
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


A/n: Hey Guys!!, I got a lot of collection and I thought that was Power Stones, however I got happy because a lot people Got Interested in my work, It's not much, but it's my Work non-the less, well it's a Fanfic, but trying to put my Character in it is a lot of thinking, But I'm not here to just talk I'm here to say Enjoy!, if you are shortened by my story well that's because I don't have the right source or info for it to continue, but If you got Ideas Where, Let me Know... Enjoy!!

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"Oh" said Lawken.

"I'm sorry!!" said Luffy.

"That's a relief, we have something to pay for the damages, or at least to bargain with, Thank you Lawken." said Usopp.

"*Laughs*No problem" said Lawken.

The Straw Hat's arrived at Baratie and the angry Head Chef Zeff got out of the restaurant to scold the wrong doers.

"I'm sorry!(Gomenasai!), we will repay you, Nami! let's pay them" Said Luffy.

"Luffy, we don't have money" said Nami.

"..." Everyone.

"What!?, How will we repay them!?" said Luffy.

"Because you keep eating all our food!, in the last Island is our last money, and all of it was spent on food" said Nami.

"I'm sorry" muttered Luffy.

"What!!?(Nani!?), how will you pay us!?" said Chef Zeff.

"I Have the answer to that" said Lawken.

"Really?, what is it?" asked Chef Zeff.

Lawken asked Zoro to bring the Fish net, And brought it in the entrance of Baratie.

'What's with that huge bulge?, Fishes?, that's Impossible!, well that's enough for the damages to be repaid' thought Zeff.

"Here, We only caught this just now and, it's still fresh and ready to be cooked" said Lawken.

"*Laugh*, now you're speaking our language, 5,000 Beri" said Zeff.

'Ohh, the famous Bargaining, well I read a lot of novel their always doing this, so let's try it out, first Let's attack' Thought Lawken.

"*Laugh*, Really? 5,000 Beri?, your cheap this is fresh and of the highest quality you're giving us some rough amount for us to work with, how about, 30,000 Beri" said Lawken trying to Bargain.

Zeff frowns and thought's for a moment and looks at Lawken trying to asses something.

'Shit, is it to much?, well from his expression he didn't expect my price, but if push comes to shove I'll just tell them how to catch this fishes and efficiently catch bigger fish' Thought Lawken.

"*Laugh*!, I didn't expect that from a young man, well then. You got to pay for the roof and your inconveniences that you guys caused so, 10,000 Beri" said Zeff.

'Oh, he laughed so he was just not expecting some retaliation, well I can't do something with that part, we really troubled them, well it's partly Luffy, but his our captain so yeah, I'll Negotiate' said Lawken.

"*Giggles*, With this amount it's enough for us to pay for the Damages and also, to sell some to yours and we didn't necessarily damage your roof, a marine ship shot a canon at us and we just reflected and your building just seem to in the way so it got hit, it would have just got past it, maybe you guy's are a bit unlucky?, so 30,000 Beri" said Lawken.

Zeff looks at the roof and looked, 'it isn't necessarily to big, but it just needs some patching. There's another problem, a lot of Pirate's seem to fly by this place and we will need some help' thought Zeff.

"Well that's true, how about this we will give you 20,000 Beri, but you will work to pay for the damages, we will only need two people, and we just need them for a bit" said Zeff.

Lawken thought' That is good it will give us time to meet Don Krieg, and giving luffy a bounty which is cool and it gave him a huge Increase in it, and Zoro will get to fight Mihawk and will get the chance to meet him, but it's not enough to for the daily needs of the crew and Sanji will join soon'.

"How about 25,000 Beri, but hold up there's more, I will give a tip on how to attract fish and a way for you to catch big fish, and also how to get a steady supply of fishes, since you restaurant is shaped as a Fish it will give your restaurant some theme for the costumers to look forward to, but to get all of that, we will need one of your Cooks, and only our captain get to choose, How's that?" said Lawken.

Zeff looks at his subordinates and trying to come into a decision.

'Not only my tip will get them more income, but also more people will get attracted by the theme and a lot of opportunities will arise if that will ever happen, I'm not really sure if that would happen, but it's in the Chef's hands' thought Lawken.

"Deal!, Young man, you really are good at bargaining not only you convinced me, but you gave me a chance to make this restaurant popular and be the best" said Zeff full of Gratitude.

Seeing the two come to an agreement, the crew got awed of their fellow crewmate, with his skills to communicate and negotiation.

"Follow me, when you guy's are done working, you will get to choose from my Cooks, I will handle it if they don't want to come with you".

Then they heard a commotion inside Baratie and saw Lieutenant FullBody beaten up, so they snicker and murmured. Then they continued their discussion.

Luffy will be a waiter and Lawken will help cleaning up and teach some cooks about fishing.

Then they start working and they would gather to eat when it was lunch to discuss, this happened for only a day.

Nami seeing how many money Lawken earned without threat or trick, Nami learned a little about it, now she has a plan if the negotiation fails she would steal, with that sum Lawken earned, a chunk would be deducted to get the her desired amount, now she has a plan to steal Luffy ship to give her money for the ship.

While she was contemplating, Luffy was working and try to repay the Damage and while he was working he heard a conversation from the bottom he looked and saw Sanji feeding someone for free he is awed with the cook's kindness, the other cooks would shoo away the guy while this guy would feed him, jumped to sanji to try to talk to him.

"Hey!(Oi!)Sanji!" shouted Luffy.

Sanji looked and someone is jumping from above so he stopped and looked at who is it, he looked and he could see a guy with a Straw Hat.

Luffy landed and asked Sanji.

"Sanji, Be my Nakama(Comrade)" said Luffy.

"I Refuse, I have a reason to stay in this restaurant" said Sanji.

"I Refuse" said Luffy.

"Huh?, What do you mean?" asked Sanji.

"I refuse, your refusal, you're a good cook so let's be Pirate together" said Luffy.

"Hey, listen to what I say" said Sanji.

"So What's the reason?" asked Luffy.

"I have nothing to tell you" said Sanji.

"Huh?, you just told me to listen to what you say" said Luffy.

"I'm telling you to accept to what I say, I'm gonna cut you up to Three pieces you Damn Straw hat!" Shouted Sanji.

"What did you say?, I'm gonna beat you up if you make fun of the Straw Hat, you jerkwad!" said Luffy.

"Sorry to Interrupt..." said Gin the hungry guy.


"Can I have seconds?" asked Gin.

To Be Continued...