
Shadow of lose

I had just opened my eyes when I was confronted by a horrifying scene – blood was everywhere, its coagulated state suggesting time had passed. Sitting up, I noticed my own clothes were devoid of any traces of blood, making me wonder,

"Why am I not covered in blood? Where is my father?"

Surveying the room, I found nothing but blood and my father's lifeless form on the ground. His bones were visible through his torn flesh, leading me to question,

"What happened, who did this, and why?"

In the midst of these thoughts, a familiar face arrived – his attire a black and yellow kimono, his long hair a deep brown, and his eyes a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors. He approached, adjusting his collar. After casting his gaze on me, tears welled in his eyes, revealing the harsh truth that there was no chance of saving my father. Drawing me into his embrace, his touch provided warmth, yet it did little to alleviate my sadness. One eye cried while the other smoldered with unchecked rage. In their presence, a boy and a girl arrived. The boy wept instantly; his knightly attire, complete with a helmet, concealed his hair, but his beautiful brown eyes were visible. The girl, devoid of knightly garb, wore a hijab, and her exquisite features spoke of grace. As their identities became clear, a realization hit me – this was Ambrosio, my father's best friend and the fifth-ranked knight in the world. But why was he here?

I wondered, foreboding seeping in. The elegant lady spoke, her voice carrying sorrow and authority.

"Mr. Kalis, take him outside and inquire about what transpired here."

Ambrosio's face betrayed an internal struggle – duty versus grief. He acquiesced with a nod, although his voice carried a mix of frustration and sadness,

"Fine, Noura. Get to the bottom of this quickly; I won't be pleasant company otherwise, and I say this not as a knight."

Noura and the boy were visibly shaken; they knew they had caught Ambrosio on an off day. I, however, remained steadfast, clutching my father's body as I yelled,

"I won't leave my father here, not for a single moment!"

But Ambrosio, unmoved, hoisted me onto his shoulder. My protests echoed as he carried me away.

"Put me down! Let go! I won't abandon him!"

Yet, Ambrosio continued, impervious to my struggles. The wave of nostalgia that hit me during this ordeal was akin to my childhood with my father – a time of playfulness. Amidst this emotional mix, Ambrosio's smile did little to quell my turmoil. Reality struck – my father was gone. A vow took root within me,

"I swear, I'll kill whoever did this. It doesn't matter if it was a powerful god, demon, or angel; I don't care. I'll avenge my father. I swear on it."

Ambrosio sensed the surge of my bloodlust; he smiled, meeting my gaze. He questioned,

"Such fury? I understand. However, for now, you lack the strength to take on the one responsible. He might be twice, perhaps even thrice, as powerful as you are. You'd be as inconsequential as an annoying fly to him."

His words ignited both anger and a strange contentment within me. Yet, that contentment faded, and with it, my adolescent fury. I recognized we were in the presence of my father's lab in the darkened forest, a sight that evoked fear. Ambrosio, aware of my unease, offered his support.

"Frightened, young one? Allow me to guide you." He invoked a spell, "Divine light."

The forest yielded, transforming into an illuminated haven. A chair and table appeared; Ambrosio settled me into the chair, and soon, Noura entered, her voice somber.

"Mr. Kalis, he's been gone for an hour. The force that ended his life could rival a powerful god's – perhaps a primordial deity. It's imperative we discover whether Alexander has received a divine blessing, which could give us insight into his assailant."

Ambrosio contemplated, realizing the truth. He affirmed,

"I believe I know who it was."

Approaching me, he shared his revelation,

"Listen, Alexander. Your father's demise was orchestrated by a deity, a Greek god or even a primordial being."

"Do you recall whether a circle was present, or if there was something dark within it?"

I paused to reflect on this question.

"Yes, there was a circle. I remember my father placing something black that moved into a glass container. Two other objects were present, but I couldn't identify them; I fainted after he set them down."

Ambrosio's smile grew, and he exchanged glances with Noura.

"Hahaha, I knew it. It was probably a clone of either Erebus or Nyx. The true Erebus or Nyx wouldn't fit in anyone's hand, especially while performing such a feat."

Noura marveled at Ambrosio's rapid deduction and his realization of the possibility of another's involvement. Yet, my thoughts reverted to bloodlust, as I contemplated,

"So, I must kill two – an otherworldly god and a mortal or something else. The former might have been a mere clone, but that doesn't matter. My resolve stands."

Noura, Ambrosio, and I sensed this surge of intent. Ambrosio chuckled, Noura grew anxious, and Ambrosio, aware of the source of this turmoil, embraced me, reassuring,

"Come with me, young one. You'll grow stronger in my tutelage, though it won't be me training you."

Years passed.

I awoke to the dawn's gentle light streaming into my room. Sitting up, I gazed at the scene and muttered,

"Hmm, it's not too early for the sun to shine like this, is it?"

With a resigned sigh, I moved to open the window. As daylight flooded in, I realized I was running late.

"Late again!" I burst out, my frustration evident. "Where is that fly when you need it?"

Suddenly, a fly materialized – a creation of shadow borne of my own power. The fly inquired with polite concern,

"How are you feeling today, master?"

My expression conveyed my annoyance as I responded,

"Why do you think?"

The fly's sorrowful tone accompanied its words, "I apologize, master. You know I'm not good at this."

Recognizing that I had time, I dismissed my irritation and questioned further,

"Where are the others?"

With evident enthusiasm, the fly replied,

"Wherever you directed them, master."

While the fly spoke, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and changed into my green shirt and gray sweater. Responding to the fly's statement, I sighed,

"Fine, at least you managed that. I'm off." "Shadow teleportation."

I teleported to the upper left corner of the classroom, where I knew a shadow awaited. Making my way to my assigned seat, I approached my desk. However, the group in front of me erupted into laughter, as they noted I was almost late again. I wasn't one to let such things slide, so I questioned them with annoyance,

"Why the laughter?" One of them, Benjamin, a nobleman though his behavior often seemed uncouth, responded. His attire exuded nobility, and his blond hair was neatly styled. His eyes appeared slightly greenish-blue. "Why do you think?" I retorted in a manner that reflected my frustration but also retained my poise, "And what about you? You, who have been given everything by your family without which you wouldn't even have made it here. You, who seem so feeble that it's a wonder you pass any tests at all, not to mention your lack of intellect. You're nothing more than a weakling." Benjamin's anger flared, and he was about to retort when the teacher entered, putting an end to our exchange. "Enough of this. Class is beginning."

Hello guys I hope you all like the first novel I made in my life for the first time I really tried to make it more enjoyable and I hope I succeeded.

Benceecreators' thoughts