
Oriental plow


uffman Manor is located on the north bank of the Ruhr River, southeast of Bochum, a small town within the borders of the Marke country. This place is a hill, and the plain occupies only a small part.

上 The ancestors of the Huffman family were once one of the court guards of the Mark Bo State, but they were not the one that received much attention. Therefore, when some knights were sealed off after this war, they were assigned to this hilly area.

Theoretically, Huffman Estate has 500 Eugrams (1000 acres). In reality, of the 1,000 acres, only 200 acres (1200 acres) by the Ruhr River are suitable for farming. The remaining 800 acres are mostly hilly. Moreover, the hills seemed very barren, and even a tree could not grow, only thin weeds could be grown.

This is mainly because the ancestors of the Huffman family at that time offended the palace ministers of Mark Bo State. Therefore, when allocating land, the palace secretly manipulated and sealed the Huffman family to this unlucky place. And those lucky ones, if the 1000 acres (6,000 acres) are all farmland, then this knight family is very rich. Even if the European agricultural level is scum, 6000 acres of land are placed there. If it was in the Eastern Ming Dynasty, who had 6000 acres of land, it would definitely be a landlord. The landlord Liu Wencai has no more than 10,000 acres in his family.

But in the Middle Ages of Europe, 6000 mu of land was really nothing. Generally speaking, French knights are basically 1,500 acres. Therefore, the French knights are rich and well equipped. During the British-French war, the French king easily summoned 20,000 or 30,000 knights. In the UK, there are only a few thousand knights. The rest had to use longbow soldiers.

As for the Holy Roman Empire, the Imperial Knights, the family of knights who died for the Emperor, are also generally 1,500 acres of enclosed area. And the knights belonging to the following Principalities and Bosnia and Herzegovina belong to smaller areas. After all, the Principality and Principality are limited in area, and there are not as many territories as the French and the Emperor can be sealed. Therefore, the Cavaliers in Macbeau are generally only 1,000 acres, and they are not all arable land. Generally, more than half of the 1,000 acres of land that can be closed are cultivated land, which is not bad. As unlucky as the Huffman family, only a small part of it is cultivated land, so life is tight.

Huffman and his wife both had their brains broken in order to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Now that I have heard that cattle can be used to replace horses, the old Huffman and Mrs. Mary are very happy.

证明 In order to prove Marin's assertion, Mrs. Mary immediately sent Adler to Bochum to buy 5 strong bulls and a barrel of spirits. After returning, everyone put down five bulls with spirits according to Marin's method. Then, tied five cows with a rope.

After the encounter, a professional, Marin, appeared in the middle of the bull's nose with a copper ring to penetrate the hole. Marin then washed the perforated wound with spirits to avoid infection.

At the beginning, of course, the 5 bulls did not adapt, but the copper rings were put on their noses, and they did not dare to move. A few days later, several bulls finally confessed their fate and stopped fighting recklessly.

Then, the old Huffman quickly asked the serfs to take 5 cows to the 600 acres of fallow land and tried to cultivate the land with cattle ...

"What? Five cows raise the bar ..."

Marin watched five cows in the field pulling a heavy plow together, some Sparta ...

"Saxony has plowed his hoe, haven't you seen it?" Adler looked at Marin with contempt. Rarely, Adler has found an opportunity to crush Marin in terms of IQ.

"Five cows pulling a plow, it is too wasteful of cattle ..."

"This is also impossible. Saxon's heavy ploughing is relatively deep and good for the crops. With a Germanic light plough, a horse or a cow can be pulled. Unfortunately, the tillage is too shallow and not good for the crops." Mrs. Mary explained from the side.

所以 The reason why Huffman Manor has up to 25 horses is that I use a 5 horse parallel Saxon heavy plow. The deep ploughing of Saxony can make rye production high.

"I'm really a pig. Why didn't I think Qu Quli!" Marin patted his head. So many traversing novels, Qu Xili is a must-have artifact!

"what happened?"

"I suddenly thought of a kind of oriental plough that my teacher taught me, which is more efficient and labor-saving than the Saxon heavy plough!" Marin flickered.

有 "Is there such a good thing?" The old Huffman and Mrs. Mary were full of light. Only Adler, who has not been exposed to the management of the estate, is not very sensitive to agricultural issues.

"Just wait and see!"

Then, Marin approached the serfs at Huffman Manor who knew iron and woodworking, and started tinkering ...

The next day, Qu Xili with wooden body and iron head appeared gorgeously. The Huffmans came to Tiantou again to watch the effect of "Oriental God Plow".

马 Under Marin's guidance, a serf put Qu Qu plow on the shoulder of a cow, and pulled a rope attached to the bull's nose ring, held Qu Qu plow in one hand, and began a farming test ...

After half a day, the serf gradually mastered the use of Qu Yili. Then he excitedly shouted at the old Huffman:

"Lord Lord, this is amazing! A plough pulled by a cow is as effective as a 5 horse-drawn Saxon heavy plow!"

真的 "Really?" Old Huffman couldn't believe it. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com But after he got off the ground, he picked up the land that Qu Qu plough had just plowed, and measured the depth with his hands. Sure enough, it was close to the depth of Saxon's heavy plow, and the effect was very good.

"It's amazing. In this way, wouldn't it mean that I can easily cultivate 50 Eugrams (600 acres) in half a month with 10 cows?"

(Note: An cow cultivates an average of 45 acres of land per day.)

"This is the theory, Dad!"

"Did Mara have to move this plough?"

"Try it!" Marin said lightly.

Then, the serf put the **** on the horse's shoulder and started the experiment again. It turns out that a horse can pull this "Oriental God Plough".

After the successful test, the old Huffman decisively sold 15 horses for farmland and returned 15 cows. Then, a number of "Oriental God Ploughs" were created in the manor for spring plowing in the coming year.

Even Qu Quli and the bull's nose ring were regarded as strategic secrets and temporarily prevented from being passed on by the Huffman family. The Huffman Manor is basically surrounded by hills, or it is the Ruhr River to the south, and there are few people. Therefore, the old Huffman decided to close the door and enjoy the benefits alone.

As for the emperor or the count? The old Huffman thought about it and gave up. Because, in Europe, it is very difficult to obtain a fiefdom other than the merit of war and the favor of the emperor. Give up this technology, reward a few dollars at most, it is impossible to reward the title and affordable fiefdom. Without giving the title and the fiefdom, a little money reward, the old Huffman didn't care much. Therefore, he simply enjoyed the benefits of Qu Yanli and the bull nose ring, and gave his family some good luck ...