
Kuroinu: Black Flash

A new story.. A guy in a hentai world, with a jujutsu kaisen gamer system. a bit of a wish fulfillment

Daan_the_writer · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Seventh Roll: Brynn

7th Roll: The brunette Knight.


(Byrnn Pov)

"Come on, Brynn loosen up a bit! The night is still young~" The voice of my leader said with a teasing manner, the scent of alcohol hitting my nose as Miss Maia uttered each word.

The princess Knight is holding a half empty bottle of mead. She struggles to keep balance as the effects of the drink have already taken effect. Her face is that of pleasure.

"Um, no thanks Miss, Maia." I said sheepishly.

How many did I say that on this night alone? 

"Don't be such a killjoy, Brynn! This is a celebration! It's okay to let go a bit!" Maia happily said.

Dear Goddess~ Sometimes I wonder how she got the position of princess night.

"Wow~" Maia tripped on a stray bottle of alcohol laying on the ground.

Moving swiftly I caught my leader, and in an irritated and tired voice I said, " Miss Maia! Be careful, you could have hurt yourself!"

Maia chuckles, and a smug grin forms on her beautiful face, " Awww~ my lieutenant is worried for me~ don't worry Brynn, I'm strong as hell a measly trip will not hurt me hehehe~" Maia chugs the bottle.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, and massage my temple. I sigh in exhaustion; she always does this whenever we achieve a victory, she'll go straight to alcohol, and sometimes one-night stands – which I don't find acceptable behavior for her status but, she's the leader so what can I do?

I cleaned the spit stain on my armor, and helped Miss Maia to sit down.

"I advise you not to overdo the drinking Miss Maia, you still have a meeting tomorrow with Goddess Celestine and the other Princess Knight," I said.

The queen of Mercenaries buries her head on the table, " Who cares about them? This is our night~ No need to worry about those stuck up Bitches~" She rise head, " Not Celestine tho, she cool~"

The other soldier laughed at the insult; holding the same opinion on the other Knights, the men of the Black Dogs don't have a good view on them. Seeing them as nothing but babied aristocrats who did not struggle as they did.

Especially Alicia.

But, as much as I have the same view on nobles. I still respect them greatly; they were the ones that stopped that accursed Orc Warband from ravaging my home village.

" Miss Maia! That's no way to talk about your fellow Shields!" I said.

Maia snickered, and rolled her eyes, "Pssts~ like they gonna do something,"

"They're nothing but bitches who grew up in a protected castle; the hell, are they compared to us, " Maia said in a nonchalant manner, the drunk woman was now gone and was now replaced by a girl who has a critical view on a certain group.

She looked at the other soldiers eating and drinking, "I'm not gonna let them ruin our celebration, Brynn."


Is she finally getting serious?

"So loosen up, and enjoy Brynn!" And, it's gone.



"Byrnn, Where are you going?" Shouted Maia.

I turned around, sword in hand, " I'm just going to the bathroom, Miss Maia."

"Oh, could you also get another bottle once you go back, " Maia requested, " I'm out of drinks here!"

Maia dangled the empty glass.

I sigh, " Yes, Miss Maia."

I walked towards my direction, hearing a shout of thank you from the red-haired Knight. 

"I reek of alcohol," I muttered, smelling the odor of my body.

Due to Maia extensive drinking, the scent rubs off on me, and it's not easy to get this smell out of my body. And being surrounded by a bunch of alcoholic men ain't helping either.

Miss Maia is not usually this hard to manage. She drank a lot back then, yes, but not to this extent; almost every day she retreats to drinking. And, I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the war, or that "incident."

I winch at the memory.

Seeing the men of Black Dogs doing those "things" towards the innocent civilians, has had an immense hit on my view of them; My world almost shattered back then.

But, I don't believe they did those out of they're free will.

I shook my head.

No matter, it's in the past now, move on.

I went outside our shelter, and was greeted by a huge area of land. Trees hugging the giant towers of the Castle at the root. An assortment of flowers, that even in the dark glows in beauty – aided by the soft rays of the moon.

"Going out on expeditions a lot has really made me forget how beautiful this place is." I said, lighty smiling at the calming aura of the courtyard.

I walked a few distance, when my mood dimmed a bit, " Where's the bathroom again?"

Also, how much of a maze this castle is!

A few minutes of walking.

"Finally!" Oh my Goddess, why did the architects build the bathroom so far from the main gate?

"At least I could take a bath now.."

Bathroom is mostly built of refined stones, and wood. Making it pleasing to the eyes. and, thank the Goddess for that, cause no one wants to use a dirty and haunted looking building for them to clean themselves.

I opened the ornate door and went inside. I took a step on the floor – made from magical hard-wood apparently – I was greeted by a huge square tub, and a bunch of small seats neatly organized on the floor; a row of mirrors accompanied them.

The design of this place greatly reminds me of the baths on the far east. I guess, the Goddess really likes the design of Kaguya-sama's home nation.


Before I could remove my armor, I noticed the lack of soap on the wooden box, where cleaning items are placed.

"That's strange… last time I remembered, this place doesn't run out of soap."

How unlucky. I guess I have one of the guards for soap; they know this place much better than me after all.

I tighten my armor. And grabbed my beloved sword.

And went outside once again.


I walked back to the main gate, and started looking for one imperial Guard. Those guys are usually stationed on the main four gates of this Castle, so it is not gonna be a hassle finding them; I hope.

Surveying the area for any armored men brandishing the crest of Celestine. My eyes narrowed at the lack of Guards around this place.

Wait, I think a few of them are celebrating with the Black Dogs; a lot of the members of the group have relatives working guards after all.

I don't agree with them abandoning their pose without permission. But, Miss Maia and Sir Vault don't seem to mind their presence.

I wipe my forehead, this night is becoming a chore for sure.

I went to the west-side of the castle, and I hope there's a Guardsman there; cause I don't think I can handle walking back and forth like a lunatic, anymore.

Wandering for a bit, I notice the sound of movement near one of the doors that leads to the Castle.


Following the sound, I immediately notice a man without armor punching and kicking air.

'What in Goddess' name?'

My eyes strayed on the armor right beside a hellbard. My mood sours, so it's a guard…

What is he doing not properly watching his pose? He looks like a lunatic that's somehow got inside the castle and started to attack air.

My face tightens.

The man, after delivering a punch to the ground, muttered something and stood up to get his armor.

 But before he could, I revealed my presence.

"Hey you, what do you think you're doing!?"

I shouted.

(3rd PoV)

Two individuals are standing apart from each other, one holds the other's forearm and has a gaze that could burn a hole through the skull. While, the other seems to not be bothered by the hostility of the former.

"Shadow what now?" The brunette said, confused yet displeased.

The black haired man sighs, which seems to sour the girl's mood even further. 

"Shadow boxing, you know a form of training…" Albert stared at the girl, calm as ever, " That doesn't require another person."

"I never hea- you know what, forget that, " the scantily dressed Knight said in irritation, " Why are you doing that instead of doing your Job!?"

Albert was silent for a moment, seemingly pondering if his response is the right one to spout.

"... I was bored, Miss Byrnn." Albert said, a hint of nervousness laced the word.

Brynn looked at him with a bewildered face.

"... You're bored."

"Uh-huh," Albert nodded.

Brynn let go off Albert's forearm, covering her face with her palm, she exudes the aura of annoyance instead of anger.

"I could not be bothered with this…" She muttered.

She looked at Albert, who had a poker face. And seems to be unfearful of her, which irritates her a bit.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Albert, no last name, Miss Byrnn." Albert swiftly replied.

Byrnn closed her face to Albert's. 

"You're lucky I was the one who found you, doing that Shadow-boxing or whatever. Cause if one of the other Knights found you, let's just say they're not gonna like we are now."

Byrnn said with a serious and threatening voice, that promise no lies.

But Albert was unfazed and remains stoic.

"I'm well aware ,Miss Brynn." He replied.

The knight's face again frowned, " Then why are you doing that? You're a Guardsman of the Castle; you should be properly doing your duty! Instead of playing like a child!"

Albert opted to not reply, merely nodding, not saying anything as to not escalate the situation.

Brynn turned her head towards him, and ruffled her brown hair.

"I'm willing to forget this neglect, If you aid me in finding something. " The knight broke the awkward silence.

Albert's eyebrow rose in interest, as he waited for the girl to say the request.

"Help me in finding soap, " Brynn looked to the side, and a small hint of red surfaced on her cheeks.

Too bad our Mc is too dumb to notice.

"Will that be all, Miss Brynn?" he asked.

The knight nodded.
