

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Daoist1GdsHP · ファンタジー
92 Chs

Battle For Supremacy!!!

Chapter 38: Battle for Supremacy!!!

General Wang jumped as if she was no longer under the influence of gravity and pounced straight for Lancelot.

Lancelot however, remained calm and started to raise the temperature of the atmosphere and that of his own body.

Using a combination of both air and water from the atmosphere he created a miniature shield.


The shield exploded, giving rise to spheres of columns of matter floating around.

General wang brought out a needle-like substance in her hand as she applied pressure while still above Lancelot, kneeling him to the ground.

Immediately she stabbed him with that needle-like substance sharply at the neck.

Before he could even register what was going on, Lancelot lost consciousness and was sprawled on the ground.

Lancelot's entourage immediately got up in fear and panic,

"Is he dead?",

General Wang stood on the stage with an indomitable aura, as a peerless warrior in her prime, undefeated and untouchable, unrivaled and unbridled.

"General Wang! General Wang!"

Her praises rang out throughout the arena.

Immediately some masked agent in black appeared out of thin air and went to carry

Lancelot's body.

Before Kendra and the others could react, they had disappeared with Lancelot's body.

The King had a smirk all through.

So many questions were on Kendra's face, she didn't understand what was going on.

This was completely different from the

outcome she had expected.

What was injected into Lancelot, why was he unconscious? Suddenly the King stood up and roared to the black-clothed men;

"Capture them, and leave that one for me, she will be useful in my inner chambers" He said, pointing towards Kendra and the entourage.

Garfar was lost for words, he couldn't even understand what was going on.

"How did today's event escalate so quickly, what is going on, who did what to who, how?"

He was confused to the extreme, as he looked around, even Garfar's friend couldn't crack a joke as he looked at the scene before him.

Even if Lancelot was to be defeated, he never expected it to be so flawless. The crowd kept on cheering non-stop, they couldn't hide their excitement.

They were happy and on top of the world.

General Wang left the stage, and everything else became clear, the plan was evident, capture Lancelot and imprison his entourage.

But the people were cheering, oblivious to the real events that were transpiring behind the scenes.

All the crowd saw was a battle that was won quickly and ruthlessly but none bothered to question all that happened after, except for a few with keen senses.

The majority of the elementals involved in the bet won their bets and as such the bet organizers suffered a huge loss as most placed their bet against Lancelot.

"Was the Element King dead?" This question lingered in the hearts of Garfar and Lancelot's entourage.

How could they afford to lose the element King when they were already achieving their purpose

They have not even been to the Metal nation, so how could they accept such a baffling circumstance.

King Wang appeared in a large tent, in that tent there was a high energy fluctuation that caused the campground to generally crack open, just right in front of King Dabill Wang.

Everything in the remote radius of the tent started to float as they lost their gravitational pull, suddenly a man in an ethereal dull yellow robe emerged out of the broken crevice of the ground.

King Wang kowtowed to this existence,

"god of the earth nation," he said, with a solemn countenance.

"You've done very well in trapping him, now you must kill him before the earthlings and claim the throne of Element King, you did well in working with the void assassins, they came through. I will keep powering my descendants for all generations, with other gods dead I will remain unrivaled"

He then smirked as he thought of something,

"Especially the foolish Air nation god, he thought he was smarter than everybody"

The Earth Nation god turned as he spoke and looked sternly at General Wang,

"Make sure you don't fail me, kill him and end the stupid prophecy and you will be a god in the nearest future, future generations will sing of your praises, you and your sister would be unrivaled in this existence, even the humans would worship you as a god but you must not fail me"

After saying that he turned and slowly merged with the ground and everything turned back to normal, even the broken crevices closed up so perfectly that it could be said that nothing had happened to it previously.

King Dabill Wang smiled, he couldn't contain his excitement. All these events had been planned and the remaining didn't know about the presence of the void assassins in the earth Kingdom.

The void assassins were the trump card he had kept in the fight against Air Nation, but after hearing that the Air nation was decimated and most of their warriors had been killed, of course the next threat would naturally be the forces who did the killing as such preparation was done and informants wee sent to investigate his power.

The void assassin could be said to be the scientist race of the element world.

They developed a serum that could temporarily seal one's elemental control, when that happens, for a few days a person would lack the ability to control an element or even his own body, they would lose energy and as such would be rendered immobile.

This serum was hard to produce and all that was made was pushed into Lancelot's system.

Lancelot had been rendered immobile by the god of the Earth nation who had joined the battle from the very beginning, this had afforded General Wang time and space to inject the serum with less effort.

Lancelot had calculated his move but unknown to him a stronger force was also working in tandem and as such he was very close to death's door.

He slept on the floor in the dungeon in which he was put, unable to move even a finger as he was aware of his surroundings but unable to interact with it.

Kendra was chained by the void assassins as they also injected a smaller amount of the liquid, although it was the small remains from General Wang's injection of the substance into

Lancelot, yet it was still potent enough to render Kendra immobile for a few hours.

By then they would have gotten the element sealing cuffs to block her powers.

It all happened too fast as Lancelot's entourage pondered on the recent turn of events, they never expected things to escalate this way.

Even Xanthu that had a bit of envy-hatred-jealousy-respect relationship with Lancelot, still couldn't allow himself have the schadenfreude feeling he was expecting to have.

Things have escalated too quickly and they have quite a lot of questions.

They were all placed in a dungeon and stripped of their freedom, the way things have changed baffled them greatly.

What went wrong, why were they betrayed in this way? They could only sit in silence and recover from the shock.