
Knights Of Astellan

Two years after the fairy-human kingdom Magicae gets rebuilt from the Pixies and the Devil Kirolorria's attacks, the daughter of King Eris and his husband King Henry goes to the land of nymphs, Astellan that has a boarding school that she is required to attend to strengthen the kingdoms alliance. She finds herself new friends quickly and gets recruited into a special group. She navigates her way through school, friendship, family, and magic, but some far away entities have evil plans for Astellan. (SPINOFF/SEQUEL TO Fairy and Fairy Hunter) P.S if you haven’t read Fairy and Fairy Hunter this might not make sense, so I recommend reading that first. (A lot of chapters of the Fairy and Fairy hunter are kinda badly written chapters, but I was in my flop-no-good-novel-writing era. But please read that first and try to make sense of it.

Aria_Del_Strana · ファンタジー
28 Chs

V3 Announcement

Volume 3 Premier/Teaser Date: Volume 3 Premiers May 3, 2025/ A teaser of the first chapter of Volume 3 releases November 3, 2024

Chapter Insight: Volume 3 will have more than 10 chapters and will be the final volume of this novel. Each chapter will have at least 2,500 words/ The first chapter is titled "I'll Blame You"/ Chapters will be released weekly every Saturday. 

Sequel Insight: Knights of Astellan is the third book in the FAFH book series and is the sequel to the first book in the series, Fairy and Fairy Hunter. A sequel to KOA is set to begin writing after KOA finishes. However, it won't start releasing after The Secret Coven of Magus (TSCOM) is finished. TSCOM is the second book in the book series, and its first sequel will also be in the works. KOA's sequel will be titled 'Astraeus & The Yousei Knights,' information on that novel will be released on a later day. I intend to release several more novels in this book series including the two I just mentioned