don't be sorry, you are who you are... Ethan is Ethan and Euclio is Euclio..." I said

"Then, how can I make you a bit happier?" Ethan asked me...

He looked at me seriously... while I change my view and looked back at the giant tree

"I-I don't know... I just feeling down, I guess I will be used to it soon, without Euclio..." I said

He is still looking at me...

"Then, at least you should pretend to be happy... since a lot of people are worried about you..." Ethan said

I looked at him...

"Huh? Is it really obvious?" I asked...

Ethan, he really thought about the other...

"Of course! You never been this quite! Also, you are always with the other... not like this..." Ethan said seriously...

I do sit here alone... maybe if Euclio was here, he will be joining me...

"I am not as smart as Euclio... actually, after several thought, Morgan is much more fit as your Hand..." Ethan said

"No... I trust you the most..." I said

"Nate? Nathalia? Ed?" Ethan asked...

"They are my family... so that is a different case..." I said

He looked at me...

"Then, you trust me right?" Ethan asked me...

I nodded...

"I want you to act to be happy, because it will boost everybody's morale..." Ethan said while standing up...

He extends his arm...

I looked at him... and he is smiling...

"Fine..." I said while smiling as well and take his hand...

Both of us walk to the houses, where everybody is preparing for dinner...

But we are heading toward the dining room, since it is the place for us to eat!

Outside the dining room, I can see a girl waiting for us...

"Hey! Where have you been! We are waiting for you!" Roxane said angrily...

"O-Ohh, you see... ummm... we have been..."

"Talking about the strategy..." Ethan said and helps me...

I looked at him and he gives me a wink...

"That is suspicious..." Roxane said while examining us closely...

"Fine... let's go!" Roxane said

The three of us head to the dining room...

Most of them are there already...

"Oh! Here they are!" Grandpa shouted angrily...

"S-Sorry... I was thinking about something...." I said

I looked downward...

But then I realize, what Ethan just said...

'Pretend to be happy...'

I face them after remembering Ethan's word...

I looked at several faces... and they looked at me worriedly...

So... they do worry about me...

"Let's go! We should eat so that we can take the Colossus down!" I said

Both of us sit next to Grandpa...

And since both of us started to eat... and one by one they started to eat...

They all looked... gloomy.... but what I usually do?! Am I really in a bad shape?!

"Let's take the whole armor of the Colossal and create our own weapon with it..." Ethan broke the silence...

Everyone looked at Ethan... I believe Ethan notice the same thing like I do...

"T-That is a great idea, that could be a great weapon, and our sapphire as our weapon subtitution..." I said

"Hmmm... creating a weapon from Colossus Material... that would be fun..." Orseus said

"Hey... I want to create an armor from that..." Precilla said

And I can see sparkles in Eria's eyes...

"That would be great! I want that too!" Ethan said

Both of them... the Valeon Style user wears heavy armor...

"Hey! It will be more work!" Orseus told both Precilla and Ethan...

Then both of them looked down...

"Are you sure you don't want that armor?" I asked Orseus...

"T-That... I will make it for my own!" Orseus said

"That is cheating!" Eria said suddenly...

She has been keeping her desire for quite long... which make her looks funny...

Seeing her, I laughed...

For the first time... they saw me laughed...

All of them looked at me with confusion...

"T-Then! I want an armor as well!" Ethan said

"Me too!" Precilla said

"And so do I!" Eria said

"Hmmm, If they wish for an armor, I guess I want another sword... give me two swords okay?" Rueger requested...

"That sounds great..." Nathalia joined...

"Hey! You should make a spear for me!" Nate said...

Now the table become lively...

Everyone is talking....

Ethan looked at me with happy face...

"Thank you Ethan..." I said to him in low voice...

"That is my job..." Ethan said while smiling...

And so, we have our dinner and preparing ourselves for the Colossus...