
Language Of Happiness

A woman who knows many different languages. She works as a translator in the military. During a routine event, she is killed. Then she transmigrates into a boy's body. Not only is she a woman in a man's body, the body is also deaf. During the story she will find a family and friendship. Living a peaceful life instead of the war torn world she was in. --- 08/21/2020 Changed the intro chapter to ask a question. Updated Tags and Synopsis.

KearDarkfire · LGBT+
16 Chs

Chapter 10

'Ughh a project. These things always take a lot of time.'

'I think it will be fun.'

'We have other things to worry about. It's just going to be a pain to work on.'

' I'll help you with it all. Oh someone is touching our back.'

Veno turned around to see a young woman. It was Juniqu. This girl had black hair and the thing that stood out most about her was her small nose; it was just too cute.

"Are you feeling better today Veno? What was wrong with you?"

"I just bumped my head and it has been difficult to move around. I'm feeling better though. Thank you for worrying about me."

"If you need help at all you can talk to me."


Kear could hear what Veno was saying and during that time her senses started becoming clearer. By no means perfect, but it was easier to balance the body and see, along with the others. She noticed how that girl smiled, but now wasn't the time to worry about that.

'I can see a bit better, things are much clearer.'

'Yea, it is easier to feel the things you are touching too.'

'Do you wan… woah waaaah… what is going on?'

'Kear I can't see, what's going on?'

'I…' Kear took a second to think, 'we swapped places. Whatever you do don't try to stand up, we will only fall over.'

'Ok… woah I feel dizzy, do you as well?'

'Me too, Veno raises your hand we need to lay down. Do you feel tired?'


With the help of Granno, Wren and Plavlin they helped 'carry' Kear and Veno to the 'infirmary'; well Kear now knows it is the nurse's office. They were put on the bed and fell straight to sleep.


Veno woke up and looked around. He could move his body and head; he was back in control of his body. He spotted Granno sitting next to him and looked at the clock. It was about an hour after school ended.

'Kear you there?'

'Still here, do you have your body back?'

'I do.'


Nudging Granno, they both walked back home.

"Are you feeling better? You were so pale in class, I thought that you wouldn't make it."

"I'm feeling better. That bump on my head feels much better now. I feel like I can walk on my own with ease."

"That's good, because Rin has been really worried about you. She has been telling me to keep an eye on you."

"I'll let her know the good news, you are the best brother anyone could ask for. Thank you for taking care of me."


Arriving at home Veno told the good news to Rin. She was thrilled and even asked about Kear. She was at the moment just a mere spectator and she didn't mind. The rest of the day Veno took care of his school assignments; Kear helped him too. Kear would take the time to sing anything she could for Veno when they were in the shower. It was a nice moment for both of them.

The rest of the time, Veno helped the children get ready for bed with the others. One thing about living here, that was something he got used to easily. The children messed around a bit, but soon like them Veno went to bed.


The next morning, Kear was the one that woke up.

'We switched again. Are you there Veno?'

That was the one thing Kear was worried about.

'Still here.'


For the next week, every time they slept they would swap places. Going to school and helping out at their home was all they did. They had to be sure they weren't alone, just in case something else happened. And nothing happened. They adapted to this new normal.

'Veno, Rin had told me that you were looking for a job. Is there something that you want to do?'

'Long term, I want to help out here. Though for a part time job, I don't know. Anything would work, but if we have to get a job what would you want to do?'

'My job was a military translator. What can I do here?'

'I saw a club was looking for a bouncer. If you can fight, they take people like that. Otherwise, we could do something where we post online what languages you know and if people need your help they just message us.'

'That is only me and this is your life.'

'I don't really care. I just need money right now to help out here. That's all I want. You can teach me along the way.'

'Alright, but you are going to choose.


In the end, Veno applied for both. He found a website for contractors and posted up a resume. He was surprised that Kear knew every language on the planet, even ones that had died out.

'I cannot put that on here.'

'Why not, I know how to speak Guhnden?'

'If people saw this, they wouldn't hire me because I can speak an alien language.'

'What if the Guhnden's hire us?'

'Didn't you say you were from the future?'

'Yea, but they existed around the same time humanity did and they had visited our planet.'

'Whatever, if someone needs our services they can just contact us. If we get the bouncer job at that club, that would be our main source of income. Shall we head over there?'

'Before we do, lets stop somewhere else.'


Veno walked towards a clothing store that Kear had found. He did agree that it would be best to look good; but he was having trouble accepting what Kear wanted to do. It wasn't even an interview, just going there to show his face to apply.

Kear told him to grab different clothing, because they would be a while. This was the most fun Kear had ever had. She felt like she was this kid's guardian watching out for him this past week. She would take responsibility to watch over him. So now that she could dress him up, she was ecstatic.

For the next hour, Veno listened to all her commands. There were some moments where she tried dressing him in more embarrassing clothing, but Veno shut her down before he even changed. In the end they went with a dark grey vest over a white shirt and black jeans. They didn't have too much money, but it was worth it.

'You look handsome!'

'Yea, but the job is in a club. This doesn't really match that kind of work.'

'You know they say the clothing makes the man.'

'Huh, who said that?'

'It was one of my friends. She was a translator too in the military.'



They walked towards the club. It was about three blocks away from the orphanage. They talked to the man at the door about the job and he let Veno pass. He followed a staircase upstairs. There was a door and inside a man sitting at a desk in a black suit. With his and Veno's fashion, neither fit for this place.

"So you're the one that wants to work here?"

"Yea, I just need to work a part time job to help my family."

He stood up and walked in front of Veno. He was looking him up and down. At first Kear noticed a bit of confusion on his face.

"You're deaf?"

"So what?"

Kear had assumed since Veno couldn't adjust his tone outside his mind, that was probably the reason.

"My brother Pax is deaf. So I have had experience with that."

The man started using sign language when he said that. Kear didn't need to do anything as Veno already knew it. So she just watched, but she did feel uncomfortable. Kear had never been in a club and while she was intrigued at first, now there was a faint sense of danger around this place.

Veno just nodded his head. The man continued to use sign language for the rest of the conversation.

"You can read lips?"


"Can you fight?"


"Let me see?"

The man nodded to someone behind Veno. Kear saw this and alarms started to go off in her head. She sensed Veno was in danger. She somehow was able to control Veno as she ducked down her head. In the next second she swung her right leg as she spun around trying to kick the assailant. He had a knife. What were these people thinking?

Suddenly that man's face, the one holding the knife, merged with the attackers at the summit. She got in a battle stance waiting for him to come forward. He slashed a downward arc from the left to right. Kear stepped back and with her hands grabbed his, kneed him in the jewels making him drop the knife. Wrapping her arms around his neck and using her legs to lock down this man's arms.

'Kear stop you are going to kill him.'

She would have, if she didn't hear Veno. She released him and then she stood back up. She realized that was a test, because in the military there were many just like this one.

"Did I pass?"

"Of course. Where are my manners, my name is Kaalm. You're hired, can you start tomorrow?"


Veno was able to take back control after that. It seemed they were now able to switch at will. After signing papers, on their way back home, they tested it and they could now swap at any time they needed.

This chapter is a little longer. I hope you all like it.

KearDarkfirecreators' thoughts