
L'Ancien est mort. Vive l'Ancien!

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What is L'Ancien est mort. Vive l'Ancien!

WebNovel で公開されている、Ossa_Meviscaro の作者が書いた L'Ancien est mort. Vive l'Ancien! の小説を読んでください。Времена человеческого процветания ушли сотни тысяч лет назад. Ныне же люди, пусть и расселились на все континенты нового мира, не сравнятся с былыми временами ни по численности, ни по прогрессу. Среди...


Времена человеческого процветания ушли сотни тысяч лет назад. Ныне же люди, пусть и расселились на все континенты нового мира, не сравнятся с былыми временами ни по численности, ни по прогрессу. Среди слабых и сильных людей, есть существа превосходящие воображение, кого уже давно нельзя причислить к какому-либо виду. Они правят миром, их почитают как богов, ради них живут и погибают! Их называют Древними!

6 タグ

The CEO feel deeply for me

ahhh stop I can't believe I feel in love with a disgusting man like you( screams was heard from a girl who was about to be raped by her ex boyfriend) Damien pls stop don't do this let me go common ivy u and I both know u want these I just want to have a little taste of you that's all (lustfully licking his lips and making an attempt to take off Ivy's cloth from her body) No I can't let this happen I can't let this rotten man have a taste of me and take my virginity I have to do something and do it very fast (while thinking about her misfortune she spotted a glass cup which had been used by Damien for drinking she immediately smashed it on his head and had the opportunity to escape and she did) ivy was running nonstop and was not able to see the luxurious car coming her way and was about to run over her but luckily the man inside the car was able to apply the break quickly young lady are u blind can't you look before crossing the road. ivy looked up to apologize to the person whose car almost ran over her but she was awestruck by this demigod standing in front of her his jawline was sharply made he has a very Smooth hair which he had used a specific brand of Gel to curl it up. the man before her was very handsome than all of her celebrity crush. ooh God those blue eyes of his and his sexy pinks lips she took a large gulp of saliva when you are done looking at me then you can wipe your drool and get going

DaoistRNkTFs · 若者
1 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating