
2. Healing (why)

"You need to heal yourself"

if you talk about Law of Attraction than you heard about Healing. it's not easy, I'm still trying to heal and I'm still trying but what i have learned through all of this Healing process I'm going to write everything here,

Feel your emotions, Cherish the memories, cry and move on

•Feel your emotions

Be Positive but no one can, Staying positive is important step to manifest your dreams but sometimes you just start putting a positive bow in your head, in simple words you just start pretending positive and start hiding your emotions.

it's not healthy, sometimes feeling your emotions without any guilt is all you need.

what if it leads to more negativity?

then try this,

• Cherish the Memories

You don't want to remember the place, person or thing because it hurts but you don't want to forget them either because of the good memories you had with them, start Cherishing those good memories, Yes you can and it will not make you a bad person just don't limit yourself with that memory. All you need to do is feel that happiness.

You definitely heard about making " Gratitude list" but it becomes formality when you don't achieve the desired outcome, so start Cherishing the memories when you can't make the gratitude list from your heart.


I'm not saying to cry all day, everyday but when you find yourself filled with emotions, hate and negativity, then cry. It will make you feel light.

•Move on

After feeling your emotions, Cherishing the memories and crying it's time to move on.

Do not limit yourself with any emotions, memory or person. Feel it and release it

but then why i write all that points?

So you can feel what you are feeling, with time we start feeling guilty for our emotions, for not staying positive, for crying and start hiding everything.

stop right now, breathe and accept your emotions.

This is not a Healing Method or process, this is my thoughts.