
King of Eternal Night

The world of Eternal Night was originally the world of the dark race. The four major races of vampires, werewolves, spider demons, and demons controlled the world. The human race became the slaves and flesh of the dark race, living a dark and miserable life. One thousand and two hundred years ago, the human race emerged from despair and successfully established the Qin Empire to compete with the four dark races. For thousands of years, the strong men of the human race have worked hard to create a balance between the human race and the dark race. The human race who practices the dawn force corresponds to the dark race who practices the dark force. On the continent at the bottom of the Evernight World, Qianye rose from hardship and fell from betrayal. Since then, one person and one gun have walked between eternal night and dawn, but a legend has emerged. If eternal night is destined to be his destiny, then he will also become the master king.

DaoistVCkSbV · SF
70 Chs

Chapter 37 Wolf's Lair Assault

Qianye was shocked, but at this moment his heart was no longer beating. The turtle breath technique in the military is used to lurk in extreme environments, and can also be used to feign death in times of crisis. Once activated, the secret technique will completely lose any ability to move and protect itself within half an hour after the secret technique is activated.The moment Qianye saw the man in black robes, he knew he was completely invincible, so he decisively activated the secret technique based on his years of fighting instinct. Sure enough, that man almost destroyed his firm will that was tempered by mountains of swords and seas of blood with just one thought of searching. Such power was comparable to the legendary Lord of Darkness!Unexpectedly, just after escaping a disaster, the black blood in his body suddenly started to move at this moment, but Qianye was powerless.He was conscious now, but he seemed to be completely separated from his body. He watched with cold eyes as the black blood boiled and rolled like water in a boiling pot.Qianye suddenly discovered that the churning blood energy was not just a single stream. In the billowing black flow, there were actually countless hair-like blood energy chasing, entangled, and fiercely fighting each other!The blood energy of the main color, dark red and near ink, was clearly dominant in quantity. The light gold and purple blood energy mixed in were eye-catching but few in number. However, after a moment, the battle situation turned upside down. The dark red blood energy was continuously crushed and gradually weakened, until only a few were left. However, the light gold blood energy showed no change, but the strange purple blood energy expanded by a full circle after strangling several dark red blood energy.The blood boiling stopped just as suddenly as it started. When Qianye came to his senses, everything was over. His hands and feet could already move, and his whole body was covered in sweat. From his underwear to his hair, everything was soaked, as if he had been soaked in a pool.The black blood in his veins had faded, and several lines of blood were slowly swimming inside without causing any ripples. The force surged out from the three nodes, covering all the limbs and bones again.Qianye slowly regained his body's mobility inch by inch, checking whether there were any hidden dangers left behind by the military's secret techniques and the blood boil. Everything seemed to be normal for the time being. At the same time, he began to think about what he had just experienced.The power of the man in black robe can be described as as deep as a prison, but such a powerful man is enough to affect the situation of the entire continent. How could he suddenly appear around the small Dark Blood City and stay for a while? There must be something nearby that attracted this dark race big shot. But no matter what the reason was, it was not a war he was qualified to participate in.As for the black blood in the body, it is still uncontrollable. Qianye poured a force bomb into the air and re-infused it. Another ray of blood was injected with the force, marking the physical bomb with Qianye's exclusive mark.Qianye stared at the transparent bullet for a while, then threw the small thing back into the bullet box. The recent changes in the black blood have made Qianye a little numb, so he decided to just ignore it as long as it didn't hinder his fighting!At this moment, the wasteland had become extremely dangerous. After fully recovering, Qianye was even more careful. He no longer dared to use extreme running at will. He advanced cautiously and barely arrived at the scheduled assembly point before the deadline.Yu Yingnan, Yang Tian and others all arrived and were waiting for Qianye.Seeing Qianye, Li Lunzhe snorted heavily and sneered: "You can run for three days on such a small distance. You are really fast!"Qianye frowned and his face immediately darkened.But before Qianye could get angry, Yu Yingnan's cold voice sounded: "Qianye arrived at the appointed time. Is there any problem with this?"Li Lunzhe choked, then showed an angry and aggrieved expression, and said angrily: "Sister! What do you mean? We have already arrived, and everyone has been waiting here for him for most of the day! The so-called time limit is just the bottom line, there are no surprises It's an unwritten rule among hunters to arrive as early as possible. Is he wrong? Sister, are you attracted to this pretty boy? "With a crash, no one expected that Yu Yingnan suddenly pulled out his pistol and put it directly on Li Lunzhe's forehead!Yu Yingnan said word by word: "Who I fall in love with, that's my business! It's none of your business!"Everyone was stunned for a moment, not expecting her reaction to be so intense, and her expression was not joking at all.Seeing that something was wrong, Yang Tian immediately reached out and pushed Yu Yingnan's gun barrel aside, and persuaded: "Yingnan! We are all teammates now, there is no need for this."Then Yang Tian said to Li Lunzhe: "Qianye is also our teammate now. He has just become a hunter. He must not be very clear about many rules. There is no need to be so detailed. In addition, be careful what you say."Yang Tian was a veteran hunter and had always been well-connected and prestigious. Now that he was here to smooth things over, Li Lunzhe stopped saying anything. He raised his hands and took two steps back, indicating that he would give in this time. But looking at his unruly eyes and the resentful smile on his face, you knew that this matter was far from over.Yu Yingnan snorted, ignored Li Lunzhe, and walked forward first, followed by Yang Tian and Tashi.Li Zhelun deliberately stayed one step behind, waited for Qianye to come up, and whispered: "Boy, this matter is not over yet. You'd better be careful when you go out of the city in the future, don't let me run into you!"Qianye glanced at him and said calmly: "Are you so anxious to die?"Li Lunzhe stopped suddenly, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said angrily: "Death? Just you? A one-star hunter?""Idiot." Qianye left a comment, ignored Li Lunzhe, and followed Yu Yingnan.Yu Yingnan was lying on the edge of the cliff, looking into the valley, while Yang Tian had already sneaked into the valley.There is a cave at the bottom of the valley. Several gray wolves are lying at the entrance of the cave, as if they are on guard or taking a nap.Yang Tian was indeed an expert in dealing with werewolves. He had already sneaked closer to less than thirty meters away from the cave, but the gray wolves still showed no reaction at all.Yang Tian suddenly stood up, threw several grenades into the cave, and then pulled out his pistol and fired continuously. Amidst the roar of gunfire, the few gray wolves guarding the area couldn't even stand up. They were all shot in the head and fell down whimpering.What Yang Tian threw into the cave was a smoke bomb mixed with Force potion, and in the blink of an eye, light yellow smoke spewed out from the entrance of the cave."Come on!" Yu Yingnan shouted and jumped directly from the cliff. This is a hundred-meter high cliff !She fell halfway, threw a chain with her backhand, nailed it into the cliff, then used her strength to swing, and landed at the bottom of the valley. When Yu Yingnan's feet touched the ground, he even made subtle buffering movements, and strode straight into the cave, firing as he ran, and shot down a werewolf that suddenly appeared during the march.Li Lunzhe also jumped directly, and then, like Yu Yingnan, nailed chains into the cliff to ease his fall. However, he couldn't solve the problem with a chain like Yu Yingnan, and he only went down to the valley three times in a row.However, Li Lunzhe was just halfway down when he suddenly saw a figure floating lightly over his head and falling straight to the bottom of the valley. That was Qianye, actually one step faster than him!Li Lunzhe was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look up at the cliff, but found no other climbing tools. How did Qianye get down? He didn't use any tools!Qianye had already rushed to the cave following Yu Yingnan's figure. Li Lunzhe finally came to his senses and followed quickly.Only Tashi was last. He had to pull the pulley rope into the valley. By the time he landed, the others had already rushed into the wolf den. He did not follow, but began to arrange various booby traps in the valley.Qianye followed Yu Yingnan and rushed into the wolf lair. After passing through the winding corridor, a five-minute fork suddenly appeared in front of him.Several ferocious werewolves ran out of one of the cave entrances. Yu Yingnan took a step forward and directly blocked the passage. Then he pointed in the other direction and shouted : "Qianye! You rush there and find a way to find the totem." , I will try my best to help you contain the werewolf!"Yang Tian threw a grenade directly into the fork pointed by Yu Yingnan, which immediately exploded into a large cloud of light yellow smoke. Then he turned and rushed into a nearby cave.In the light yellow smoke, the werewolves whimpered in pain one after another, and many of the weaker ones even began to roll on the ground. There is an extremely pungent smell in the smoke, which is simply poisonous to werewolves with a keen sense of smell.Qianye rushed into the cave designated by Yu Yingnan and walked quickly. When he was out of their sight, his footwork suddenly changed and his speed doubled! In some corners with a slight slope but no sharp stone obstacles, Qianye even stepped onto the cave wall and ran without slowing down!When crossing a hole, two werewolves suddenly rushed out. But Qianye's sudden acceleration caused them all to miss. The werewolf was chasing after him, but the direct distance between him and Qianye was getting farther and farther.Both werewolves stared wide-eyed and watched Qianye go away in disbelief! They couldn't outrun Qianye in their own cave!Qianye ran faster and faster, moving as fast as the wind, but suddenly a giant wolf rushed out from the front. Its huge body almost took up most of the corridor. It lay on the ground on all fours, raised its head, and roared fiercely at Qianye.Qianye suddenly had a cruel look on his face, let out a low roar, and actually hit him!There was a muffled bang, and it was the giant wolf that was knocked away! It whimpered, and before it could even hit the ground, a fist grew bigger and bigger in its field of vision!With a clicking sound, the giant wolf's nose was completely smashed by Qianye.Qianye grabbed its two hind legs, swung it with his backhand and threw it at the werewolf that was chasing behind him. The two werewolves roared angrily, walked around the wolf corpse, and rushed towards Qianye from the left and right.But in such a delay, the 'assault hand' in Qianye's hand was already aimed at the werewolf on the left. There was a loud gunshot, and the force bomb with the added power of the heavy warhead blasted the werewolf away, leaving his chest a bloody mess.Then Qianye dropped the 'Assault Hand', grabbed the two claws of the other werewolf , and the two sides began to wrestle.The werewolf roared at Qianye, and suddenly opened its mouth and bit Qianye's throat!But its bite was only halfway through, and suddenly it turned into a scream in the sky!Qianye exerted force with both hands, and with the sound of bones breaking, the werewolf's claws were completely broken! The werewolves were at least twice the size of Qianye, and they were known for their strength, but in this wrestling match, they were defeated by Qianye head-on!Qianye stretched out his hands and grabbed the werewolf's upper and lower kisses like lightning. With another roar, he used his arms to tear off the lower kisses.The werewolf immediately fell into a near-death state, fell to the ground, and his limbs continued to twitch.The other werewolf struggled to stand up, seeing this scene with deep fear in his eyes. Qianye walked steadily towards the werewolf, when it suddenly whimpered, turned around and ran away!Qianye suddenly accelerated, stalking up like a shadow, pounced directly on the wolf's back, stretched his hands forward, hugged the wolf's head, and twisted it hard!With a click, the werewolf's neck bones were broken alive.

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