
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 25

Kagura was flying southwest toward the Western Citadel. The wind was quite chilly for early fall, almost biting, but not to Kagura. Being a demon made her impervious to the weather's tendency to either freeze to death or get sick, but being a wind demon allowed her to travel even higher above the regular atmosphere. She had heard that Lord Sesshoumau's ability to cloud ride was because his mother had been part dog demon and part elemental demon, hence he could travel the same height as she. It was a gift that not many demons outside the elementals had, and she preferred it that way.

Some male demons were just too persistant and even in her geisha days, before being a part of Naraku, she was sought after by many minor elemental demon lords. Most were not very alluring to her. She found that animal-based demons, were very attractive. Case in point, Lord Sesshoumaru and in his own way, InuYasha, but she would never sully herself to even mate with any half demon or human. It was bad enough that Naraku occasionally helped himself to her, and she yearned to be free on him as soon as it was possible.

Suddenly, she sensed a frmon presence on her feather. and immediately was angered.

'What youkai has the audacity to board my feather without permission,' she scowled to herself.

The presence was even more chilly and eery to her than the wind she was flying through. She looked, finding Kanna there.

'Why is she there? I thought she said I could go?' Kagura wondered.

"Kanna, why are you following me?" Kagura growled. "I thought you were going to stay behind and keep Naraku busy."

"Dear sister, I wish to help. I changed my mind about you going. I have a better plan. Trust me and return to to Naraku. I will take your message to the priestess. She sleeps at this moment and I am the only incarnation without scent," the void demon replied.

It was true, her sister lacked Naraku's odius scent. Kagura loathed the way she smelled, as it was a constant reminder of who controlled her. Despite Kanna lacking the scent of Naraku, she did have a peculiar presence that Kagura always sensed, mostly because of their bond as sisters. Kanna's presence was cold, and sent shivers up her spine. She knew Kanna did not enjoy sucking souls from people and into her mirror, but did it because of Naraku's hold and often Kagura pitied those she had to do away with. Kagura wished with all her heart that her sister did not have to do this. A void demon was often a hermit by nature, and for Naraku to drag her out and cause havok amongst demons and humans, was uncomfortable for Kanna, and Kagura felt it through their bond.

She thought about Kanna's change of mind, and made a decision to do as her sister asked.

'I am the wind. I will be free. Mark my words Naraku, you will die and I will have my freedom,' Kagura reaffirmed herself.

"Very well sister," Kagura smiled, and then patted Kanna on the head. "Be quick. I will go back to Naraku's castle and keep him company."

Kanna faded into the night. The benefit of her being the controller of the void was her power to travel on a whim.

She whispered to her mirror, "Take me to the priestess Kagome."

The mirror erupted in brilliant colours swirling within until the image of Kagome appeared.

'Good, she is still asleep,' Kanna said and stepped within the mirror.

It was a trick she rarely did, and even Naraku did not know she was capable of doing. Her father was the void demon and her mother was the wind demon, and she assumed that their coupling had allowed her a few things that no other void demon had, entering another's dreams.

She had come to this conclusion, as Naraku was way too suspicious, and sending Kagura would have not been successful. First, because of Naraku already knowing Kagura was apt to rebel against him anytime she could, and second, because if the dog brothers caught scent of her sister, they would tear her to shreds. She was no match for the combined strength of them.

The white haired void demon walked up to Kagome's bedside, and touched her fingers to Kagome's forehead. This same girl bested her mirror before, and she knew that she was important to Naraku's demise, and thusly, the freedom of her and Kagura. She saw beads of sweat, and the girl's face set with fright. She had figured through her brief encounter of Kagome's soul, that the girl had been innocent, and after the few years going after the shards and Naraku, it was affecting her dreams.

'More reason to rid the world of Naraku. Such innocences does not need to be plagued by evil in their dreams,' Kanna reasoned.

She spread her demonic power around Kagome, her power radiating a soft blue, hugging the priestess, without disturbing her current sleep. She looked into the girl's current ailing dream and saw that she was reliving a moment. She read dreams as easily as souls and this was no regular nightmare. The images were too real and quite vivid.

'She must be separated from this image. It is too much for her,' Kanna concluded.

She then took her fingers from the girl's head and leaned down, kissing her forehead, letting her power enter Kagome's mind. She manipulated the moment and turned it into a dream, letting her half demon love enter and come to her comfort, kissing her sorrows away. After a few moments, the altered dream dissipated, allowing her to put her own within.

She kissed Kagome's forehead one last time, a ghost of a smile on her face, as Kagome's body relaxed, and an audible sigh came from the girl's mouth. She was successful. Her dream was inserted, and now she could return back to Naraku's hold without suspicion. She knew he would not suspect anything as he had no ability to scent out out her whereabouts and she had never betrayed him in the past. She and the poison bees were his only eyes that brought him information from afar.

Kanna whispered, "Dream."

She took one last look at the slumbering raven- haired priestess, and then disappeared, not a trace of her left within the room.