
Kiss From Death

Death itself was a God. A dark God believed to be responsible for all misfortunes, seeks vengeance from its counterpart, the famous Goddess herself, Life. A single but forbidden kiss thousands of years ago between both Gods, the price of that kiss was paid by their favorite creation; mankind. Sea monsters, the dark hole, and other abominations crawled out from their sleep to eat and destroy whatever Life and Death created. While Life remained seated on her high throne obsessing over the attention she was getting from her creation, Death walked the earth fighting monsters, answering the prayers never dedicated to him in secret, and growing his powers to destroy Life and restore what was stolen from him. What he didn't expect was to be attached to a human who aroused his interest and had the same face as his nemesis.

Peridot_writes · ファンタジー
140 Chs

My Love

Ha-Yun suddenly felt sick and couldn't breathe as he waited for her to make another sound of pain.

What in the world is he doing…?

She held on to her chest trying her best not to make any sound that she is in pain or else…

It was challenging as well as frightening and he was seriously daring her.

She opened her mouth to talk him out of this madness. Instead, "Please…Ah!" A sharp pain that traveled down her spine betrayed her, and they all watched in horror as Life tore out her entire left arm from her shoulder. She threw her head back to scream in unmeasurable pain as blood gushed out from the limbless region. Her cries of pain never ceased as she experienced a different level of pain.

Ha-Yun shook as she covered her mouth crying. Instead, he remained emotionless, holding her still and refusing to let go, no matter how she tried to free himself. One thing she noticed was that since he began this madness, his eyes never left hers even if it was for half a second.

She could see that he thirst to do more terrible things to her evil twin but just waiting for the right moment to make a move.

"Han-Wool! Let her go this--" Lucifer became an ice block without sparing her a glance. His eyes refusing to unpin themselves from her body. Staring and waiting.

I could endure all the terrible things in the world and all hell heaven has prepared for me to go through…but one thing that didn't…Hot tears trickled down his face as he watched the only thing that was fighting every single demon and throwing every single thing that was given to him since birth for sit on the floor and wallow in pain. He held his enemy closer determined to finish this off once and for all.

She dies…she also has to die as well.

His heart softened as he watched her stare at him in fear. The pain and suffering he never wanted her to go through was what she made him wickedly watch her go through after keeping everything a secret from him.

He had no idea or clue she knew and was ready too…

He clenched his jaw tight as he was just angry her. She couldn't be hated.

"You…" He spoke to her for the first time since this madness took off. "...dare side with them and not me. You lied to me again. I thought you wanted me by your side forever? Was that just a lie too?"

He is hurt. It was so evident in his voice and with the way, his body shook as he placed his hands on her evil twin's chest who was still sobbing hysterically from the trauma of having your limbs being ripped apart.

Ha-Yun's heart stopped when he pushed through the skin of her chest, breaking the ribs that shielded her organs, reaching out for the heart and pulling it out from like it was nothing.

Ha-Mi Ra groaned out like an animal in pain. Her heart rested on his palms as golden blood seeped through his fingers staining the ground. He crushed it he was popping a balloon. Clawdeen looked away as blood splattered on their faces. Ha-Yun's heart stopped to when her evil twin was released from his hold and fell to the ground with a disgruntled look on her face.

Her eyes blinked to show that she was still alive even without a heart and her lips were wide apart releasing her soundless cries at the shock.

He knelt on one knee beside the heartless goddess and whispered. "This is just the beginning of a hell much worse than this. Your heart would grow back only for me to rip it out from you again, and I won't stop until becomes the end of you if she ends up dying because of you." He threatened with venom before rising to his feet. Nobody could catch the trail of tear from her right eye over her nose and to the other side of her face as the pain of surviving without a heart was nothing she wished for the worst kind of person.

Ha-Yun reached out to hold him from where he stood glaring at her evil twin when her body couldn't take it anymore causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head as she fell back completely.

He was by her side in the blink of an eye gathering her body to his lap as he finally got to hold her close. He held her life he has never done before. Like she would miraculously stop dying if he never let her go. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and cried.

Ha-Yun opened her eyes and wrapped an arm around his neck as he sobbed so hard that she feared leaving him. But alas, the angel of death was back again grinning.

She touched his hair and felt it for the first time. She stroked it telling him that it was alright.

"I had to side with them with your interest in mind. I didn't know I was blessed with a very short life, I wouldn't have asked so much of you to stay by my side forever."

Death stared at her as they held hands. His hands bloody, and he made sure he held her cold hands tight.

She closed her eyes again. It was obvious that she was pushing it a bit hard to talk to him.

He suddenly felt so useless and hated himself for not being more observant and careful. Suddenly, being a God wasn't that special anymore if you can't even help your dying loved ones.

"You're crying too much. It's making this so hard for me." She fell silent before speaking up again. "I am going to play a game with you. I will count from one to ten, and you must stop crying at the count of ten. If you don't stop…I will wake up from my grave and come hunt you for the rest of eternity."

She waited to hear a response from him but got nothing but painful sobs as he broke down like a weak wall on his knees by her side.

"One." She began counting anyway and heard him telling her not too.

"Two," It came out so weak.


Life parted his mouth as he stared down at her in disbelief.

"I am…very tired." She said randomly not opening her eyes. "Four." She continued.

He felt her hand under him tense a bit.

"It's so scary…here. Why can't I don't see a thing? Is death supposed to be like this?"

Death released his hold on her hand to hold her again. Tighter than before.


She opened her eyes to stare at him with pure fear and said, "I really can't see anything. I am so scared. I am so scared…" She cried out to him causing him to cup her face with his free hand as one held her close to him. He placed his head on her forehead as she closed her eyes again and said, "Six."

"You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened in my life. I am grateful that you walked in to my life and showed me what it felt like to love and be loved to cherish and be cherished. I will come back to you if stop crying after ten."

He closed his eyes so tight not wanting to hear or see the signs that she is indeed dying in his arms. With everything he did and promised himself, life had its way and made him look like a big joke. But her words of coming back to him even if it sounded so hopeful and unbelievable…

"You will come back to me, is that what you mean?"

"Seven…" She answered still counting.

"Don't even bother because I will do everything in my power to bring you back. I don't care what I have to go through. You can't just die like this when it is so unfair. I won't just let you go, I promise. I will find a way…there would be a way…where it could just be me and you without enduring so much hell. You are the first my heart truly picked, and you are the only one it ever loved and still holding on to. For heaven's sake, I have fallen in love with you. Don't do this to me by dying, please…"

The sudden coldness of her cheeks alerted him, and it made his heart raced a thousand beats. He pulled away when he noticed she'd stopped counting and has been silent since.

He swallowed not ready to accept what was before him.

"Ha-Yun," he called expecting to see those set of beautiful eyes smile at him like they did so many times in the past.


She slept so deep that he couldn't wake her up again.

Ha-Yun, please…" He begged as she said nothing. He looked down holding back the tears, clenching his hands into tight balls of hard fist. His entire body shook, and he had this urge to scream or bring everything single thing down with him.

"My love…"

It's final. She is dead.

He brought her head on his chest and embraced her as her temperature fell like the dead and became heavier. He couldn't hear her pulse anymore, and she wasn't breathing.

"You were also the best thing that happened to me. My love and promises to you are eternal. It is a pity we didn't get to spend a lot of time together." He rested his head on hers after placing a long kiss on it.

My eternal sunshine and the brightest star in my universe. Wherever you've gone too, I will look for you and bring you back to me.