
Kurose Reiji gets reincarneted in Cote after his double suicide

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(Currently on hold, because of bad writing. I’m going in my training arc with a fate fanfic) Reiji Kurose gets reincarnated into the world of cote after his double suicide with nagi (this is not official. No one knows how the story will end and this is just the synopsis for my fanfic). His new Mother decides He should go to ANHS, so he does it. By the way, read the boys abyss manga if you haven‘t. Updates will be once a week. Average words in the chapters after chapter 4 are 1500.

3 タグ
Chapter 1Year 1: ANHS

I hold Nagis hand, while we were diving into the raging waves of the river. A Storm howled this night, it was the perfect lovers suicide. 'Thank you Nagi. We finally escaped.' We drove further into the blue and with the time my air flow out of my lungs. I had nothing more to live from. I looked at Nagi a last time and closed my eyes. 'I'm finally coming, hell.'


What is it. An Alarm, but why. Didn't I die? Together with her? If I'm alive maybe she's too, but why. I'm sure ai drowned. Did I got saved? So I'm in Hospital now. But why is there an alarm in hospital?


It still haven't stopped yet. I sat up and looked at the room I was in. The floor, the window the tv and the gaming console which were things who all stood her in this room were all things he never had seen before. This wasn't a hospital neither was it his or an aquaintence's house. Where am I?

I stopped the alarm and get up my bad. I think I didn't recognized it there but everything here felt way bigger than before. I had no problem standing which was surprising because my mom was in the hospital for quite a few months after nearly drowning in this river. I started exploring this room and went on to continue with the other parts of the house. It was an extraordinary huge house, something I could've never dreamed of before. I asked myself again where I am and who let me stay here.

Oh, there was it. One of my human needs. I remembered seing a bath including a toilet before, so I started running to get there. As I sat down I got the feeling again that something isn't normal with the size of all the furniture in here. I finished my toilet session and was on my way to the sink. I looked in the mirror above it and saw something I didn't expect to see ever again. There was a child with white to grey hair and grey eyes, an empty look in his eyes. It was me, not really me, my 11 year old me from the past. But why, did the time got turned back, or just his physical shape. Or is it like in some of these novels, that someone got reincarnated. Chako told me about some of them(Chako is on of his friends in the manga, she is a little chubby and likes reading'. But I do 't know where I am and so the first one is very unlikely.

I continued exploring and went into the living room. It was huge. On the sofa there was a phone with had a black and white panda case. I took it and looked at the screen. It showed me and a cat.

"So this is my phone, huh."

I tried to open it. It had a number code. I tried 1234. It doesn't open. I also tried other popular combinations like 1111 or 9999. Now I only had one chance left before the phone closed itself. I had an idea. I removed the phonecase and there were a little bit of money and a paper with 2 numbers on it. The first was a phone number and the second were the number 5825. I tried it and the phone unlocked. I looked at the date and knew my presumption was right. I wasn't in the past. I was in an other world.

If I had knew that I would have read more such novels. I looked out of a window. There was a huge city in front of me. I looked at the city and get that this was a world like ours, maybe even ours, but that doesn't matter. I cut the ties with everyone in my past life.

I felt a pain rising in my stomach to my lung. I broke down, shivered and coughed.

What was that? There were memories flowing into me. More than a human could possibly stand. I lost my consciousness. I woke up, because someone shaked and shouted at me. I opened my eyes.

"Young Master, Young Master!" It was an old white man in a suit with dark glasses. Thanks to the new won informations of this body former owner I know that this was my personal tutor. He recognized that I was awake again. "What happened."

"Nothing, I just fell and my heat hit the ground."

He looked at me, obviosly confused. "Young Master, are you sure everything's okay?" "Everythings alright." Since I got the memories of this bodie before my reincarnation, I know that familiar people had to recognize that my personality change. The former owner of my body was, how do I put it without insulting him, a crybaby.

The tutor went back to his tutor mode. "Young Master Kurose, we have lessons today. If everythings okay, I want to begin with them right now."


The next 4 years I learnt a lot about this world and my family.

First: This world was the exactly same as my old world from a geographical point of view. Even the cities were mostly the same.

Second: My Family was rich. My Mother was the founder of the so called Kurose Company.

Third: My Brother had went to a school called ANHS and is now on a highly respected university.

Fourth: My Mother wasn't often at home and she didn't notice the change in my personality.

Fifth: I never went to school and was always tutured at home. My knowledge should surpass most of the others in my age.


"Your mother wants you to join the Tokyo Mediterranean Advanced Nurturing Highschool next year."

That was Mr. Sánchez, the personal assistant of my mother.

This body never went to school before, but it doesn't matter. Everything in this world doesn't matter to me. "Okay."

Time flowed by and the date of the entrance exam came. My Mother drived me personally. No, she sat next to me, while Mr. Sánchez was driving. "You know that I'll only accept a passing." "Of course, mother." I'm not sure which mother was better. The woman next to me or my old mother. I don't see this woman here as a mother. She's more like a sponsor. From this perspective my old mother was worse. I didn't miss her.

The exam wasn't difficult. I should have at least 80 points in every subject. My physical abilities were a little above average. This body has good genetics. If I would work out I'm sure I would get a lot of muscles. But there wasn't a point in building muscles for me. The personal interview was a bigger problem, but it wasn't difficult either. I'm pretty calm and not a delinquent. My hair disrupted them at the beginning, but it's natural.


"How was it?"

"Where is Mother?" Only Mr. Sánchez was in the car.

"She had a urgent meeting." "No Problems on my side."


I woke up. It was a sunday, so no tutoring for me today. I went down the stairs. My Mother, Mr. Sánchez and my tutor sat on the sofa. My Tutor was as far away from my mother as he possibly could. "Take a seat." I sat on an armchair next to the sofa. On the table in front of us was an envelope. "This is from ANHS. It came today." My Mother had cold eyes, while Mr. Sánchez had something like compassion or pity. My tutor trembled in fear. This was the day were his future was decided.

I opened the latter.

"I passed." My tutor sighed in relieve, but the cold eyes my Mother had didn't change.

"Which class?" Is this important.


Her eyes looked happy and this time Sánchez sighed out of relieve. This was the first time I saw her like this. It made me happy too.

'So the classes matter, huh. Maybe my brother can tell me more about it.'

"May I go?"

"You can leave."

I stood up and draw my phone, while returning to my room. It was a new phone, but I still had a panda case. I got it for my 14th birthday from my brother with a new panda phone case. I searched for my brothers number and called him.


He was the only one in this family who was actually nice to me.


He said he don't want to inherit the position of the leader of Kurose Company and rather study.


That's why I have to become the new leader.

"Hey Nii-san!" "Hey Shirone."

"Oh, don't wanna call me your Oni-san, how sad."

No comment on that.

"Why did you call?"

"I got accepted into ANHS."

"Oh, I'm so proud of you! That was one of the best phases of my life."

"Nice to hear."

"Which class are you in?"


"Exactly like your Oni-san. It has to be fate."

"Is there a difference in classes."

"I cannot tell you about this. It would destroy the whole suprise thing!"

So there was a difference in classes. "Thank you for nothing. I'll end the call."

"So suddenly. Oh, but stay prepared, there will be a package coming form me the next days. The content—." I ended the call.

What does he want to sent me now. I had a bad felling."


Three days after the call, there was a tiny package for me. It stand in front of me on the table. "Young Master, why do you keep staring at this. We have a les-." "It's from my Brother." "If you opened it and saw the content, would you be able to concentrate better." "Yes."

I opened it. There was a little box in a rectangle shape in it. I opened it. Another panda phone case. I don't understand this man, my brother. I opened the letter which was under the box.

'My lovely little Oni-san,

this is a phone case for the phone you'll get in your new school. You can't take your old phone with you, so I got a necessity for you. A new panda phone case. Take it with you or you'll make your big oni-san sad. We most likely won't see us till your graduation and can only speak before you entered the school, so I wish you only the best luck.

With the biggest hug you've ever felt, your Oni-san.'

He really loves his younger brother.

"Have you finished?" My tutor wanted to continue.


It was time. Today, I'll enroll in the best High school there is, according to Shirone. I stepped into the bus, which should drive me to my new school. That wasn't a mistake. There were other students in the same uniform as me already in here. The bus was mostly empty so I took a seat in the back.

As the bus drove further and further away from the house I lived, more and more people joined our ride. Even some who had my school uniform. There was a black haired girl, an apathetic looking guy, a blonde guy I saw somewhere before and lastly joining a brown-haired girl.

The blonde guy has taken a priority seat, while an old women had to stand. An office worker asked the guy to offer his seat to the old lady, but he refused.

"That's a really crazy question, lady." This way of speaking, it was unmistakable. It was the heir of Koenji conglomerate group, Rokosuke Koenji. I met him a few times on events I went to with my mother. He was a complete narcist. Of course he wouldn't give up on his seat.

The brown haired girl also took the side of the old woman. She looked like some people from my old life, who only faked being happy. She asked the whole bus, whether someone wanted to help the old woman, but no one felt responsible. If she had asked me into the face I would have given up this seat, but she only asked everyone as a whole. Like this everyone waited for someone other than themself to sacrifice himself. That happens until someone had such a bad feeling that he does it. A man gave up on his seat and the old women took hos place.

A little later we arrived at school. The entrance gate was enourmous. I had twenty minutes left, before I had to go, so I just went to the side.

I took a cigarette and a panda lighter from my brother and smoked the only one I took with me. That was a habit from my past life I couldn't get away from. It alway remembers me to a precious moment with Nagi, our first meeting.

I thought that the other students would enter the gate right away, but the black haired girl stopped the apathetic guy.

"I saw you looking at me in the bus."


"Why did you looked at me in bus?"

"Because you didn't wanted to offer your seat."

"But you didn't wanted to do that either."

Now they explained to each other while they weren't giving up their seat until the girl noticed me. She stopped talking to the brown haired guy.

"Hey you, over there."


"You know that you're not allowed to smoke in your age."

"What about it? It isn't your life so don't get on my nerves."

"You only make your life harder. Really you're so stupid. How did you even get to this school." That wasn't meant as a question.

The brown haired guy left this situation and the stunned black haired girl followed him.

I ended my last cigarette for quite a while I guessed and entered the gate to ANHS.

I entered the classroom and saw that most desks were already occupied. But that had nothing to say, because the student and their desk was fixed. I took my desk in the first row on the left next to an empty desk and the window. Behind me there was a girl with long violet hair. She looked at me. "Hello." "Morning."

Wow, that made me feel uncomfortable. I never visited school for multiple years and because of that being under that many people of same age felt not right.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

I heared little click sounds coming from the floor. It was so silent in this room, everyone noticed. They looked at the door.

It entered a little girl with long white hair, a little black hat, violett eyes and a walking stick. She looked somewhat unique.

Her desk was right next to me. As she sat down, she smiled at me. "Sakayanagi Arisu. Pleased to meet you." Is it a thing to introduce hisself to his seat neighbors.

"Kurose Reiji." Should I add something? But what? "Nice to meet you." I decided for that spontaneously, but it wasn't very convincing. She smiled at me again and then took out a book and started reading.

Because I already looked up, I started looking at the rest of the class. There were a few who catched my eye.

The girl behind me with the purple hair, a blonde guy with long hair, who looked like a delinquent, and a bald guy, who I would estimate to be in his mid-thirties.

The rest of the students entered the classroom and now it was full. I looked at the time. The classes should start in a few minutes.

A tall man with dark hair entered the room. Sakayanagi looked up from his book and also the rest of the class had their attention at the guy.

"Good Morning class A. I'll take the role of your homeroon teacher for the next three years, except something unpredictable happens. My name is Mashima Tomonari. The entrance ceremony will be in one hour from now on. Until then. I'll share some informations and rules of this school, as well as the admission guides."

I had to give the papers I received from Mashima-sensei to the violett haired girl behind me.

"Now, I'll give you your student id-cards and your student phones." This time he gave everyone his stuff personally, starting by me. "In this school you can buy everything with points. The points can be used due to your id-cards, which are basically creditcards. You can also transfer points from your account to another per your student phone. But if it happens due to an thread or intimidation, it's not tolerated by this school. We monitor such behavior very closely. There are already 100,000 points on your account. Every month new points will be added. 1 Point is equal to 1 yen. So now have 100,000 yen on your account. Use them how you like."

That was the first time this room got really loud. I looked at the students. Most of them couldn't believe it. "You seem pretty calm, Kurose." It was Sakayanagi. "But you also don't look surprised."

"I already knew it." I remembered that the school directors surname also was Sakayanagi.

"From the director?"

"Yes. And why aren't you surprised?"

"Why should I be shocked by money. I'm not going to spend this all anyway."


"Because it would disrupt my feeling of money. And I don't need that much anyway."

"You're a pretty interesting guy."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Are there any more questions?" It was the teacher.

"Why do we even get this much?" It was the bald guy.

"Interesting question, Katsuragi-san. This school rates his student on their performances. And because all of you came through the entrance exams, you already made a pretty good performance. Answered this your question?" "It does."

Sakayanagi raised her hand. "Do you have a question Sakayanagi-san?"

"Yes. I'd like to ask, If we get the 100,000 points every month." A few Girls and boys in the class laughed at her, because they think he said that. I didn't came to the idea that we wouldn't get the 100,000 every month, but after she mentioned it, I recognized that Mashima-sensei never said that we would get the 100,000 points every month. All of them who claimed that Sakayanagi made an stupid question outed themselves as insufficient.

"An even more interesting question, but I'm sorry to tell you, that I cannot tell you this." The class fell silent.


Naruto: About the Fact That my Brother is Madara

Kyōsuke got reincarnated into the world of Naruto in the Warring States period and became an ordinary member of the Uchiha clan. At this time, Uchiha Madara was still just a teenager, the God of Shinobi was still pondering how to make World Peace, Black Zetsu was plotting how to split the moon to save his mother, and the enigmatic Jigen was quietly chanting sutras in a secluded temple. The young Kyōsuke stepped onto the battlefield, but fortunately, he awakened a Point Redemption System, allowing him to trade points earned by killing enemies for various abilities. [Tenseigan, SSS-level item, requires 200,000 points to exchange.] [Divine Tree Seed, SSS-level item, requires 200,000 points to exchange.] [Truth-Seeking Orbs, SSS-level ability, requires 200,000 points to exchange.] [Yamotsu Hirasaka, SS-level ability, requires 100,000 points to exchange.] Uchiha Madara: "Kyōsuke, you and I as brothers can surely annihilate the Senju Clan together!" Senju Hashirama: "My friend, let’s realize the dream of building Konoha Village together!" Black Zutsu: "Help me save my mother!" Uzumaki Mito: "You promised to marry me—are you trying to go back on your word?" Otsutsuki Kaguya: "This is bad! The clan’s law enforcement team is here. Kyōsuke, defend against them with me!" Otsutsuki Isshiki: "Impossible! How do you know my unique eye technique?!" Uchiha Kyōsuke: "Impossible? Please, I can even hit the moon!" ——————————————————— This is a Translation Raw: 火影:关于我兄弟是斑爷这档事 Author: 闲者阿七 Support me on Patreon to read 20+ Chapters Ahead https://www.patreon.com/Night_FrOst

Night_FrOst_ · アニメ&漫画
176 Chs


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  • 世界観設定
