
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Shipless, Boatly.

5:00 am

Lawken already awoke and is ready to do a lot of work.

He got up walked to the boat and checked if there are anything wrong, he walked to the L shaped Glass pipes, and built it behind the Boat, and he made sure he the food he stored are okay.

He got some ropes and tied the front boat and pulled towards the ocean.

Several pulls later, the Boat got in the sea and he tied it to a pole and walked at the first tree and took a Wooden figure and said.

"Well Jeremy we will be leaving and this shelter and workshop will just be here and if some other survivor get's stuck there some stone tools and supplies here to last for a week and shelter, and I also wrote something in there, Shall we go Jeremy?" said Lawken.

Lawken got on the boat and used a paddle to get deeper, and when he got deeper he got up and got to the rotor and got hold of a Wooden circle and pulled and pulled until the rotor kept spinning fast, and the boat is moving.

Lawken looked at the Island one last time and smiled and pulled to the cord faster.

The boat drifted for sometime and Lawken is looking at the horizon and looking at the see if there are danger, until lunch came and he ate his fill.

"Ahh I'm full, first few hours and more days to go or just a few hours to go into another Island, and I wish that Island should have a people, not just any People, but normal people not cannibals, and I wish we could voyage safely, Right Jeremy?" said to Lawken to Jeremy.

He keeps going forward until the night time came and he stops and grabbed a blanket and shutted the top of the boat with a Wooden cover and he used his devil fruit to put air to the Glass pipes to move his Boat forward.

"*sigh*, it's cold in there, and props for me to make a space inside the boat to sleep into and incase your wondering Jeremy if I could suffocate, no I can't because I made circle hole in the top to keep me ventilated, and if your wondering if water would get in here then your absolutely right, because even if water get's in here I could just evaporate it, what if the steam got into my lungs you ask?, then I would just use my devil fruit to get rid of it here, that why I didn't use it to drive my boat because I need it for a lot of things and if the boat is sinking or flipped I could just block the holes I made with the wood I made to it, It will slowly suffocate me, but of course again Devil fruit, and there it is" said Lawken explaining it to Jeremy.

Night came for a long time and small droplet's dropped form the sky and it hitted the top and sometimes hitting Lawken's face and he woke up and blocked the holes from the top and opened the holes to the side of his enough for air to go through, and he slept comfortably.

In the middle the night water got through the boat and woke up Lawken, he got surprised because he didn't remember sleeping in this side of the boat and now the boat is still and not moving.

'The boat Flipped!, let me turn it up' thought Lawken.

He Used the water particle to flip him and he evaporate the water and continued sleeping.

Tommorow came and he opened his roof and he looked around and he looked at the surrounding and still ocean.

'Huh?, no land?, okay I'll just keep moving then' thought Lawken.

He ate and kept going forward even if he got a Headache.

He pulled the cord and kept going forward.

He saw A shadow on the horizon and got scared and paddled to change the course and pulled the cord faster to get out of the way of the Sea King.

The boat moved and nothing particularly happened, Until a Sea king showed up in front of him and he got startled and hurriedly tried to get in the boat for safety and the Sea king not knowing anything got into the water again sending ripples through the water and flipping the boat with him, he quickly grabbed anything in panic and he submerged into the water weakening him, but he got hold onto some thing and he looked at what he was holding on.

A Wooden Figure strapped into the ropes of the boat Jeremy's Hand clamping on the boat, Lawken holding on the Jeremy's foot and while he was on the water he looked at Jeremy and he could see Jeremy smile a little and his body couldn't support Lawken body and it ripped Jeremy's body, however Lawken grabbed himself upwards to get in the boat and he shouted as he do it.

"JEREMY!!!!!, NOOO!!!" shouted Lawken.

He looked at Jeremy sinking at the bottom of the ocean still smiling, A tear appeared in his eyes, he couldn't feel it because of the water dropping in his hair and he laid at the boat no strength to be found in hid body and eyes and he slept...

Some time later...

A ship passed looking like a Goat and you could hear talking.

"Oi!!, luffy!!, That was cool!!, But nothing's cooler than me!!, Mwahahahahah" said a Long nosed guy.

"Shishishishihihi, Really!?, Of course I'm the captain and I'm gonna be the King Of The Pirates" said A Straw hat guy.

"Oi, guys I see something" said a guy with green hair.

"Is it gold?" said a Woman with orange hair

"No it looks like a Boat...

To be Continued...

HAHAHAHAHAH got cliffed.