
King of Eternal Night

The world of Eternal Night was originally the world of the dark race. The four major races of vampires, werewolves, spider demons, and demons controlled the world. The human race became the slaves and flesh of the dark race, living a dark and miserable life. One thousand and two hundred years ago, the human race emerged from despair and successfully established the Qin Empire to compete with the four dark races. For thousands of years, the strong men of the human race have worked hard to create a balance between the human race and the dark race. The human race who practices the dawn force corresponds to the dark race who practices the dark force. On the continent at the bottom of the Evernight World, Qianye rose from hardship and fell from betrayal. Since then, one person and one gun have walked between eternal night and dawn, but a legend has emerged. If eternal night is destined to be his destiny, then he will also become the master king.

DaoistVCkSbV · SF
70 Chs

Chapter 10 No need to wait

In Qianye's sense, there was a strange space in his abdomen, with the force surging vaguely, as if a young butterfly wanted to break out of its cocoon. However, this space is wrapped by an invisible barrier. The barrier must be broken through to ignite this node and allow the force inside and outside the body to integrate here.The process of breaking down the barrier is different for various techniques. Most of them are relatively gentle, using a slow polishing method to make the barrier thinner and thinner, and finally the inside and outside are eliminated smoothly and seamlessly.Other techniques are more vigorous and forceful, guiding the internal and external tides to repeatedly hit the barrier. For example, this is the case with the Military Attack Technique. The impact of the force tide it drives is fierce and domineering, and its power is as strong as the first-rate techniques. But in the process of impacting the barrier, it will also damage the body's internal organs.Qianye has been able to quickly activate a complete force tide, and his goal today is to try to hit the node barrier.He carefully guided the surging force and rushed towards the abdominal node. Waves of force waves gradually corrected their position and impacted on the node barrier.The node barrier is like a high embankment, firmly blocking out the waves of the Force.Qianye gradually immersed himself in it, and even the strange aroma of 'Zhuyan Blood' disappeared from the world of senses. He seemed to be integrated with the waves of the Force, thrown up high, and violently bombarded the barrier like a real stormy wave crashing on the shore, and then shattered, turning into droplets of the Force like flying beads and jade.But the next wave will be higher and more powerful. With each round of impact, the force's counter-shock made Qianye's whole body tremble slightly.In the process of the force tide impacting the nodes in the body, the force resonating from the outside world is also constantly replenishing Qianye's consumption. In this way, his force power gradually increased.I don't know how many times such a boring cycle has passed. Suddenly, after the impact of a force tidal wave, the raging force did not completely subside. Instead, after a brief retreat, a new wave suddenly rose!Qianye was surprised and delighted, and quickly focused on guiding the wave towards the node barrier. When the waves crashed against the barrier, Qianye's ears buzzed with the sound of rumbling water, and his body shook violently involuntarily, almost bouncing off the spot.This is the first wave of the second wave of the Force. Adding the residual power of the first wave, the impact is already equivalent to the fourth or fifth wave of the first wave.This is a successful beginning. As Qianye accumulates more force power, a second round of force tide will be generated, then a third round, and a fourth round. The more force tides are continuously generated, the stronger the superposition of power will be, and the greater the impact on the force barrier.It is said that when the third force tide is generated, it is time to break open the abdominal nodes.When the clock rang, Qianye packed himself up as usual and quickly left the training room. He made breakthrough progress in his homework this time, and among the children who practiced together, there were also a dozen people with happy faces.But Qianye didn't feel much joy in his heart. His progress was quite fast and he could rank in the top third of the class. It's been half a year since the start of the Battle of Battle, and it is said that some children in other classes have already ignited the first force node.The children lined up in the open space of the valley as usual, and Chen Lei somehow stood next to Qianye.When everyone ran to the training ground under the leadership of the instructor. Chen Lei suddenly got closer to Qianye and lowered his voice, "I have begun to practice the third round of force tide. When I ignite the force node, please be careful!"Qianye looked straight ahead without squinting, as if he didn't hear anything.Next comes a fighting class and a biological structure class.In the fighting class, Qianye's opponent was an ordinary child. There was no hatred or friendship between the two parties. The result of the fight is that each has a winner, and then comes the biological structure class.But this time the instructor was replaced by a bald, skinny old man with an unfamiliar face. He has cloudy gray eyes. Being swept away by his gaze, Qianye suddenly felt as if he was being looked at inside and out, and immediately shuddered.The old man's eyes originally glanced at Qianye, but now his eyelids twitched and he turned back to take another look at Qianye.There is an experimental table in front of each student, with a long strip covered with white cloth.The old man cleared his throat, his voice as rough and hoarse , "Little guys! From today on, I will turn you into real devils! As for my name, I don't think any of you will want to remember it. Live. But in the next six months, this name will accompany you for a long, long time. My name is Shen-Tu!"Then Shentu talked about his class records. It's very simple, complete the task within the specified time, and... don't vomit."Okay! Now, lift up the white cloth in front of you, and then pick up this thing!" Shentu held up something similar to a thin hook.Qianye took a step forward and lifted the white cloth of the experimental table in front of him, and was suddenly shocked!Under the white cloth is a corpse, a cold corpse! But there was a familiar face. Qianye still remembered that this was a child who entered the training camp with Qianye!The corpse in front of him had obviously been carefully preserved. It had been nearly a year and it was still intact with no signs of decay.In the corner of the experimental table, there is a tray with dozens of tools of different shapes. The hook Shentu picked up was one of them.There was also a corpse on the high podium. Shentu inserted the hook into the corpse's chest, then pulled it up, and then used a sharp knife to cut a thin layer of the corpse's skin.Facing this face that he once knew, Qianye felt extremely complicated and couldn't do anything. Most of the children looked panicked and confused just like Qianye. A few children started to take action, and some even showed cruel smiles.One of the guards suddenly and loudly began counting down from ten.The children were all shocked. This was human body timekeeping that they were all too familiar with! You know whoever doesn't take action when the countdown is over will be punished. The punishment from Shentu might be more severe than Zhang Jing's!Including Qianye, all the children hurriedly grabbed the tools and began to dissect the corpse according to the method taught by Shentu.Qianye had just completed the prescribed steps when he suddenly heard a cry next to him. A girl suddenly burst into tears, then squatted on the ground and vomited desperately until the sky was dark.Shentu stopped what he was doing and looked at the little girl who was vomiting quietly. All the children in the classroom were watching, and there was a moment of silence.After the little girl had finished vomiting and cried, Shentu said very gently: "Take her down and clean her up."The two wolf-like guards carried the little girl away like a chicken, leaving her crying and struggling.The class continued, and the children studied Professor Shentu's knowledge in silence.Only the old man's rough voice echoed in the classroom.A week later, Shentu appeared in front of the children again. This is still an anatomy class, and the old man plans to use three classes to talk about the key points and weaknesses of human physiological structure.When Qianye opened the white cloth in front of him, he suddenly took a step back. On the table in front of him was the body of the little girl!Qianye immediately understood what Shentu meant by cleaning up. At this moment, he suddenly felt Shentu's eyes staring firmly at him.Qianye didn't raise his head or even shake his hands. He picked up the tweezers and thin blade knife and started to do the prescribed steps.Qianye didn't know how he passed this class. He didn't know how this day passed, but suddenly it was night and he was lying on the bed.There was a slight cry in the dormitory, and most of the children had fallen asleep, but Qianye couldn't fall asleep.The Huangquan training camp was indeed hell, and Qianye didn't know how long he could hold on. But he knew that if he could persist, something about him would gradually change sooner or later.It has been a long time since Qianye remembered the vague shadow at the beginning of his memory. He thought he would forget it, but now it comes to his mind. However, he has a premonition that some persistence will eventually be lost.The second face that appeared was Shi Yan's dull face but he tried his best to smile. Someone seemed to be saying "come back alive " in his ears. Qianye was in a daze for a moment. This voice was not Shi Yan, but that person.Qianye closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was extremely awake. Someone was waiting for him, and someone gave him a promise. Now he understood the meaning of the surname 'Lin'. And everything can only be realized after he gets out of this hell.In this hell, there is often only one opportunity. If you don't seize it, you will lose it. You can't wait here.Qianye suddenly jumped off the bed, landed silently, and then used the stealth skills learned in the martial arts course to touch Chen Lei's bedside. It didn't seem to alarm anyone.Chen Lei didn't sleep very well. There was uneasiness on his face, and he didn't know what he was dreaming about.Qianye slowly but firmly stretched out his hand to grab his throat.At this moment, a child on the bed next to him suddenly turned over, opened his eyes, and saw Qianye's movements.Qianye turned around and looked at him. The child suddenly shuddered, turned over his head in a hurry, and continued to sleep, pretending he didn't see anything.Qianye's left hand didn't hesitate anymore and came down like lightning, grabbing Chen Lei's throat and punching him in the side with all his strength!There was a sudden loud bang in the dormitory, and most of the children woke up immediately, and many even jumped out of bed instinctively.The banging sound continued.Chen Lei opened his eyes wide and protruded from the sockets. His face had swollen purple and black, and his tongue was completely sticking out of his mouth. He grabbed and scratched desperately, some of them failed, and some of them landed hard on Qianye's arms.But Qianye's hands were as if they were made of iron, motionless, as if he couldn't feel any pain at all. The right hand hit his abdomen and side with constant force.This scene is somewhat similar to the scene where Chen Lei ordered his companions to beat Qianye, but the two people behaved completely differently after being beaten. Chen Lei was obviously panicked and his counterattack was unorganized. He could only be regarded as struggling in panic.The strongest people in the class looked at Chen Lei's performance and secretly shook their heads, no longer taking this person to heart.However, their eyes looking at Qianye were filled with fear.Qianye kept beating Chen Lei, but his breathing hardly changed, and he didn't even have much expression, as if he was doing a trivial thing. The muffled sounds were like knocking on every child's heart.Chen Lei finally stopped moving, only his body was twitching instinctively.Qianye stopped, returned to his bed, pulled the quilt over his head as if nothing had happened, and continued to sleep.A moment later, Chen Lei suddenly jumped out of bed, stumbled to the window, and screamed miserably: "Instructor! Instructor! Someone wants to kill me, help!"