
To Gain Aura

I open my eyes and look for the clock inside my room, the time was 6 am.

I hear Lawrence loudly snoring on the top bed, I grab a new set of uniform from the cabinet and go to the bathroom to bathe myself.

I dressed in the new clean uniform and proceeded to make my way to the cafeteria to eat my breakfast.

As I was eating, a student wearing a patch on his face approached me, I look up to see who it was.

It was Kyle, I see anger in his eyes.

"Do you think my family will let this past, commoner?" He asks me pointing to the patch on his face.

"You see, there is one problem there" I reply to him with a smug

He was visibly confused but then his face became extremely pale.

This time I wore my family's crest in my uniform although I'll take it out before I enter the classroom.

"Ly-Lynine?" Fear was present in his voice.

I just smiled at him.

House of Lynine might not be the strongest, wealthiest, or the most renowned but it was still formidable, for the reason being we are one of 4 Houses that protect the Kingdom of Yean fronts.

That is why a simple House like Glen which became a noble's house because of money can't measure up to a House that became a noble because of merits.

"Don't bother me or Lawrence again, unless you want to get fucked, now scram" I reply to him with my smile intact.

He immediately nods and goes away like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs.

I let out a small laugh, then continue eating.

After some time, I finish eating and then look at the clock inside the cafeteria.

The time was currently 7:41 am, I then take my family crest from my uniform and put it in my pocket before standing up and making my way to the classroom.

I enter the classroom and see that there were already some students inside.

I look for my seat and sit on it.

I look around the classroom and see people trying to approach Mellissa, hoping to be friends with her, but she just ignores them, while Ray was happily mingling with students who want to suck up to him, Lyla on the other hand was having a conversation with Jack, with Jack's presence they were unapproachable.

I then notice Lawrence enter the classroom, he then make his way to the seat right next to me and sat down.


"Hey" I nod to him.

"What did you do?"


"Kyle and his goons didn't even dare to approach me today"

"Oh, that" I let out a small laugh as I remember what I did.

"Let's just say, money can't beat merits" I reply to him with a smile.


I was surprised that he actually understood the meaning of my words but I quickly brushed it off.

After talking with Lawrence for a bit, Ms. Melinda entered the classroom.

The classroom immediately became quiet.

"Okay, all of you guys are already familiar with what Aura is right?"

Most of the students nod.

"Well, in a nutshell, Aura is what is mainly used for performing techniques and skills"

"To successfully awaken Aura is to train your body and mind to have the ability to create it but there are some instances where people are born with Aura already inside their body," She says as she takes a glance at Lyla, Ray, Jack, and Mellissa

"Mana users on the other hand train their body and mind to absorb it because Mana is all around us while Aura comes from within." Ms. Melina elaborates to us.

"So now, our objective one month from now is to successfully make the Auraless people in our class be able to awaken Aura, and those who fail will be expelled,"

A Student then raises his hand from the class.


"How will you train us Ma'am to awaken Aura?"

"Simple, we will train you to perform an Art"

"But, you need Aura to perform an Art, isn't that right teacher?"

"By training your body to perform an Art, Aura will naturally awaken, It will take some luck and hard work but this is the main method of awakening Aura"

"So, get your ass up and follow me to the Aura Chamber, your respective weapons are already there" Ms. Melinda orders us, and we immediately comply.

We arrive at the Aura Chamber and we see other teachers there, and weapons on podiums with student names on them.

"Grab your weapon and go to the teacher wielding the same weapon as yours"

I look for the podium with my name on it and grab my weapon.

I then scanned the area where a teacher holding a longsword was.

I saw a female teacher that had a longsword resting on her shoulders, she had green hair and brown eyes, and a physique filled with muscles.

I approach her with several other students who also had longswords.

"Is that all of you?" She looks at us.

I look around and there were probably 20 of us but one of them surprised me.

It was Mellissa, the black-haired beauty, holding a longsword in her right arm.

I quickly gaze away because I don't want her to think of me as some sort of creep.

"Alright, my name is Carol, starting for one month, I will be teaching you a basic longsword art, the training will be hellish so if there is anyone who would like to chicken out, I'll allow it." She said as she scanned us.

"Oh? One of you already has Aura" She said while clearly looking at Mellissa

"I was born with Aura, Ms. Carol, I still have not learned any longsword arts" She replied to her.

Ms. Carol nods to her and looks to the other students if there was someone willing to chicken out.

After a minute of silence, it was clear that everyone was determined to learn.

"Good, alright, I will perform the longsword art, all eyes on me, please."

She then closed her eyes and prepared a stance before an upgraded training dummy, yellow aura then could be seen enveloping her body, after maybe 10 seconds she swung her sword nonstop, the training dummy stood unscathed, none of her slashes could cut the dummy.

She then kept swinging until the aura that enveloped her body gathered at her sword and she swung once more and the dummy was no more.

Me and the other students were left in complete awe, well except Mellissa, she just had an indifferent face.

"This is one of the basic Aura Art, called Greater Slash"

"By, successfully making your Aura merge with your longsword and swinging it in sync, you can achieve such a result."

"Now, go to one of the training dummies and keep swinging your sword" She ordered us.

We immediately comply.

I then felt another Aura near me, I look around the room to see who it was and it was Mellissa,

She had her eyes closed, and a green Aura then starts to cover her body.

She opened her eyes then immediately starts swinging her sword.

"She kept swinging but couldn't get her Aura to envelop her sword, and kept failing"

I then snapped out of it and started to focus on my longsword.

I still don't have an aura so I just have to swing my sword.

I kept swinging my sword at the upgraded training dummy,

None of my slashes was able to cut the upgraded training dummy but nevertheless, I still kept swinging.

I swung and swung, both of my arms felt numb but I still swung my sword, if there was something that I was proud of was my complete determination on something.

I swung and swung, my eyes were completely glued on the training dummy, but I gave in to exhaustion and stopped swinging,

I was breathing heavily then I noticed a hand on my shoulder, it was Ms. Carol

"Not bad kid, you swung for 20 minutes straight" She then gave me a thumbs up

"Get some rest and continue later"

I nod to her and sat down.

I was regaining my energy as rest, I then look up to the training dummy, disheartened that not a single cut was visible, but not enough to make me give up.

I then look around the room and see that most of the students were also swinging their swords like a madman.

I then stood up and regained my posture and started swinging again.

Thank you for reading <3333

PinoyPablocreators' thoughts