
Kissing the Main protagonist Waifu.

This novel will have R+18 scenes after the basic intro chapter, but they will come, so don't worry and enjoy my novel. He was a reincarnated being who took on the form of the main antagonist from a manga he had read, but he passed away before he could finish it. Even though it would happen at the end of the novel, the supreme villain, who started as the protagonist in a small world and reached the tip due to his hidden family line, would not only have the girl he loved from the bottom of his heart taken away but also be killed in the action. Lin Feng and [Stealing Heaven Waifu] System set out on their journey to the top of the world after Lin Feng saved the main protagonist, Waifu, and devoured them before the main character could. The young reincarnate was thus doomed to death upon learning of his fate, but a system gave life to his dead eyes as he began to enjoy life in this world... That is, if the system did not insist on sending him to the death door with each quest... "What the hell, why do I have to save that brat by putting myself in danger of being attacked by Boulder Rhino?" [Host will be given full treatment along with 20 fate point, please consider it.] "Why in hell did I enter the world of the tempest? That ought to be the fate of the main character." [Host will be given full treatment along with fiery Sun Cauldron hidden along with Solar-Lunar heavenly physics from system.]

LineofAshes_Devils · ファンタジー
50 Chs


After dispatching the two Grade 2 peak monsters, Lin Feng understood that he had more than enough power to easily defeat them and that his next move should be to dispatch another Grade 2 peak or Grade 3 monster.

As a result, he killed more than eight to nine of these similar monsters while he was walking.

Despite the fact that they lacked the previous two monsters' stealth abilities, they at most dropped 2 Grade 2 jade.

Each piece of Grade 1 jade is worth one point, followed by Grade 2 jade, which is worth ten points, and Grade 3 jade, which is worth one hundred points.

Because Grade 3 opponents are more powerful and suitable for tempering his cultivation realm, Lin Feng reasoned that killing them would be more effective than fighting Grade 2 opponents.

The likelihood of encountering people while exploring the area up ahead was very low, which may have been the cause of the absence of a human struggle for the target.

But he never imagined that he would run into a group of this round's survivors; at the time they were engaged in battle with a group of monsters, but it seemed like they were all surrounded.

All of them tensed up when they first saw Lin Feng because even though it was against the law for them to kill someone who had stolen jade from another party, it never prohibited them from stealing the enemy themselves.

They knew that in order to kill the monster, they would need to attack in quick succession because the likelihood that another party would attack when the monster was weak was very high.

"Brother, if you want to hunt, then please go somewhere else; this group of monsters is something we found with great hardship."

One of the survivors pointed at Lin Feng and yelled, but Lin Feng simply shook his head because he could feel numerous invisible enemies encroaching on them.

He chose to simply get up and walk while warning them.

"It's alright, you can have them, but there are some hidden too; recall how the Northern Ice Ape has special variants within it." Lin Feng words rang causing all of them to tense, as they recall the invisible kind and started to feel restless.

Since they can't even hear their own footsteps or leave a trace when they walk on ice, the invisible kind is particularly difficult to deal with in a situation like this.

"Senior brother, you must be Lin Feng from the Lin family, right, and I am also a student at a small school that is protected by the Lin family. I hope you can help us out."

Lin Feng looked at them with surprise before nodding as the group of two men and a woman among them turned to face him.

"Hey, are you fucking kidding with me? He just said that, and there is no proof that they are here; he must be bluffing to us all."

The three of them did not respond when the group's leader yelled at them because they were more aware of Lin Feng's superior strength and realized that Lin Feng did not need to steal their prey in order to survive.

Given that three invisible beings were at that very moment charging toward them and Lin Feng could only form a hazy impression of their movement, he leaped down toward their group and charged.

His body accelerated forward with a sharp turn of speed, and his drawn sword unleashed a piercing blow at one of their backs.

"You guys jump over there; I will deal with the rest." When Lin Feng took his sword out of its sheath, he yelled at the group, who immediately obeyed his instructions and watched as he slashed it into the air.

However, as he did so, a vague figure appeared, which was thrown with the momentum and crushed the enemy below with its weight.

The other team began to flee in terror as the invisible type suddenly appeared, but they were unaware that there were only three of these creatures, of which one was already dead and the other two were hunting down the person who had killed another member of their kind.

Because of that singularity, the other party members did not really pose a threat to the person who was of the superior kind among them.

The monster turned to face Lin feng who was standing there, and because of how quickly he had appeared behind them, they had assumed that Lin feng's speed was already his most potent attribute.

However, they were mistaken because it was just a pure burst of speed and no other technique had been used to increase it.

This is where Yang Heart was crucial, as it was recharging the energy in Lin Feng's body stamina, which is equivalent to an infinite state; as long as he can consume food, he can continue to produce energy in copious amounts.

While using that as his advantage, Lin Feng drew the basic stance of basic sword art and released Yang Qi inside his blade, which absorbed the Qi and started to shine with dazzling brilliance.

"Given that the hot current rising from the sword is a sign of a perfect stage attack, that is the 7-Slash of Ember in the perfect stage right."

The three people in the group who had climbed the tree were able to determine that the energy gathered by Lin Feng's sword is unquestionably the 7-slash of Ember in its stage of perfection because of how brilliant it was at the time.

When one can concentrate Qi on a sword like that, it indicates they have mastered a high-grade technique to the point of perfection because, when given normally, Qi does not stay collected at anything and disperses after being attacked in this manner.

In the meantime...

Many elders from the Lin family who were sitting in the audience rose from their seats as their disciple displayed one of their family's best-perfected martial arts at this precise moment.

They had their chance to shine in front of such a large audience, and Lin Feng's mother Lin Xia did too, as she observed the scene with a proud expression and a hint of a smile.

The number of people watching Lin Feng's fight increased at that time, drawing more attention to it.

At the same time, Lin Feng's sword, which was dazzling with bright light, suddenly accelerated, and his stab slashed several times against the approaching branch, poking a hole inside it as it continued to pierce and dig out a hole inside the demon monkey.

The sword's Qi momentum slammed the enemy who was approaching his partner from behind, vaporizing all of the demon monkey's blood in the process.

"Gahh!!!" The demon monkey stumbled after being attacked by the intense heat in that way, but he still used his hand to slap Lin Feng in the face.

The fact that Lin Feng was a human with a limited understanding of physics meant that even a single blow to the face would result in a broken bone.

Although, all of it would only matter if it would connect to the other party.
