

Fantasy Romance
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  • 98 Chs
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Read ‘KISS ME NOT MY PRINCESS’ Online for Free, written by the author AuthorShizuka, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering R18 Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Light Novel, MYSTERY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The playboy lion king's lust, and a naive rabbit's innocence, strange but worthwhile to enjoy.Not an ordinary fairytale ...


The playboy lion king's lust, and a naive rabbit's innocence, strange but worthwhile to enjoy. Not an ordinary fairytale to experience puppy romance but a sinister's tale of lustful journey with dominance and terror. "If you ever think about running away after stealing something precious from me, I would love to hunt you my dear bunny" I can feel his threatening, but who wouldn't think about running away when they're the prey to a dangerous predator, "what do you want from me?" "Why don't you guide me the way to your heart?" He is cheeky once again. It's cringe! "I don't believe you." "All I want is you landing in my lap not you believing me or devoting to me" he pulled me straight into his lap, "I'm on my knees just to make you mine, I don't mind making your legs weak with my uncontrollable love." "Isn't it against the nature? Aren't we supposed to be a prey and predator?" I can't help but get surprised. "Shhh, don't make me repeat my words again and again, just obey me my dear bunny, I can be a predator for you to hunt you down on my bed naked" I can sense his hand smacked my asscheek, it's quite embarrassing yet enjoyable. "I know you want me too" his teasing increased when his hand made way to reach its destination right above my thighs "don't pretend that you don't want it, I know you're not as innocent as you appear." What he is upto? How can I stop my lustful awakening when he is around me? How can I pretend that I don't need him, when my legs turn weak while craving for him? Note : Mature theme, abusive content, strictly 18+, scary and horrific scenes, read at your own risk.

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Orthodox Traditions: Okaku and the Nine Provinces

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En el místico mundo de Elysium Etheris, los cielos son morada de maravillas mágicas y secretos divinos. Forjado por el aliento creativo de Zephyros, el dios supremo, Elysium Etheris es un reino de esplendor etéreo donde la magia impregna cada rincón del paisaje celestial. Las islas flotantes, envueltas en nubes de tonalidades eternamente doradas, conforman el escenario majestuoso del universo. Ciudades suspendidas en el aire, construidas con cristales resplandecientes, albergan a criaturas místicas y a los habitantes que han aprendido a convivir con la magia que fluye en cada brizna de viento. En este reino, la magia se manifiesta en formas sorprendentes. Hechiceros maestros manipulan las corrientes de éter para esculpir ilusiones asombrosas, mientras que los guardianes de los templos antiguos despiertan el poder de los orbes astrales para mantener el equilibrio entre la luz y la oscuridad. Elysium Etheris también es hogar de seres celestiales, desde grifos resplandecientes que surcan los cielos hasta elfos etéreos que danzan en los bosques de nubes. En el corazón del reino, el Templo de Zephyros se alza como una manifestación de la divinidad, un lugar donde los mortales buscan la guía y las bendiciones del creador del universo. Sin embargo, el equilibrio en Elysium Etheris está en peligro. Las sombras amenazan con oscurecer la luz divina, y criaturas de la oscuridad se alzan desde los abismos etéreos. En este escenario de magia y maravilla, héroes se levantarán para preservar la armonía, desentrañar los secretos de los cielos y enfrentar desafíos cósmicos que pondrán a prueba su valentía y sabiduría. Elysium Etheris es un mundo donde la magia y la realidad se entrelazan, un reino donde la búsqueda de la verdad lleva a descubrimientos que trascienden los límites de la comprensión mortal. En este escenario místico, la epopeya de héroes se despliega mientras luchan por salvaguardar la esencia misma de su hogar celestial.

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well well well..... if one word to use then it will be MARVELLOUS.... You nailed it ☺️ love you 😘 [img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend]


All the best shizu for the book..❣️❤️❤️ That was really amazing update.. Please update more.. waiting for your NEXT update ❤️❤️❤️ Keep up your good work 🤗❣️


the author's spirit is interesting, I like it and I support this novel, I hope it gets more readers....the best thing is I really like it.....


A dark tale so well described, so unpredictable, so well written with well thought out characters that keep the readers wanting more and more and more. An addictive read, a must read.


This novel has the stereotypical Cold CEO and innocent girl plot but I was very impressed by the author's take on the plot. The plot was interesting and very unique. However, there were quite a few errors in grammar, capitalization and punctuations. The author continuously switched from the present tense to the past tense and vice versa and the writing style lacked consistency. Also, most of the sentences started with common letters and didn't even have any end marks. All of these errors, affected the comprehensibility of the novel. Overall, the novel has potential but the errors truly plagued the chapters. The synopsis was also extremely long lol, it was almost as long as the chapters. I couldn't read all of it so for me it's length was a big turn off. This was my honest review, I hope you can only improve as you continue to write. [img=recommend]


The start/prologue was pretty spectacular to be honest. Made me relate quite a bit which was a plus point ^.^~ The character development done by the Author is awesome and the ML made me get attracted even more for some reason, I guess its charisma >.< Great job Author~ [img=recommend][img=update]


First of all, the starting chapters is definitely decent. But I read some things that could be misleading but sure that could be fixed in no time. Keep up the good work. I gladly give you a 5 to motivate you.


A very compelling and well written story. Every detail makes this beautifully told story very much more interesting. It pulls the readers in for a wonderful ride. From the plot itself to the amazingly crafted characters, it’s hard to put down. A must read.


In a sense I understand why this novel garners a lot of attention from the fans. The CEO is the usual fantasy of teenage girl (I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS A TEENAGER ONCE!!!) LOL. It makes young women, or most adults relive their romantic fantasy. A ruthless CEO and an angelic female. If you want to relive your teenage fantasy, then this is one of the books that will make you feel that. KUDDOS to the author.


This story had me seating at the eager of my seat. My eyes were glued to my screen as I read through each chapter, The s anticipation kept me reading. A marvelous story, I recommend it to anyone looking for a little adventure.


The book is amazing most especially the synopsis. The writer did a good work working on that. Well, read your book and I'll admit it is great. Keep up the good work


This novel looks like those professional dark romances books that you find in bookstores. It is definitely well done (ignoring the few grammatical mistakes). Great storytelling author!


Amazing book 💯👏, as it's well written not too fast and not slow. On top of that, the author is great for picking words as she/he described everything. Keep up the good work, author! This is an excellent book!


Ugh .. this boy... Can't he make everything easy and good... Listen to your heart boy or else you are gonna have a heartbreak in future.. ... nice update shizu ..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗🤗


Please update more shizu please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


loving your book a lot sis . .... .. .. keep it up sis. .Your book is so I interesting and nice. 💖💖💖😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😊😊😊😊😊


I must say, I was very surprised with the writing style in the prologue cause I thought the story was gonna be written like that throughout the chapters. Overall though, this is quite an interesting story. I do however feel bad for what Abigail has to go through and I hope she'll stay strong till the end and that Aaron will end up being a good person later 😂


loving it sisso. .. .....keep it up and you are doing so well. I know you will win and I am always here to support you . .. lots of love to you 🥰🥰🥰😘😘💕💕💕💕💕


awesome sisso. ... .. keep it up . I love your books a lot sis ❤️❤️🥰❤️😊 .. ... 💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞😊😊😻😻😻😻❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️


keep it up 🙂[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]


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