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xhnile · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs


Hoo hoo hoo...

Ding ding ding...

Suddenly a white hand stretched out from the blanket to the direction of the sound

Bang! !4

Bang Bang

"Kozaki Kozaki, get up and tidy yourself up, eat your breakfast and hurry to school, isn't it time for school to start today wait to be late"

Sure enough, the sound outside the door can not make any change in the bed people

Time passed, a few bed turned over, and lazy in the bed holding the quilt, do not think the person in bed up, in fact, just a change of sleeping position.

The brilliant sunlight outside the window through the window those creeping some of the gaps between the leaves through the morning fog, one by one sprinkled throughout the bedroom. A meter of sunlight shone into the somewhat messy bed, shining on the cheeks of the bed that is in bed, the sympathetic black hair in the sunlight flooded with a nice light, the person in bed picking the quilt on his body, struggling to get up half lying on the edge of the bed, perhaps just out of the nest, there is a trace of redness on the face, messy hair, and a vertical dull hair, open lazy eyes, only to see the person in bed scratching the messy hair, stretched, yawned, lying and sitting on the side of the bed for a while, unhurried, slow to put on the slippers on the floor.

"This child, not even get up when called, this slow character also do not know who to follow," said Gong mother while fiddling with the dishes on the table

The weather forecast is being broadcast on the news today, "..."

"You know, his character is like this, the more you go to say he is like this"

"You still say it's not your fault, if not for your bad genes, the child will be like this? You have the nerve to say that the child, you are not also this ghostly" Gong mother speechlessly looked at the sofa Gong father


With the Gong mother and Gong father in the tussles of the work, Miyazaki awake pine half lifted the eyes is lazy to walk out

"Good morning mom and dad" said 22 while yawning

"Hey, finally come out, do not hurry over to eat breakfast, wait a moment to get cold, the first day of school lazy like what? The first day of school is a lazy day. Hurry up and finish eating and go to school.

"Mom, you do not want to see me as a son, ah, so anxious to drive me to school," Miyazaki lifted his eyelids to look at his own mother

The words just fell ... and a roar

"What are you saying?"

The word "well" instantly appeared on the forehead of Miyazaki's mother, and she was about to get angry.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

The mother looked at her son who was running like a rabbit and had a headache, "You're fast".

DiGuang Middle School

Miyazaki, standing outside the entrance of Teikou High School, looked lazily at the tall pillar of rock in front of him with "Teikou High School" printed in beautiful golden letters

"Stain, it's really big."

"Ugh, the boring class is calling again ~ I hope it's not as boring as before ~"

Then I walked slowly into the new school.

"Are you interested in volleyball?"

"Classmate, classmate, have you ever played chess?"

"Japanese people should play baseball."

"Swimming, do you want to join the swimming club? We have a special sister or senior to train you, join us quickly."

Perhaps it is just the beginning of the school year, the whole school instantly lively, all kinds of clubs, have pulled new students to join, all kinds of shouting

"So noisy" Miyazaki yawned eye basket spent some mist looking around

"Wow, quick, look at that handsome guy, and so tall ah"

"It's true that you don't have to worry about seeing handsome guys when you choose Teikoku High School!"

"Handsome guy who looks like a cat, I can!"

"So white."

"If only I had this height, I'd be so jealous."

"Damn, how did he grow in the end"

Miyazaki's height of 1 meter 84, simply can defy the whole field than his short people or things, around these students look at their own, let him feel a very delicate feelings, lazy head kicked the toes, turn around and go to the less crowded place

"Ah, so annoying, where the hell is the classroom? How long will it take to get there? It's so noisy here, I want to sleep," said a person who was shouted up early in the morning and didn't get enough sleep, looking at the campus that was getting more and more confusing.

The unique deep blue eyes are half squinted to look at the light is wide open morning sun Miyazaki licked the dry lips, feel a little thirsty, the knot in the throat because of lack of water and rolling, looked around, there is no vending machine or something, and indeed the effort does not fail to see three vending machines in the shade of the opposite side, and then satisfied to go over

Because of the selection can only bend down to look at the vending machine inside the things, casually ordered the third row of strawberry milkshake

"Bang" dropped

Icy cold just right for today's climate to drink

"Gulp, gulp" half a quarter of an hour's work, palm-sized milkshake by Miyazaki drank only the empty box left

After drinking it, he threw the empty box into the trash can next to him.


Turn around and continue on the journey to find the classroom ...